In any home, not only coziness, comfort of living and main plumbing amenities are important, but also the aesthetics of the perception of the home. Everyone is engaged in “decoration”: someone collects elephants, someone hangs walls with photographs, posters, posters and paintings, someone has fun with embroidery or burning out - it depends on who imagines beauty in their home. At the same time, the option to adapt stucco molding to the wall comes to mind for many, even if they have very different tastes. For stucco trinkets and additions are very different, from the most unexpected materials and can satisfy even very spoiled aesthetes.

Where such elements would be appropriate
Note that if you decide to use stucco (on a wall or ceiling), you should first consider whether it will be combined with the overall design of your home. Most of all, this type of finish is suitable when choosing a classic style, gothic, modern, empire, romanticism or baroque. Actually, it was the admirers of these styles who at one time used stucco molding on the wall in large quantities, and withoutShe clearly felt a lack of something. However, even in the simplest design, such a design move can be applied. In principle, ceiling moldings familiar to everyone (skirting boards, cornices - they are called differently) are a modern imitation of stucco details.
Types of similar decorations
Note that stucco molding in the interior has been used for many centuries and still has not lost its relevance. The main thing is to soberly assess the general view of the room where you planned to place it, and successfully fit the stucco details into the “world around you”. And for this, it would be nice to know what kind of decorations you can supply your home with.

The most common elements are cornices and moldings. They are compatible with almost any design of the apartment. The same can be said about ceiling rosettes designed to frame fixtures. However, when choosing them, you need to be able to successfully choose a combination of a chandelier and a socket: a modern spotlight built-in lamp inside a lush and artsy stucco element will look rather stupid. Columns of various types, including pilasters, are of little use in city apartments - there is not enough space for this. However, for framing niches or doors, small versions of such stucco molding may be quite appropriate. Decor in the form of garlands, medallions and intertwined ribbons is combined only with a small number of design styles - only "heavy" directions accept such stucco molding on the wall.

Materials for work
Initially,Naturally, plaster moldings were made. In parallel, soft stone and alabaster were used. Now you can also refer to these materials. However, the modern industry also supplies other sources, which are often much easier to work with and which have undeniable advantages over the classics, but also have their drawbacks. So, stucco molding on a wall or ceiling can now be made from polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, fiberglass or polystyrene. For example, the same widely used ceiling plinths are most often foam. Which material to choose depends on you and on the tasks.

Gypsum: advantages and disadvantages
Let's start with the classics. If you choose gypsum as the basis, then you are unlikely to succeed in stucco molding on the wall with your own hands - you still need special skills and good artistic inclinations to work with it. However, you can write down the uniqueness of the decorations of your apartment as bonuses (unless, of course, you turned to a specialized workshop, and were not satisfied with factory blanks). At the same time, the same gypsum is a very capricious material. If your house is located near a river, sea or lake (that is, the humidity in the room is high), or the ventilation in the apartment is not up to standard, then the gypsum elements will not last long. Another disadvantage can be considered by no means a small investment of money - the source material is inexpensive, but working with it is very highly paid.
Polystyrene: advantages and disadvantages
From modern sources, this one is the most popularmaterial. Styrofoam, in general, is very democratic, the rest are much more expensive to manufacture. The advantage is that polystyrene elements do not need special installation - it is enough to glue them to the surface. However, the disadvantage is that the joints of such decorations will periodically have to be glued. And the elements also need regular cleaning. But the advantage is the ability to vary the color - even a child can choose the right shade, and the polystyrene surface easily absorbs paint.

Optional polyurethane
A more limited contingent can afford to use such stucco molding on the wall. This material is much more expensive than polystyrene. However, it is very durable and does not need to be repaired and regularly updated. Moreover, the maintenance of such a decor is extremely simple: wipe it with a damp cloth - and it is free. Moisture does not harm polyurethane products. Water resistance has become the reason that stucco molding from this material is installed in pools, and even in saunas. Pressure drops also do not lead to cracking, so a one-time, albeit large, cash investment pays off pretty quickly.
Steps of work
Stucco on the walls (photos of options are presented in the article) can be ordered in the workshop, but can also be done independently. The easiest way is with ready-made forms made of any material - they are sold in hardware stores, and your task is only to strengthen them in the selected places. The method of fastening depends on the material from which it is made.decor.
However, if you are interested in exclusive, you can work a little and make a completely unique decoration for your apartment. The easiest way to do this is to use plaster. Since not everyone knows the art of sculpting, it is wise to use forms. The gypsum composition that you have to make can be further strengthened with fiber. Then it is poured into the selected forms and placed to dry somewhere where temperature and humidity are constant - differences in both will lead to uneven drying, as a result of which cracks may appear, and the workpiece itself will be fragile and unreliable. If the gypsum elements are massive enough, they should be reinforced with a mesh. When the workpieces dry out throughout the volume, they are polished, removing all roughness and minor imperfections. If desired, you can gild the stucco molding with a special composition. But be careful: this finish is very striking, and if it doesn’t fit well with the rest of the interior, you can easily slide into kitsch or gypsy.