The best option for arranging not only the living room, but also other living quarters in the house (nursery, bedroom) would be a TV wall. Inexpensive and modern, functional and practical - this set of furniture combines a number of undeniable advantages.
You can place here not only a TV and equipment, but also a lot of things and accessories thanks to a large number of shelves, pencil cases and racks. A niche for TV and related equipment, shelves for books, dishes and other accessories - all this makes the set not only aesthetically attractive, but also a multifunctional solution for any room in the house.
When choosing furniture, prices, design and product quality are the indicators that we pay special attention to. Today, the market offers a large selection of TV wall models from different manufacturers that can satisfy the taste of even the most fastidious consumer.

The Benefits of Using TV Walls
The use of special TV walls has a number of specificbenefits:
- Capacity. Thanks to a large number of shelves, drawers and niches, they allow you to place not only a TV, but also other video and audio equipment, as well as books, dishes, vases, various decorative items and even a mini-bar.
- Ergonomic. Having good capacity, they do not take up much space and harmoniously fit even into the dimensions of a small room.
- Adjusted for the installation of equipment. In ready-made versions, there is a special niche for a TV and holes for wires. All video and audio equipment will be compactly installed and always in place.
Materials and construction
TV wall furniture can be made from various materials. What your headset will be made of depends on taste preferences, as well as on the amount you are willing to spend on the purchase.
Modules that make up the wall can be manufactured:
- From natural wood. Such models look very presentable, besides, wooden furniture is functional and durable. The only drawback of products made from natural materials is the rather high price.
- From chipboard or MDF. A more budgetary option for a TV wall will be kits made from pressed boards. Today, the quality of chipboard and MDF is quite high, so models made from non-natural materials will be a worthy alternative to natural wood sets.
- Combined options. Made from natural wood or wood-based panelscombinations with a large number of glass, plastic and aluminum elements. Such walls are mainly produced in a modern style.
Stylistic choices
Depending on your taste preferences, as well as on the design features of your interior, you can purchase a TV wall in the following styles:
- Classic - popular with lovers of conservative design solutions. The main advantage of such sets is that they will never go out of fashion. Classic cabinets, shelving and cabinets with their graceful shapes and smooth lines will always be the current trend. Even the most modern technology will organically fit into the design of this wall. However, it should be borne in mind that furniture made in the classics is made mainly of natural wood or veneered MDF, and therefore will not be a budget option.
- If you are interested in an inexpensive wall for a TV, then it is best to give preference to a wall in a modern style (modern, high-tech). These models are distinguished by the absence of ornate elements, laconic design and deliberate simplicity and completeness. Such sets can be both with laminated and with wooden and painted facades and are not overloaded with additional elements - a crown, pilasters, characteristic of the classical style.

Mini TV Wall
Mini TV wall - inexpensive and modern at the same time. This option is suitable for both limited-sized rooms and spacious rooms. Mini-walls have a compact design and organically fit into the interior. They are represented, as a rule, by a cabinet for TV and additional equipment, as well as several (limited number) related items: a rack, chest of drawers, hanging shelves.
Due to its compact dimensions, the mini-wall is a very mobile design. Therefore, having decided to diversify the interior, you can easily rearrange it to another place.

TV slide wall
The TV slide is an absolutely special and original piece of furniture. The prices for such sets are among the most attractive in the range of offers for TV designs.
These sets are not overloaded with elements. They are distinguished by their compactness and lightness of design and, at the same time, spaciousness and functionality.
In the wall-slide there is a place for both a TV and additional equipment, as well as various items and accessories. At the same time, the product does not occupy extra centimeters of usable area, it is very ergonomic and suitable for any type of room and for any room. This is a great option for a small apartment.

TV wall in living room
TV is an essential attribute of the living room, so when arranging the interior, the question of its location arises in the first place. The best option for its placement would be an inexpensive TV wall.
This set of furniture will organically fit into any room due to its functionality andconvenience.
Lovers of refined luxury, who do not focus on the cost of the product, will prefer classic-style walls with wooden or veneered facades, inlaid with additional decorative elements and combining a large number of items.
The living room is the place in the house where we not only relax with our family after a hard day's work. Here we receive guests and spend a lot of time. Therefore, choosing the right wall for the living room so that it emphasizes the interior of the room and the excellent taste of the owner is a very important task.
When choosing TV furniture, consider not only the design features of the room, but also your taste preferences and habits. If you like to read, it would be appropriate to purchase a wall with a bookcase. Fans of numerous interior accessories will complement the TV cabinet with a rack with open shelves or several hinged structures.
For large rooms, corner options or overall sets with several elements are perfect.
An original solution - walls with a place for a built-in aquarium. Having made a choice in favor of the design, supplemented by a similar option, you will diversify the interior of your room, as well as emphasize the originality and eccentricity of your taste.
A good option is a backlit wall. This option will emphasize the originality of the furniture, create additional comfort and a relaxing atmosphere in the living room.

TV wall in the bedroom
For no oneIt's no secret that watching TV for a long time is bad for your he alth. However, many of us can no longer imagine life without this invention and are trying to place it not only in the living room, but also in a room designed for sleep and relaxation.
If you decide to place the TV in the bedroom, a TV wall will help organize your relaxation area in an inexpensive and modern way.
The first thing you should pay attention to is that the set is combined with the overall concept of the bedroom interior. It does not require such a number of racks to accommodate dishes, books and other household utensils. Therefore, the wall in the bedroom can be represented by the following options:
- consist of a TV cabinet, hanging rack or several shelves, as well as combined with a wardrobe;
- be represented only by a TV stand. At the same time, if you use only this piece of furniture, you should take into account that it should be practical and functional - have compartments and drawers for additional equipment, disks and other accessories;
- a chest of drawers can act as a cabinet, so you solve two problems at once: organize a place to store things and find where to place appliances.
Well, do not forget that the TV should in no case interfere with a good rest, so if you decide to place a TV in the bedroom and choose a wall for it, you should not place it too close to the bed.
Children's TV wall
And although the TV in the children's room is not the bestsolution, today it is difficult to do without it even when arranging a room for a child. Sometimes this item is simply necessary, because it allows the baby to watch cartoons and educational programs without disturbing adults.
With the right organization of time, as well as the space of the children's room, the TV will be quite appropriate here.
Organically zoning a room for a child is an important task, the implementation of which can be helped by choosing the right TV wall.
When choosing children's furniture, prices for it are not the most important aspect that you should pay attention to. More importantly, comfortable use and safety, as well as an attractive appearance.
When choosing a set of furniture for a nursery, you should give preference to options with colored laminated or painted facades. Such a TV wall is inexpensive and looks modern at the same time.
It is best if the kit is presented with several items: a TV cabinet, complemented by open shelving where you can place toys, a bookcase (if necessary), and also, if desired, a wardrobe for clothes. A TV wall cabinet is also a great option for a child's room.
When choosing furniture for a child's room, please note that all items are made with high quality, there are no sharp corners and all edges of the products are edged.
Furniture (walls) for TV in the nursery will help to properly organize the space of the room, make it modern and functional.

Assembly of TV wall
Assembling the TV wall is an important installation step. If the design of the product is simple enough, you can install it yourself. For these cases, manufacturers put step-by-step assembly schemes into ready-made packages, guided by which you can easily connect the parts together and get finished items.
If a product kit is expensive or consists of several complex products, it is best to turn to the services of professional assemblers. They will quickly and efficiently perform the work, in addition, if the TV wall is assembled by a trading company, you will receive a guarantee for the product.