Stucco molding on the ceiling is a relief decorative decoration, an element of interior decoration of a room. It gives interior decoration a unique and noble look.

Ceiling design
A huge selection of decorative elements makes it possible to create various original solutions. Decorative stucco molding is glued to the ceiling, for example, to make the installation sites for curtain rods and lighting fixtures invisible.
This way of decorating the ceiling space has been used for more than one hundred years - such decorations were once quite common in the estates and mansions of the nobility, and at the present moment such decor is mainly an element of the classical interior in large apartments and country houses.
The previously used geometric strict ornaments have been replaced by floral motifs - the stucco molding on the ceiling, the photo of which is presented in this article, provides for the creation of a sense of originality and lightness. The decor looks even more stylish if it is gilded.
When choosing elements to create your ideal interior, you need to decide on the material of its parts. For example, decorative stucco molding on the ceiling undera bulky chandelier in the form of a plaster rosette is considered a very advantageous element in the design of the space. It will emphasize the beauty of the lighting fixture itself, while hiding all traces of installation.

It is worth noting that do-it-yourself stucco molding on the ceiling is quite easy to do, which we will talk about later.
First of all, it is worth considering that for effective work we need a set of tools and certain materials.
At the moment, stucco can be done using modern materials, as well as using classic materials that have been used for a long time.
Traditional stucco on the ceiling involves the use of soft stone, alabaster, and gypsum, while modern decor elements are made from the following materials:
- foamed polystyrene, from which light and flexible profiles are obtained;
- glass composite;
- polyurethane stucco molding on the ceiling is often used - elements of this dense material are very light, moisture resistant, durable, in addition, they do not crack;
- fiberglass.

Decoration of the ceiling with stucco molding is carried out using the following devices and tools:
- sandpaper;
- containers for mixing the solution;
- PVC molds;
- spatula, the width of which exceeds the shape parameter by five centimeters;
- special shapes that are made of steel and topped with Teflon.
Mounting materials
Based on the type of ceiling surface, in order to attach the necessary elements, either special glue, or liquid nails, or PVA glue (periodically and dowels) are used. Specialists prefer to use liquid nails, as they hold the stucco remarkably well, while being undemanding to the surfaces that are connected. They perfectly hold glued parts, they are used in dry rooms, as well as in places with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms).
After application, liquid nails grasp the stucco within thirty minutes, while the polymerization of adhesive solutions begins in a day.

Features of gypsum
From the name it is clear that gypsum stucco on the ceiling is made of gypsum, which has a huge number of advantages, for example, durability, naturalness and environmental friendliness. It is resistant to fungi, does not emit toxic substances. Among the minuses can only be called fragility and relatively heavy weight. It is chosen by grade G-7 or higher. The property of gypsum to expand after drying is convenient for the manufacture of stucco, since in this way small particles of material can penetrate into any holes, even a complex shape of the casting.
Types of plaster moldings
In the interior, similar stucco can be found on the ceilings and on the walls. The range of such decor is very wide, and any of its varieties has a huge numbervariations.
On the walls, stucco is represented by moldings, cornices, friezes, as well as individual compositions. Cornices are used to decorate the joints between the ceiling and walls, as well as to hide the seams between these planes. They are smooth, very simple, and may contain various curls and ornaments. Of course, the more complex the composition, the more expensive the cornice costs.

Gypsum moldings are decorations for the upper area of the wall in the form of a figured plank. They are somewhat similar to cornices, but mainly play a decorative role, combined with original corner elements, thereby creating a unique composition. In addition, walls can be decorated with moldings (this gives them a more expressive look).
Friezes for walls are decorative strips framing the wall around the perimeter. Basically, gypsum friezes are used when pasting a room with two types of wallpaper, often contrasting. In this case, such a wallpaper is separated by a frieze, which allows you to create a unique design of the room.
For sophisticated interiors, exclusive plaster compositions can also be created, which will be the central point of the room. Such a pleasure is not cheap, since in this case hand-made stucco molding is made to order, which means that it has no analogues.

Gypsum stucco molding on the ceiling with your own hands
Classic alabaster or gypsum stucco on the ceiling is created in the following way:
- Alabaster or gypsum is kneaded to a state of powder, allthe lumps that appear are removed, and then cold water in a volume of 0.5-1 l is used to create a stucco solution until a thick kefir or sour cream is obtained.
- Prepared forms are filled with thoroughly mixed material, after which they are carefully tamped with a spatula to prevent the formation of various voids.
- As soon as the product hardens (it takes about fifteen minutes), it is removed from the mold, and the surface is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. In this case, you can not use various heating devices, as cracks may appear on the stucco molding.
- The finished interior elements are glued to the surface with materials intended for installation, while the joints are removed with putty, which is cleaned after hardening.
- On request, stucco painting is also carried out.

Creating polystyrene and polyurethane moldings
Gypsum elements are the most difficult to manufacture, since polyurethane moldings on the ceiling, like foam plastic, are produced by manufacturers in finished form, while it is enough just to stick it on the surface. It is worth noting that the decoration with such materials is not inferior to the classic plaster ceiling either in quality or visually.
Professionals recommend all elements of stucco creation, regardless of where it will be located (along the perimeter of the ceiling or in its center), to withstand in the room where the repair is taking place, for about a day. This is necessary so that the finished productswere able to adapt to the humidity and temperature in the room and did not change their settings after installation.

Currently, when developing a room design, specialists often provide stucco molding on a stretch ceiling, which is installed directly under the canvas of this design. Immediately after installing all the decorative elements, you can paint them.
When choosing a ready-made ceiling plinth, it is possible to buy special glue solutions that are produced by manufacturers of stucco elements and their connections. In addition, various materials are offered to customers to fill the resulting gaps.
Polymeric stucco elements are smeared with an adhesive solution, after which they are attached to the place allotted to them on the ceiling. Once the adhesive dries, the foam products can be finished with water-based paints.
Stucco on the ceiling needs periodic repairs. The gypsum ornament is updated by applying linen drying oil, whitewash or oil paint with a specially designed brush.

If the relief is smeared, while there are many layers of different paints on the elements, the surface is thoroughly cleaned, the missing parts are restored, and the structure is also strengthened. If the gypsum has become loose from time to time, then the products are replaced with new ones made from various modern materials.