In various fields, do-it-yourself spot welding for batteries is used. The characteristics of devices on the market differ from each other. Modern devices are expensive, and it is problematic to purchase them. In order to decide on the assembly, you must first familiarize yourself with the existing types of devices.
There are contact and capacitor modifications. The main parameters of the devices include power, overload, output impedance. Also, modifications are made with the functions of quick start, interruption and protection.

Condenser welding
Do-it-yourself capacitor spot welding for batteries is made from a dipole coil. Directly the transformer is selected with contact triodes. First of all, when welding, an adapter is installed. To close the contacts, you will have to use a welding inverter. Many experts recommend against using large capacitors.
The thyristor block is mounted near the holder. Fortripping resistors are used to close the system. Further, in order to assemble the device (contact spot welding for batteries) with your own hands, you will need a tester. When you turn on the device, it is important to pre-measure the resistance at the input contacts. This parameter must be within 30–40 ohms.

Features of resistance welding
Do-it-yourself contact spot welding for batteries is quite simple. Many experts recommend using high voltage boxes. Resistors can only be installed after the adapter. In this case, the expander block must withstand a voltage of 300 V. According to experts, the modulator will not be required during assembly. You can solve the problem with increased voltage with a simple diode resistor. The relay for many modifications is used as a switched type.
The output conductivity parameter averages 5 microns. Further, to make a do-it-yourself battery spot welding machine, a simple holder with a double adapter is used. A welding inverter is used to connect the regulator. It is also worth noting that experts do not recommend using adapters with comparators. In this case, the overload indicator on the relay will increase significantly.
Microwave modification
Do-it-yourself spot welding for batteries from the microwave is quite simple. The first step is to remove the emitter from the model. It is more expedient to use a transformer for assembly at 20Tue Some experts recommend using a small capacitor bank. It is also worth noting that it is important to use a zener diode during assembly. As a rule, it is selected with a contact type adapter. The output conductivity parameter must be at least 4 microns. Further, to assemble the modification with your own hands, an amplifier with a triode is taken.
To install these items, you will need a conventional welding inverter. However, before soldering the triode, the output resistance at the cathode is checked. This parameter should not exceed 40 ohms. During assembly, contactors are often used of the semiconductor type. They are very easy to install. Some solder them right after the zener diodes.
Instructions for assembling the model on 3-A
Do-it-yourself 3-A spot welding for batteries is quite easy to assemble. First of all, a wave transformer is selected. The relay is used only with a rubber lining. Quite often, transceivers are used single-pole type. Their overload index should be at least 300 N. Amplifiers in this situation are rarely used for assembly. It is also worth noting that when folding the device with your own hands, you must use a 4 pF capacitor.
Contactors in this case are used with field-effect transistors. Finding them in the store is quite problematic. However, these elements can always be replaced by linear analogs. Their input resistance parameter does not exceed 44 ohms. Hot start control boxes are diode type. Comparators when assembling modifications to 3-A are notwill be required. At the end of the work, all that remains is to fix the device holder.

10-A device
At 10-A do-it-yourself spot welding for batteries is formed only on the basis of a wave transformer. If you believe the experts in this field, then the adapter must be soldered first. High-capacity capacitors must not be used. It is also worth noting that many modifications have two triodes. After installing the transceiver, the capacitor box is soldered.
Further, when assembling the device with your own hands, a comparator is installed. Single junction modifications are very rare. Holders are used with and without handles. Triodes are quite often mounted without zener diodes. It is also worth noting that in our time, modifications with rotary controls are more popular.
Homemade apparatus for 15-A
At 15-A, do-it-yourself spot welding for batteries is quite simple. For this purpose, the dipole type expander is used. However, first of all, a contact adapter is used during assembly. The condenser box is installed behind the expander. It is also worth noting that low-resistance type models are not recommended. After installing the adapter, a transformer is placed.
Further, to make a device for 15-A with your own hands, a coil is taken. Quite often it is used with two adapters. To make a coil with your own hands, a small tube is taken. Contactors are installedon overlays. It is more expedient to use a thyristor for assembling a modification of a regulatory type.
Zener diodes are rarely installed on devices. Some experts recommend using only field-effect transistors. However, they have a very low conductivity and there are problems with the stabilization of the output current.

Devices with KU 202 triggers
With KU 202 triggers, do-it-yourself spot welding for batteries is done using wave transformers. Before assembling the model, it is important to prepare the coil, as well as the expander. Many experts do not recommend the use of cheap low capacitance capacitors. The holders should be installed on the machine last.
It is also worth noting that after installing the adapter, a stabilizer is taken. It must be soldered near the regulator. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a welding inverter. Diode transistors in this case are installed quite rarely. Modifications with triodes are also not very popular. Holders are often used with insulators.
Modifications of the DR 101 series
You can make a modification of this series on the basis of a transceiver or a wave transformer. The power of the device should average 300 watts. In this case, the overload will depend on the conductivity of the resistors. The condenser box is installed first. To work with the regulator, you will need a welding inverter.
The expander in this situation is selected with or without an amplifier. In the firstIn this case, the model will be able to operate in continuous mode, however, its capacitors will overheat greatly. If you do not use an amplifier, then this problem will not be. It is more expedient to install the transceiver behind the lining. The insulator for the devices of this series is not used. When assembling the device, it is important to pay special attention to the holders. Clamps for them must be selected with a small height.

DR 102 series devices
Make modifications to this series is quite simple. First of all, experts recommend installing an expander and a capacitor box. The coil in this case is used with only one adapter. According to experts, field resistors are allowed. However, it is important to note that using them without zener diodes can be dangerous. The relay overload setting is at 15-A.
Some experts recommend installing only solid-state regulators. Further, a triode is used to assemble the apparatus with one's own hands. It must be installed behind the contactor. It is important not to damage the expander lining. When starting the modification, the operating voltage is checked, as well as the output resistance. In this case, the contacts must be in the upper position. The operating voltage must be at least 240 V. The permissible output resistance parameter is considered normal within 40-50 ohms.

DR 105 series welding machines
Thisa series of spot welding for batteries with your own hands (photo shown below) is going to be problematic. First of all, it is important to note that a wave-type transformer is not suitable for modification. Many experts say that it is more expedient to select lowering analogues. The conductivity of the element must be maintained at 4 N.
It is also worth noting that expanders can be installed with different types of comparators. The relay is used with and without a stand. The operating voltage indicator for a modification of this type is in the region of 230 V. It is more expedient to use holders with a double-sided handle.

Modifications of the AVR series
Do-it-yourself spot welding for AVR batteries is being assembled using a wave transformer. Also, to assemble the device, you will need one adapter, which is installed under the expander. The relay is quite often used low-resistance type. First of all, this allows you to solve the problem with overheating of the modification.
Input impedance does not increase much during heavy loads. The next step in assembling the device is the transceiver itself. It is more expedient to solder contactors near the capacitor box. Holders are normally installed last. Thyristors, many experts advise installing a single-junction type. The insulator is used only with mesh winding.