Technology for the construction of frame-panel houses

Technology for the construction of frame-panel houses
Technology for the construction of frame-panel houses

In recent years, the construction of almost all country houses is associated with such expenses that everyone seeks to somehow compensate for the costs. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to somehow combine cheapness and quality.

frame panel houses
frame panel houses

Fortunately, there is a technology for building frame-panel houses, which allows not only to significantly save your time and effort, but also to withstand the construction for decades, even in our harsh climate.

Who started building them first?

Wrongly believe that the "frames" appeared only a couple of years ago. The pioneers were the Finns, who have been building such houses for several centuries. In particular, some of these buildings have recently turned about 150 years old. You can look at examples of "frame" architecture just by coming to Karelia.

How it's done

As the name implies, the technology of frame-panel houses involves the installation of the main frame. It is sheathed with boards, OSB boards or similar materials, and the gap is filled with insulation. The frame is made of high-quality processed and dried timber, whichcovered with an antiseptic that protects it from decay.

An important advantage of this kind of houses is its lightness. Due to this, you can put them on light and cheap foundations.

construction of frame houses
construction of frame houses

Assembly principles

Unlike classical construction techniques, the construction site is a rather unusual sight for us. Simply put, a ready-made assembly kit of frame-panel houses is brought there. As a rule, they are produced and packaged directly at factories.

If you had a wooden blocks constructor as a child, then you can imagine the whole process. It is due to this that the speed of their construction is simply amazing. In particular, in America, cheap housing for young families from ready-made kits is generally built in two or three days.

First, the foundation should be poured, and then waterproofing should be laid on it. All parts of the frame that will be installed on it are impregnated with protective compounds. It is very important to make sure that the timber is properly dried before assembly.

Fastening and insulation

The technology of assembling frame-panel houses involves the use of bolted connections. In no case should the frame be screwed as tightly as possible, since it is necessary to leave a technological gap of a couple of millimeters. The fact is that even a timber that has been properly processed and impregnated with all compounds will absorb moisture. If all the details are screwed as tightly as possible, the house will simply “lead”.

panel frame housestechnology
panel frame housestechnology

In general, the construction of frame-panel houses can be made as cheap as possible, using the simplest edged boards for sheathing. Mineral wool or fiberglass is used as a heater.

Do not forget that maximum thermal insulation is achieved only with high-quality vapor barrier. All joints are glued with construction tape or treated with sealant.


From the inside, all walls are sheathed with decorative panels. If necessary, you can finish them with sheets of GVL or ordinary drywall. However, with the normal quality of the building material, the walls will already be quite even. Thus, frame-panel houses are a technology that allows you to easily get your own housing by paying very little money for it.
