At its core, any water wells are underground structures. They are designed to install various plumbing equipment inside them. Most of these devices are characterized by the shape of a rectangle or circle. Special concrete rings are used in the installation of such water wells.

Advantages of some models
Modern technologies make it possible to create water wells even from such material as plastic. It is worth mentioning their advantages right away:
1) Only a few centimeters thick, which means light weight.
2) Easy to install.
3) Resistant even to chemicals, corrosion resistance.
4) Heavy duty strength.
5) Waterproof.
Features of plastic constructions

Before installing any well, the owner of the site needs to dig a pit, the characteristics of which would be suitable in size to theconstruction, collectively known as "water wells". In this case, the dimensions of the well should exceed the ground level by 20-30 centimeters. Additional formwork is installed along the perimeter of the pit if there are loose soils or a high level of groundwater is noticeable.
How to make a pillow
With any installation process, water wells cannot be installed without a cushion, a special solid base. Only this allows the structure not to lean to the side, not to bend under the influence of gravity forces. Typically, a pillow is a round slab of concrete, which may or may not be reinforced. The properties of the soil and the characteristics of the well itself determine what dimensions the slab itself will have.
Concrete wells: about the features

First, create the foundation for the well. As soon as it dries, the rings themselves are introduced, which serve as the basis. Water reinforced concrete wells require additional sealing of all joints so that the structure does not deform under the influence of the environment. Only the use of modern technologies will make it possible to achieve absolute sealing, which is quite important in such conditions. The final stage of the installation of the well is backfilling, as in other cases.
Additional information about wells
It can be concluded that the device of water wells of each type has its own characteristics. For example, reinforced concrete structures are distinguished by affordable prices, simplicityoperation and installation. The rings are securely connected to each other, which in itself provides sufficient protection. But still, modern experienced builders cannot do without additional sealing in order to fix the result of work for the longest possible time. In addition, such sealing helps to make sure that moisture does not get inside at all throughout the entire service life. The installation process itself remains almost identical for all types of structures.