Fences in the suburban area perform certain functions. They are made from various durable and reliable materials. Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of them on the market, gates from profiled sheets are very popular. With your own hands (photos of designs can be seen in the article), it is quite possible to make them.

Types of gates from a profile sheet
At the moment, you can easily make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands. First you need to choose their type. So, fences of this type can be:
- closed;
- half closed.
Many people have a question about how to build a gate from a profiled sheet with their own hands of a semi-closed type. Everything is pretty simple. Profile sheet is partly used in fencing sections. It can be located:
- center;
- top;
- at the bottom of each collar.
It is also possible to make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands without welding or with its use. In the first option, the installation of the material is carried out using special rivets.

Varieties of profiled sheet doors by construction type
To make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you must first determine the type of their construction. She can be:
- frame-based;
- without him.
Note. The second type of gate is suitable if one of the halves is deaf and will not function.
The frame is usually made of metal. Pipes of various sizes and diameters are used for this. The parameters of such a frame depend on the size of the collars. Often you can find a wooden frame.
Advice. A metal frame for gates made of a profile sheet is considered more practical.
What is the reason for this? First, the materials are endowed with similar characteristics. Secondly, it will be much easier to mount profile sheets on a metal frame.

A tree in the process of exposure to climatic and weather conditions can give deformations of its structure. Because of this, profile sheets fixed on such a base may become loose over time. This means that it will be necessary to repair such gates.
Advantages of profile sheet in gate design
The popularity of gates made of this material is due to the excellent technical properties of the material itself. He has:
- strength;
- reliability;
- moisture resistance;
- flame retardant;
- durability;
- practicality.
First propertydepends on the thickness of the profile sheet. Basically, in the manufacture of gates, the following material thickness is used:
- 2 mm;
- 3 mm.
In some cases it may be more.
Reliability is ensured by resistance to various mechanical and physical influences. The metal is not able to absorb moisture due to the dense structure. It does not burn or melt (due to temperature conditions).
The service life of the material reaches 20-30 years. With proper care, it can increase significantly. Its surface is reliably protected by special means:
- primer;
- paint.

The first agent is applied to the material during its production. It allows you to further avoid the appearance of corrosion and decay of the structure from moisture. Paint can be:
- polymer;
- powder.
The second option is more practical, as it rarely chips and scratches. The surface of the material in this case is rough.
Moreover, the profile sheet can have a wide variety of shades. The surface is matte and glossy. And this affects the external design of the gate.
Gate structures from profile sheet
Before you make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you need to clearly know what they consist of. So, the main components of such a design are:
- bearing poles;
- supporting posts;
- collars;
- gate;
- fittings.
Each of these components has its own specific functional characteristics.

Functions of load-bearing pillars in the gate
These designs are pre-installed. They serve as a support for holding in one plane the gates, which have a certain mass. Their dimensions depend on what material the gate frame is made of.
Note. For such an element, round or square pipes with a thick wall of large diameter are selected.
Support posts
Such types of pillars are an integral part of the gates themselves. Especially if the latter are large. They are installed in the center of the structure and fastened with welding equipment. At their core, they are an element of the collar frame.
Note. Poles can be in the form of shaped pipes or simple metal rods of various sizes and diameters.
This is the most important element of the whole design. Their number may vary. As a rule, two gates are enough for the gate to be endowed with functionality.

Note. Collars can be solid or with elements of forging and metal pattern.
Such an element can be free-standing or mounted inside. If the first option is used in the design, then additionalsupport pillars. If the second option is used, then the gate is mounted inside one of the gates and opens separately from the main structure.
This includes:
- loops;
- rivets;
- locks;
- pens;
- heck and stuff.
Important. They must be of excellent quality, since the functionality of the gate depends on them.
Loops are mounted on poles and gates, collars. Rivets fasten profile sheets if necessary. Locks, handles, etc. are installed both on the gate separately and on the gate.
Functionality of profiled sheet doors
There is nothing difficult in building a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands. Projects of such structures are quite diverse. They depend on what functionality they are endowed with. So the gate could be:
- swing;
- sliding.
The first option is characterized by the fact that the gate opens outward or inward. You can do this yourself or automatically. To do this, there are special devices that are connected to the power panel.
Second - a modern look of the gate from the profile sheet. They function only with the help of an automatic system. They can be of any type and size. They are installed not only on poles, but also on special rails using special rollers. Channels of the required size are used as rails.
Important. In order to qualitatively make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands, design drawings for thisare made in advance. This will make it possible to correctly calculate the required amount of materials and determine the appearance of the future fence.

Optimal gate parameters
The gates in the design of the fence allow not only to protect the suburban area from the penetration of "uninvited guests", but also to give the opportunity to freely enter and leave the yard.
The optimal dimensions of their width are:
- 2.5m;
- 3 m;
- 4 m.
In the first and second options, it is more rational to place the gate next to the structure.
Note. In order to properly make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands, their dimensions must be set in advance. The basis for their determination will be the already finished span between the sections of the fence, or you can choose a place for the structure yourself.

Stages of building a gate from a profile sheet
There is a certain order of work that needs to be done before you make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands. A photo report is compiled in the works in order to see what efforts and how much time was spent. It will also be nice to see how the appearance of the site has improved.
So, it is necessary:
- make a project;
- calculate the amount of materials;
- make halves of the gate and a gate;
- install support poles;
- mount collars.
All this must be done correctly so that later you do not run into problems installing the structure.

Drafting and calculation of materials
The first thing you need to start with to make a gate from a profiled sheet with your own hands - drawings and calculation of the required amount of materials and funds. Taken into account:
- collar sizes;
- distance between supporting pillars;
- the presence of a gate in the collar;
- structure height.
Note. If the width of the gate is set independently, then there are some recommendations for determining the height.
The optimal gate height is 1.5-1.7 m. Although 2 m is often chosen. It should be taken into account that the load on the support pillars increases significantly. So, you need to carry out their high-quality installation and consolidation. In some cases, dressings are made at the top of the structure.
Production of collars and gates
For such work you will need:
- profile pipes;
- metal rods;
- corners and channels;
- profile sheets.
Next, a pattern is selected. Let's say you can mount profile sheets on a straight metal frame that has square and rectangular shapes, or you can mount it on sections made of metal rods. Moreover, this is not carried out completely on the entire collar. Quite often, various forged or cast elements are attached to the top and bottom of the structure.
Designs immediatelyprimed and painted.
Installation of supporting poles and installation of gates
Pits are dug 1 m deep at the site of the future structure. With sandy soil, this parameter may be greater. Pillars are installed on the sides of the gate. They need to be concreted. To do this, a concrete solution is prepared from:
- sand;
- cement;
- water;
- special hardeners.
The pit is filled with sand and crushed stone of a small fraction. The thickness of the layers should not exceed 20 cm. The pillars are installed according to the level. They must be in a flat plane. Then they are poured with concrete mortar.
Note. It is worth considering that it is impossible to immediately mount the gate on them. They must stand. It will take a few days.
Then they mount gates on them, which are also leveled and hinges are welded. You cannot open the structure on the first day. Welds must be strong. Then they perform additional painting on the damaged canvas, and the gate can be used.