Magnolia is a plant of ancient origin. In the countries of the East, it symbolizes chastity, spring, charm and beauty. Magnolia flowers originally grew in northern China, as well as in the central and southern United States. In the wild, they are found mainly in tropical zones, in forests, dense massifs - where there is soil rich in humus.

Scented magnolia flowers are very beautiful and expressive. They are shaped like a goblet with a pineal-shaped pestle inside. By color, they can be very diverse: pink, white, orange-golden, raspberry. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant can vary from one to twenty meters. Magnolia is propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings. Some varieties common in Asia Minor and the Caucasus are frost-resistant.
Magnolia flowers need careful care for the first few years after planting. Then the plant just needsfertilize and water regularly. In no case should you dig the soil around the trunk and plant other ornamental crops nearby. Abundant watering is what magnolia loves. It is enough to mulch a home flower once a year in spring with compost or peat and from time to time remove dried branches. At the age of 6-8 years, a plant grown in a flowerpot can be transplanted to a permanent place. Spring and autumn are the most favorable periods for these purposes. Heat, moisture, light - that's what magnolia loves. It is recommended to grow a flower at home from varieties such as Hasse, Little Gem, Bracken's Brown Beauty, Magnolia soulangiana. For planting, it is best to use leafy, soddy soil, sand and humus. The plant loves moist air, so frequent spraying is recommended.

You can sow plant seeds taken from a tree in autumn both in ordinary seedling boxes and in open ground. In this case, it is necessary to sprinkle the grains with foliage. As a rule, magnolia seeds are covered with a red oily shell, which must be removed before planting. It should be borne in mind that the plant does not tolerate calcareous soil. The soil for planting should be sufficiently fertile, with the addition of peat. It is very important to ensure that the seeds do not dry out, they must always be in a humid environment. In the first year, the plant develops very slowly.

In order not to hurt the youngthe roots located in the upper layer of the soil do not loosen the ground near the seedling. By the end of the first year, magnolia should be fed with compost or peat, evenly distributing it around the trunk circle. If the plant is outdoors, at the first frost it should be brought into the house or covered with a so-called cap (on arcs). In the second year, magnolia flowers should be dived into separate containers or beds. It is best if the plant spends the winter on an insulated balcony. In spring, a tree that has reached 1.5 meters in height can be planted in a permanent place. In the future, dead branches should be cut off periodically, watered abundantly, mulched once a year with peat and removed thickening inside the crown.