The mist slowly spreading along the bottom of the bowl, located right on the table, smoothly flowing beyond its borders and dissolving outside it like an unknown and magical substance, would surely surprise many. Similar effects are created in Hollywood films to convey a mysterious and enchanting atmosphere or to intensify the situation. This seems impossible, and therefore fantastic and mysterious.

Few people know that such special effects can be easily reproduced in an ordinary city apartment, you just need to use a fog generator that can easily fit on a table and will not only create a fabulous atmosphere, but also “improve” the room. But the scope of this device is much wider than air conditioning or special effects.
Fog generators
Fog generators are devices that are capable ofproduce and spray aerosols - dispersed substances, usually consisting of fine particles suspended in the air or a dispersed phase. Similar systems have found application in many branches of human activity:
- Medicine - treatment of premises in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and pathogens.
- Agriculture - the fog generator sprays insecticides - deadly poisons for parasites, insects - this is how livestock rooms are disinfected and the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents.
- Firefighting - the resulting aerosols block the flow of air to the source of ignition and quickly localize the fire.
- Air conditioning - in the dispersed state, aromatic oils remain in the air longer, do not settle, which simultaneously creates a pleasant aroma and moisturizes the atmosphere.
- Cinematography - creating smoke after shooting, imitation of "walking on the clouds", as well as increasing the expressiveness of lighting effects.
It's hard to believe that a fog generator, having an identical operation scheme, is capable of performing such a wide range of different operations. Of course, industrial and consumer devices have a number of differences, but the same principle is put in the basis of their work.
Mechanical and thermomechanical generators
All fog generators can be divided into two main types - mechanical and thermomechanical. The first type of devices has received the greatest distribution in practical human activity, since they have a simpler design, are characterized by lowcost and efficiency. The cold mist generator sprays aerosols only by mechanical action.

In thermomechanical installations, the mechanically formed dispersed phase enters the heating element or into the combustion chamber, where it evaporates and enters the environment through a nozzle in the form of steam. The advantages of thermomechanical generators include versatility (they can create condensation and mechanical aerosols), as well as denser filling of confined spaces with aerosol.
The principle of operation of mechanical devices
Mechanical fog generator creates dispersed aerosols. It, in turn, has several subspecies:
- Pneumatic. The aerosol-forming composition is sprayed into the surrounding space by a gas jet. The gas enters under high pressure and literally breaks the composition into small components - drops. The size of the droplets, and therefore the degree of atomization, is controlled by changing the jet speed.
- Ultrasonic. In the design of such devices there is an element that vibrates in the ultrarange. As a rule, this is a piezoelectric plate or a ceramic disc. The element, vibrating at a high frequency, "breaks" and sprays the composition.
- Disk. In such devices, an aerosol-forming mixture is supplied to rapidly rotating disks, which, under the action of centrifugal acceleration, is sprayed into the environment.
A mechanical device is also referred to as a cold fog generator. This is becausethe resulting dispersed phase has the same ambient air temperature. Heating elements do not participate in this process.
The use of fog generators in everyday life
To create a special atmosphere in the house, to improve the atmosphere in the premises, only mechanical devices are used. As a rule, these are ultrasonic generators in which the role of a vibrating element is performed by one or more round membranes. The intensity of water atomization depends on the number and diameter of the membranes.

To maintain the performance of such equipment, it is necessary to regularly clean and replace the membranes. Piezoelectric plates may also be included in the fog generator device for home use. In this case, the service life of the apparatus can be considered infinite. Such devices operate from a 220V power supply.
Fog generator to guard your home
Introduction of fog generators into security smoke systems is an innovative solution that has repeatedly proved its feasibility. The operation of this design is based on the interaction of penetration-tracking devices and aerosol dispensers.

In case of unauthorized entry, the indicators give a signal to the control device, which gives an order and starts spraying the aerosol-forming mixture of the fog generator. User reviews show that, having met an obstacle in the form of smoke on their way, the criminal prefers to retreat thancontinue your onslaught.
Cost of fog generators
To say something specific about the cost of household devices that generate fog will not work. Their price depends on many factors. One of the determining factors is the principle of operation, intensity of spraying, power and country of origin.
Additional equipment also has a minor effect, such as LED lighting or a floating raft, which allows you to use a fog generator in a small pond. The price of devices that include such modifications starts to grow from 2,000 rubles.

Further, the cost begins to grow in proportion to the technical characteristics: the higher the power and the more membranes, the more expensive the device will be. So, for a generator with 12 ceramic discs and a power of 300 W, you will have to pay about 23 thousand rubles. Advice to give to buyers - buy goods only in trusted stores.