Solder pastes are specific paste-like substances that are used to fix parts on a printed circuit board. They have certain advantages, disadvantages and application features.
The merits and varieties of the material presented

Let's look at the benefits of solder pastes:
- the possibility of using them for the manufacture of boards with very small parts;
- they do not require a soldering iron, however, to work with this material, you will need a special hair dryer or station, thanks to which the product warms up;
- such a substance can be used in cases where it is not possible to work with conventional tools.
Solder pastes come in many varieties. First of all, they are classified according to the method of removing excess substance after work: wash and no-clean. The second option is safer, as it does not lead to corrosion of the board. The first type of pastes can be washed off with water, so they contain components that can harm the radio device.
It should also be noted that the substance can be made with or without lead. Second type of pasteis environmentally friendly.
How to choose and store material?

In order for the job to be done efficiently and accurately, you need to purchase the "right" solder pastes. First of all, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the substance: humidity and air temperature, storage features.
The presented material may lose its quality depending on aging. The choice depends on the type of paste and its scope. Naturally, an important factor is the cost of the material. Solder paste, priced at around $10 for 50 grams or more, is only available from certified retail outlets.
As for the storage of the material, it is necessary to put it in the refrigerator, the temperature in which does not rise above 4 degrees. During use, the room should be warm, but not hot (no more than 25 0C). Humidity should not reach 80%. Before using the substance, it is necessary to warm it to room temperature and only then open the jar. Sometimes it can take up to 6 hours.
Features of the material application

Soldering with solder paste has its own nuances. For example, the surface on which the substance will be applied must be absolutely clean, dry and free of grease. The board for the duration of the work should be fixed as firmly as possible in a horizontal position.
The place to be soldered must be completely coveredsubstance. After that, try to place all the necessary details on the board very accurately. Now you can start heating the product with a hair dryer. The jet should not be too strong. Its temperature should be about 150 degrees until all the flux has evaporated from the paste. After that, the jet can be made hot (200-250 0C).
After all work is completed, the board will need to be cooled and cleaned of the remnants of the substance. This procedure depends on the type of paste.