Decorative leafy begonia: description, photo, rules of care and reproduction

Decorative leafy begonia: description, photo, rules of care and reproduction
Decorative leafy begonia: description, photo, rules of care and reproduction

Decorative leafy begonia rightfully takes pride of place among houseplants. Its delicate beauty attracts the eye and fits into any interior. In addition, the plant is unpretentious, and it is not difficult to grow it at home. In this material, you will learn everything about decorative leafy begonia: photo and description, rules for care and reproduction, possible growing problems. So, in order.

varieties of begonias
varieties of begonias


Decorative leafy begonia belongs to the Begonia family, which has more than nine hundred varieties of plants. In its natural environment, this culture can be found in the tropical and subtropical regions of America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. As a rule, plants prefer shady areas of the forest and mountain crevices. Flower growers have been growing the culture as a houseplant since the 17th century. And she came to Russia 200 years ago.

Decorative leafy begonias are perennials. Their growthvaries from 20 to 40 cm. But some varieties reach a meter in height. Begonias are valued solely for their lush and beautiful foliage. Moreover, depending on the variety, the colors of the plates come in a variety of colors and shades: from emerald green to red and burgundy. In addition, patterns are often present on the leaves.

These plants are flowering. But their buds are not of decorative value, since the peduncles are small and inconspicuous. They are collected in loose panicles and are painted in white, pink or yellow.

The best varieties of decorative foliage begonias

Breeders have bred many varieties of plants. The following varieties deserve particular popularity:

Royal begonia. Hybrid with rounded or oval leaves up to 30 cm long and serrated edges. The color of the plates varies from pink to purple and violet. Tips are trimmed with silver, white or green

royal begonia
royal begonia

Metallic begonia. Variety with olive-green, ovate and pubescent leaves, the length of which reaches 10–15 cm. The edges of the plates are cut with teeth. The upper part of the leaves is glossy, as if covered with metallic dust

begonia metallica
begonia metallica

Tiger begonia. The plant has serrated, heart-shaped leaves up to 10 cm long. Green plates are covered with brown or dark gray spots resembling animal color

tiger begonia
tiger begonia

Mason's Begonia. A variety with oval and heart-shaped leaves up to 20 cm long. Their color is green with a silvery coating andbrown pattern reminiscent of M altese crosses. The height of the culture does not exceed 35 cm. It blooms with medium-sized buds of a light beige hue

mason's begonia
mason's begonia

Begonia Cleopatra. Variety with unusual leaves, shaped like maple leaves. The outer side of the plates is painted green or olive, and the bottom is bright red and even burgundy. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm, but there are also half-meter specimens

begonia cleopatra
begonia cleopatra

Each of these varieties will decorate the grower's collection. But in order to achieve decorativeness from begonias, it is important to provide the culture with the right care.

Where to grow a flower

Decorative leafy begonia, the photo of which is given in the article, is a rather light-loving plant. But at the same time, she does not tolerate direct sunlight. Keep this in mind when choosing a location for culture. An east and west window sill will do.

Begonia will also take root on the north side of the room, but here the color of the leaves will fade significantly, especially for hybrids. But in the south it is not recommended to install a pot, as the plant will die in the sun. In addition, when choosing a place, keep in mind that the culture does not tolerate drafts and hot air coming from batteries.

Temperature and humidity

Decorative leafy begonia is a southern plant, it loves warmth. For the normal development of the culture, maintain a temperature of +20 to +25 ° C. When it drops to +16 ° C, the beauty often develops putrefactive diseases, which leads to the death of the plant. So ifIf you have a cool room in winter, then reduce watering the crop to a minimum.

Begonia does not tolerate dry air. And it is important to regularly maintain high humidity near the pot. At the same time, spraying the plant is not recommended, since this leaves white spots and stains on its leaves, spoiling the decorative effect of the flower. To deal with this problem, place containers of water or humidifiers near the potty. And in winter, be sure to cover the central heating radiators with wet towels.


From spring to autumn, the tropical beauty needs regular and abundant watering. Try to maintain constant soil moisture, but without stagnant moisture. Water the plant strictly under the roots. Otherwise, if water gets on the leaves, brown stains will appear on them. It is better to pour the liquid into the pan, from which the culture will take the necessary moisture. Use warm, settled and filtered water for irrigation.

How to water decorative foliage begonias in winter? Wait for the top layer of soil to dry and only then moisten the soil. On cloudy days, watering is completely canceled. Water the begonia from October to March with warm water and lime.

flowering begonia
flowering begonia


Decorative leafy begonia responds well to fertilization. For top dressing, use complexes that include nitrogen. From spring to autumn, fertilize the crop every 10 days. Fertilize no more than once a month in winter.


Decorative leaf begonia buds do not representaesthetic value. In addition, they draw the juices from the plant, which are so necessary for the development of foliage. As a result, the color of the plates becomes faded. Therefore, immediately remove all flower stalks, even before they bloom.

Leaf cleaning

To keep begonia leaves beautiful and decorative, it is important to regularly clean them from dust and dirt. If the plates are pubescent, then carry out this event with a soft brush. Wipe varieties with smooth leaves with damp cloths. Give plants occasional warm showers.

begonia varieties
begonia varieties


Begonia should be planted in the right substrate. To prepare it, mix the following ingredients:

  • deciduous land;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

It is advisable to add a little sphagnum to this mixture to loosen the substrate. Before planting, be sure to disinfect the ground. To do this, bake it in the oven or steam it. So you will kill all the bacteria and microbes that live in the soil.


Young ornamental leafy begonias grow quickly and become cramped in an old pot. Therefore, transplant annually in mid-spring to a larger container. For old cultures, hold this event as needed. How to transplant begonia:

  1. The day before the procedure, moisten the soil well under the flower. Then the plant is easier to get out of the pot.
  2. Lay a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom of the new container and sprinkle it with the substrate.
  3. Carefully remove the begonia from the pot. Inspect its roots and remove damaged or dried out shoots. Treat the cut sites with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Put the flower in a container and fill the voids with the prepared substrate. At the same time, do not fill the earth to the top of the pot.
  5. Moisten the flower well. If the soil has settled after drying out, then pour some more substrate into the pot and water the plant again.

Transplantation causes stress to the plant, so at first it needs gentle care. Fertilize for the first time 30 days after the event.

Seed propagation

This method is quite simple and does not require special skills. Start the process in February. Seeds of ornamental leafy begonia are sown in a special substrate or on peat tablets. Cover the top with glass or film. Spray seedlings regularly with a spray bottle.

When shoots appear, start hardening them. To do this, remove the shelter first for an hour and gradually increase the time. As soon as 2-3 true leaves appear on the plants, plant them in a separate container. When the sprouts are fully grown, plant them in permanent pots.

begonia leaves
begonia leaves

Reproduction by leaf

It is better to hold this event in April. To propagate leafy begonias, select a he althy large leaf and cut it off with a sharp knife. Cut off the leg so that its length becomes 2 cm. Leave the leaf for half an hour to dry it slightly. After that, plant the plant in a flat container filled with moistuniversal soil. Do not forget to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the dishes. Deepen the plant exactly to the surface of the leaf, and try to keep it on the surface of the earth.

Seedling care consists of regular watering. Moisten the soil from the spray gun with warm, settled water, preventing the soil from drying out. The optimum temperature for the seedling is +20 °C. After 3-4 weeks, the leg will sprout. When the seedling is strong enough, transplant it to a permanent place.



Decorative leafy begonia is a plant with strong immunity. But with improper care, it is often affected by diseases:

  • Grey rot. This disease is recognized by the appearance of a greenish-brown powder coating on the leaves. To cure the disease, move the pot to a dry and cool room and treat the plant with foundationazole.
  • Powdery mildew. Manifested by the appearance of white spots with a powder coating on the leaves and stems. For treatment, use fungicides and transfer the flower to a cool, well-ventilated area for the duration of therapy.
  • Root rot. You can recognize the disease by rotting and blackened roots. For treatment, treat the lesions with benomyl, and transplant the flower into fresh soil.

As a rule, diseases occur due to waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, control irrigation and prevent stagnation of moisture at the roots. And then there will be no problems with begonia.

begonia in a pot
begonia in a pot

Growing problems

Decorative foliage begonia with improper careloses its attractiveness. Often flower growers are faced with such situations:

  • Yellowed and drooping leaves. Thus, the plant signals waterlogging and cold conditions. Move the pot to a warm spot and reduce watering.
  • Shriveled and twisted leaf tips. This phenomenon appears if the begonia is kept in a room with dry air. To remedy the situation, place a container of water near the pot.
  • Pale and sickly leaves. In a similar way, the plant behaves with a lack of lighting. Move the pot closer to the light and the problem will resolve itself.
  • Small leaves. The phenomenon signals a lack of nutrients in the soil. Feed the crop once every two weeks with a complex fertilizer.
  • drooping begonia with drooping leaves. This happens if you keep a potted plant in a kitchen with a gas stove. The culture is sensitive to combustion products. To remedy the situation, move the pot to another room.
  • The leaves of the flower fell off in winter. This is due to too cold conditions or drafts. Move the flower to a warm place, or at least cover the windows.

Growing ornamental foliage begonias in a pot is easy. The main thing is to create comfortable conditions for the flower, and it will thank you for its rapid growth and attractive appearance.
