Oxygen generator (oxygen concentrator): principle of operation, application

Oxygen generator (oxygen concentrator): principle of operation, application
Oxygen generator (oxygen concentrator): principle of operation, application

In the modern world, most people spend most of the day in confined spaces, which means that the body systematically lacks such an important component of the environment as oxygen.

This situation is aggravated by the fact that today split systems are widely used, which, as you know, also contribute to the reduction of fresh air in the room. Meanwhile, the cells of the human body are deprived of normal conditions for their development.

oxygen generator
oxygen generator

Therefore, now the need to purchase an oxygen generator comes to the fore. Why it is needed and what functions it performs, we will consider in the article.

Intended use

Many ailments of the human body are cured or relieved by oxygen molecules. Sufferers receive them through machines during oxygen therapy procedures. It is also helpful in some cases to breathe a safe concentration of oxygen for prevention.

Oxygen Concentrator
Oxygen Concentrator

An indicative list of these diseases is as follows:

  • epilepsy;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic shortness of breath;
  • gangrene;
  • thrombophlebitis and many others.

Oxygen therapy is also useful for these disorders:

  • decreased immunity;
  • respiratory disease;
  • depressive and stressful conditions;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • poor condition of the skin;
  • deterioration of brain activity;
  • decrease in overall body tone.

Also, children need an oxygen generator - a growing body needs a full supply of actively developing cells with oxygen. In addition, oxygen therapy is useful in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases.

How the machine works

The basis of the operation of the device is the principle of gas separation. The task of this device is to take ordinary air from the surrounding space and enrich it with oxygen. This happens by suction of nitrogen molecules deposited in the zeolite, a special filtering component through which only oxygen molecules penetrate.

oxygen plant
oxygen plant

Until the end of the nineteenth century, oxygen generators used for oxygen therapy were large, inconvenient and dangerous devices, as they consisted of cylinders filled with compressed gas.

Now these are safe devices that are able to purify the surrounding air, which contains about twenty percent of oxygen, from impurities of other gases with an efficiency of up to ninety percent. devices,Oxygen generators are divided into generators and oxygen concentrators. We will talk about their differences further.

Where is the device used?

The most important indicator for the use of such therapy are signs of oxygen starvation of the body.

home oxygen generator
home oxygen generator

These include:

  • often causeless insomnia;
  • systematic headaches;
  • fatigue and waking up tired;
  • lack of appetite;
  • periodic muscle pain;
  • poor concentration and memory impairment;
  • susceptibility to frequent colds.

The performance and benefits of generators and oxygen concentrators have been confirmed by independent clinical studies.

Today, these devices are widely used in the following areas:

  • rehab centers;
  • sports clubs;
  • medical facilities;
  • children's educational institutions;
  • office space;
  • educational institutions;
  • home life.

In some European countries, as well as Japan and the United States, such equipment is used in public places such as restaurants, hairdressers and others.

Effect of application

Japanese scientists have concluded that due to lack of oxygen in brain cells can develop cancer. In addition, with age, the volume of the lungs gradually decreases, oxygen enters the organs worse, the vessels work.inefficient, delivering only twenty percent of oxygen from the norm to the cells. Therefore, the use of oxygen plants by the elderly is also necessary.

oxygen generator price
oxygen generator price

Doctors have proven that the systematic use of oxygen saturation devices gives the following positive results:

  • energizes all body cells;
  • increases and strengthens immunity;
  • purifies blood cells from toxic substances and excretion products;
  • strengthens memory and concentration;
  • improves digestion and eyesight;
  • relieves hangover symptoms;
  • facilitates the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increases stamina and potency;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves fetal development in pregnant women.

How are the devices used?

As a rule, serious treatment requires consultation with a specialist and his recommendations.

industrial oxygen generator
industrial oxygen generator

For the purpose of prevention, the use of home oxygen generators for gas therapy is carried out twice a day for fifteen to twenty minutes - this is enough for a he althy person to feel positive. Such a procedure is equivalent in efficiency to a forest walk. Also, some models of generators have a built-in cocktail - a device for producing oxygen cocktails, to which it is connected from the outside using tubes.

The human stomach is a breathing organ in whichthere is an instantaneous absorption of gas molecules into the cellular structure of the blood (saturation of the internal organs occurs). Therefore, it is very important and useful to make and take oxygen cocktails - healing foam, into which herbal decoctions, fruit drinks or juices can be added if desired.

Reception of such a composition must be carried out immediately, preferably through a tube, so as not to inhale the gas. An oxygen cocktail will saturate the cells with useful substances and help them fully digest.

The difference between a hub and a generator

Oxygen generators differ from concentrators in that the latter produce a more concentrated (up to ninety-eight percent) gas at the outlet. This is due to the fact that their use is intended more for medical purposes than for household purposes.

That is, for preventive purposes or for long-term treatment (for some diseases, people need to breathe a weakly concentrated gas for ten to twelve hours a day), a generator is well suited, and for serious treatment in a medical hospital, a concentrator.

For industrial purposes, industrial oxygen generators are also used - large-sized installations that produce oxygen, calculated in cubic meters per hour, while household appliances produce from three to ten liters per minute. The quality of this oxygen is very low (about thirty percent) and when running, the generator consumes almost ten times more air than it produces gas.

Which appliance to choose for your home?

The modern market offersmany models of various manufacturers for domestic use. Since the usefulness of the device is undeniable, it is in great demand among consumers.

Here is an approximate list of points to consider when choosing an oxygen generator:

  • price and warranty;
  • purchase for long or short term use;
  • performance - determined according to the purpose of the purchase;
  • the presence of a built-in cocktail - the ability to make an oxygen cocktail at any time;
  • noise characteristics - the device should not give out more than thirty or forty decibels;
  • presence of additional functions, for example, a timer or a nebulizer;
  • dimensions and type of device - floor, table or portable.

The price of oxygen generators and concentrators for home use ranges from twenty-two to thirty-six thousand rubles, depending on the brand and performance. Devices for use in medical institutions have a price of forty to one hundred and fifty-five thousand rubles.

Portable (for active people) small-sized devices, weighing only about a kilogram and with a capacity of about five liters per minute of ninety percent oxygen, cost about two hundred and fifty-seven thousand rubles.
