Any rose can bring real pleasure and charm with its appearance, and even more so in the park. Abundantly covered with inflorescences, a chic bush cannot but attract the eye and cause a feeling of delight. At the same time, the flowers are frost-resistant, unpretentious, bloom for a very long time and are suitable for use in any purpose. These include the John Franklin rose, which has been winning the hearts of our gardeners for a long time.
Description of the plant
This variety has already become widespread in our country. It is distinguished by its special beauty, the flowers are bright red. At the same time, semi-double heads attract the main attention, on which delicate pointed petals are located, the number of which can be about 25 pieces. Rosa John Franklin, due to this feature, is often compared to a carnation, but at the same time it has a characteristic delicate aroma, which is barely perceptible under normal conditions. Some even refer to it asshortcomings, but connoisseurs of subtle notes and softly pronounced smells will certainly like Canadian rose John Franklin.

This variety forms flowers of three to seven pieces in one large brush. The leaves are rounded and deep green in color. At the same time, a he althy glossy sheen is characteristic in the first place. The bush itself is erect and quite dense. Flowering in the season almost does not stop, the flowers constantly replace each other. Rose John Franklin parka has a head diameter of about six centimeters.
Disease resistance
Rose is quite resistant to environmental influences and typical diseases. The plant does not require special winter shelter, hilling and a thick layer of snow are enough for it. If the temperature in winter in your area drops below -40 ° C, then the shoots may freeze to the snow line. Recovery is quite fast, new cuttings will definitely grow from the root.

Rose John Franklin, reviews of which have been providing an opportunity to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the variety for several years, has an average resistance to powdery mildew. Although initially the breeders declared a rather high resistance to various pests and diseases, the practice of gardeners and their reviews indicated that this level reaches the average and in some cases exceeds it.
Methods of reproduction
Rose John Franklin, whose photo can be seen in this article, is capable ofpropagate both by grafting and cuttings. In the second method, strong roots form very quickly, so that the plant is not afraid of the cold. Seedlings are planted in the ground for the winter, sprinkling it with earth by 20-25 cm at the very base of the bush. The survival rate in the first method of reproduction is quite high. Which one you prefer is not of great importance, and it depends primarily on the skills and abilities you have.

Choosing a place to plant a rose
Rose John Franklin prefers sunny places to plant. In this case, in the summer, she will delight her owners with continuous flowering. This beauty loves soil that is humus, with good air permeability, loamy, slightly acidic. Also, the soil should have a fairly good moisture capacity. If you follow some conditions of agricultural technology, the bushes will turn out to be lush, bright, with beautiful inflorescences that will invariably attract admiring glances.
Care Tips
Rose John Franklin does not require any special treatment. All the same recommendations can be applied to it as to other varieties of roses. It is definitely worth carrying out regular top dressing, to which the plant responds with gratitude. In the summer, as a rule, sanitary pruning of the bush is carried out. For the winter, its base is covered with a compost layer or an earthen pillow is made for it. If the care is caring enough, then the flower will delight you with full-season flowering with fairly large inflorescences.

If the plant is young, then it should not be allowed to bloom very early. In the first season, it is better to remove the buds until the very beginning of August. In August, only a couple of inflorescences are left on the shoots and give the opportunity to start fruiting. Next season, this bush will please with abundant flowering. You can also give your favorites a formative pruning in the spring, if you do not want to get a sprawling bush later. But experts recommend rejuvenating pruning only once every few years. This allows you to get rid of old lignified branches that are prone to peeling of the bark. You also need to periodically get rid of weak internal or ugly located and damaged shoots.
Advice on the use of varieties in landscape design
Since the John Franklin rose is a park rose, it will look great in group plantings. You can combine it both with green spaces (thuja, kochia, etc.), and with other types of flowers. At the same time, the rose is the long-term basis of the flower garden, and it is from it that one should build on in further combinations.

With the help of this variety of roses you can perfectly decorate your French garden, Victorian landscape, country. The John Franklin rose will look great in a single landing in the middle of a green lawn, as well as in a mixborder design. How and where you decide to place it is only a matter of your imagination and possibilities. We can only say with confidence that the rose is the real queen of your garden, and even the Canadian rose, beyond alldoubt worthy of a centerpiece in your flower garden.