Some ornamental leafy plants outnumber many flowering plants in popularity at home. Royal begonia also has a special status in this group - elegant, bright, diverse in shape and color. This plant is a kind of queen mother who gave birth to her numerous offspring.
The article provides information about this amazing plant - royal begonias: care, reproduction, problems.

General information
Life is impossible to imagine without plants and flowers. They are an obligatory attribute in decorating any interior, and therefore in people's everyday life.
Unfortunately, bouquets are short-lived, and many regret cutting fresh flowers. In this case, houseplants in pots are saved. Besides the fact that they are beautiful and always fresh, many of them are beneficial - they clean the environment. In this regard, the magnificent royal begonia is also good. Its reproduction inat home and caring for her is not very difficult. True, practice shows that this plant is a little capricious.
History in Brief
Begonias are native to Southeast Asia. For the first time in Europe, she was seen at an auction in London in 1856. Three years later, three new flower varieties became known. Thus began the selection of this plant. Previously known types of begonias served as the material for this. To date, many new varieties have been bred, and work in this regard continues. Unfortunately, it is now almost impossible to find a species of begonia that grows in natural conditions.
The ancestor of Begonia rex of the royal family immediately attracted the attention of breeders and flower growers. Thanks to selection work over a century and a half, dozens of very different varieties have been bred, in connection with which a separate group was singled out among them - Royal Begonia.
Varieties of begonias
Begonias are beautiful and varied. All of them are unique and magnificent. Divided into five types:
- tuberous;
- shrub;
- everblooming;
- cane or stem;
- rhizome.
Royal begonia refers to rhizomatous species, which are divided into large rhizomatous, small and royal. A characteristic feature of this group of plants is the rhizome stem, and the attractive feature is the beautiful leaves.

Royal begonia - a houseplant with a colorful embossedfoliage. Today, this flower is, unfortunately, not a frequent guest in apartments. Most likely, the reason for this is either the relative capriciousness of the plant, or the fickleness of fashion.
The stem is shortened (height up to 30 cm), the leaves have reddish petioles. The lower part of the leaf plate has a red tint, and the upper part of most varieties is green with some shades. The plant is covered with white stiff hairs. All the leaves of the plant have one direction, therefore, in order to get a beautiful bush, you need to plant a couple of begonias in a pot, placing them "backs" to each other. The flowers of this plant are inconspicuous, small, often on a high stem. They are not as spectacular, so they are usually torn off. The chic shapes and colors of the leaves fascinate this plant.
Royal begonia perfectly decorates any room interior. Keeping it is not so difficult, especially since it is able to withstand a wide range of humidity and temperatures. She always looks chic, although she does not have beautiful flowers.

How to choose a plant?
When buying a begonia in a store, you should carefully examine the plant. It should be firm, not withered, without any spots of rot on the stems and leaves. The roots should not stick out of the holes in the pot. It is important that the store gives a description of the begonia, indicating the type and variety, as well as growing conditions.
To keep begonias in the house, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it. They should not be placed in places with drafts and bright sunlight, do notoften moved from place to place. Although the royal begonia is unpretentious, for its cultivation there are some important requirements dictated by the biological characteristics of this plant.
Indoor accommodation
In practice, three types of begonia content are used: a winter garden or an insulated balcony, a window sill, shelving. The best option is the first one.
On the balcony, begonia grows much faster than indoors under artificial lighting. But it's not just about the light. This plant loves a warm or hot day and a cool night (temperature difference is important to it). And the main thing for favorable growth is the absence of drafts and the presence of fresh air. In such conditions, it is as close as possible to natural, where its leaves become large and beautiful.
Where is it better to put the royal begonia in the apartment? If it is not possible to arrange a plant on a balcony, it should be allocated a place on a windowsill slightly shaded from the midday sun.
When placing begonias on a rack, it is important to take into account the correct direction of the light and the fact that in this case it needs to be watered less often.

Under natural conditions, begonias prefer shady places. They grow on rocks and crevices, on trees. Favorable for the plant and moist air.
When growing it, it should be taken into account that the soil under it should always be moist, but waterlogging should not be allowed so that the roots do not suffer. In this regard, good drainage must be created in the begonia pot. It is also unacceptable to get moisture on the leaves, which means that it is impossible to spray begonia. To maintain humidity, you can use a humidifier or place a tray of wet pebbles next to the plant. For begonias, it is advisable to occasionally take a shower to rinse the leaves of the plant well from dust.
If the royal begonia leaves dry and break, this indicates that there is not enough moisture for it. And in winter, dry leaves sometimes fall from the plant, which should be removed immediately. Watering in this case should be completely stopped, and the plant should be covered with polyethylene. Set the flower in this form in a cool place for about three months. After such a procedure, as a rule, young sprouts appear. Then the flower can be grown as usual.
Fluorescent lighting works well for begonias. Fertilizing with mineral mixtures should be done every half a month. Favorable temperature for a flower is 24 degrees. As the begonia grows, it can lose its decorative effect, so it should be renewed every two years.

Reproduction of begonias
Preferably for begonias, vegetative propagation is by dividing the rhizome (rhizome) or leaf cuttings.
You can also propagate begonias with leaves. To do this, in the spring, cut off a leaf with a small petiole and deepen it into moist soil (a mixture of perlite and peat). Then cover the pot with the plant with polyethylene and put it in a warm place in the shade, but with good humidity. The leaf will take root in 4 weeks, and after about the same time the leaves will grow. The first leaf will dry out and must be removed.

You can also plant begonias with seeds, but it is quite inconvenient to do this, since they are small.
How to root a royal begonia with a cutting? Cut cuttings should be rooted in water, although they take root well in moist soil with the presence of a root stimulator in it. To create a greenhouse effect, they are covered with a film.
Good soil for planting begonias, designed for uzambar violets. The pot will fit in the shape of a bowl (shallow and wide).
Pest and disease control
The most effective and simple way to prevent diseases is to keep begonias clean. If such a problem arose (pests started or the plant got sick), it must be sprayed with special means, however, not in a residential area.
After winter, usually for prevention, they are sprayed with the Agat preparation, which increases the decorative effect and resistance of the plant to various diseases. The most malicious pests of begonias are spider mites and thrips.
Signs and superstitions
Royal begonia, like other types of this plant, brings happiness to the owners of the house. This superstition comes from the past.
According to signs, this plant brings love and prosperity to the house. At the same time, as the ancestors claimed, with the help of begonias you can find out your future. For example, if a flower begins to wither, you should expect bad news. If the plant grows quickly, the family will be replenished (wedding or the birth of a child).

In conclusion
Many modern bioenergetics and psychics recommend growing this plant for people who often complain of loneliness and poor he alth. So positive energy emanates from begonia that filling the surrounding space, it has a positive effect on personal life. Everything is changing for the better.
In any case, everyone must decide for himself - to believe or not in all this. And the plant is really unusual and beautiful, and it rightfully deserves attention and respect. It should also be noted that experts suggest placing begonias with white flowers in the living room, and with red flowers in the bedroom.
Royal begonias reduce the amount of staph in the air by about 80 percent. They help to increase human immunity and reduce the risk of allergic reactions.