Stop pavilion - what is it like?

Stop pavilion - what is it like?
Stop pavilion - what is it like?

An equipped place to protect passengers from adverse weather conditions at the disembarkation site and their landing from transport is called a stopping pavilion. It is usually equipped with awnings, seats, turnstiles, wastebaskets. In stopping pavilions, essential goods can be traded and household services can be provided.

stopping pavilion
stopping pavilion

What are bus stop pavilions?

The stop pavilion - in addition to everything - can be a place for advertising and all kinds of announcements. Depending on the size and capacity of the structure, they can be divided into:

installation of stop pavilions
installation of stop pavilions
  • small - for 5-10 people;
  • medium - for 10-20 people;
  • large - for 20 people or more.

They can also be divided by type of structure:

  • closed type;
  • semi-closed type;
  • open type.


The cost of a stop pavilion may vary depending on its type and size and range from 15 thousand Russian rubles and more. However, if you are thinking of starting your own small business, then such a purchase can be exactly the first step on the path to financial independence and prosperity that you dreamed of. If, however, funds are not enough, you can consider purchasing a used and already installed bus stop pavilion. Or rent it. The main thing is to draw up a business plan in such a way that the costs incurred by you will soon pay off.

Dignity of the stop pavilion

Modern pavilions combine a lot of positive and necessary qualities in operation. They are a complete decoration of city streets. A well-groomed, well-designed stop pavilion complements the architecture of the city. Beautiful, light and elegant designs made of metal and plastic are in demand among business buyers. Pavilions made of prefabricated metal structures are easy to use, reliable and safe. If desired, you can choose exactly the model that will meet all your requirements for capacity, style and design.

stop pavilion cost
stop pavilion cost


The installation of stop pavilions is carried out in accordance with the city development plan and may be included in the price of the goods. So, when making a purchase, some manufacturers include both delivery and installation of a large-sized product in the transaction price. Not so long ago, threehundreds of new stopping pavilions specially equipped for people with disabilities. Outwardly, such pavilions are no different from the hitherto existing public transport stops. However, in these unusual places not commercial, but social advertising is placed, information of social purpose finds a place for itself. Bus routes and timetables are indicated in large letters and numbers especially for visually impaired people. In the near future, such pavilions will be equipped with intercoms for communication with the dispatcher and video cameras. All places are constantly being equipped with additional equipment, the safety of citizens making trips is increasing, etc. As a rule, each stopping pavilion should have an aesthetic appearance.
