There are various types and varieties of flowers in the flowerbeds of personal plots. Each gardener has his own tastes and preferences, but no one can resist the magnificent, mighty, sprawling peony. Delicate aroma of these flowers gives pleasure and bliss.

There are a variety of varieties that differ in shade, flowering time and size. There are grassy and tree peonies.
Easier to care for herbaceous species. But in beauty they are in no way inferior to their tree-like counterparts.
Raspberry sunday peony is a variety that you definitely need to pay attention to. It is unpretentious in care, quickly gaining growth.
Care & Description
Raspberry Sunday peony refers to herbaceous. The roots of the plant are powerful. The stems reach a height of one meter and have medium strength. Leaves are medium sized, narrow. The variety belongs to early species.
Flowers in the form of single large caps up to 18 cm in size. There is a varied texture of the petals: single, semi-double andterry. The color varies from white shades to bright pink. A photo of the Raspberry Sunday peony captures the beauty of the bud.

Red or yellow tones are less common.
Peony is a long-lasting plant. It grows without a transplant in one place for many years, it tolerates winter cold and frost very well. Almost does not require care. After planting, varietal features are shown after 2-3 years. In October, it is better to cut the peony stems, leaving 2 cm above the buds. For the winter, you can cover the root part slightly with a small layer of peat. Mature plants do not need such care.
Boarding rules
For landing you need to choose the right place. The raspberry sunday peony is a heat-loving flower, so it is worth allocating a sunny area for it.
The soil should be loose and light. Peony does not tolerate dense soil. It would be appropriate to add peat or humus before planting.
Very important: when planting, the buds should be no higher than 3 cm above the soil. And in no case should they be buried in the ground.
Pion loves good drainage. Therefore, gravel or other similar material should be generously poured into the hole.
If there is a need to transplant a peony, you must definitely wait until the end of flowering. When digging, you need to follow some rules:
- peony should be dug up in dry and warm weather;
- the shovel is placed in a vertical position, retreating from the root 20 cm;
- a bush is carefully digging in a circle;
- you can't pull the peony by the leaves;
- with pre-cutleaves to take out the root can be quite simple and painless for the plant.

You need to carefully pick the ground from the root, wash it and inspect it. Darkened parts must be removed.
The most common way to propagate a Raspberry Sunday peony is by dividing the root. The procedure is carried out at the end of August or in September.
Having done the above manipulations, you can proceed directly to the division process.
- Single buds are separated with a part of the rhizome. As a rule, the division is easy, without difficulty.
- Then the dead parts are separated. Places of cuts can be sprinkled with wood ash. This must be done so that pests do not penetrate the root.
- There should be 2-3 growth buds in each separate part.

From an adult bush at the age of 5 years, you can get 3-4 sprouts of planting material.
Pests and diseases of the flower
Raspberry Sunday peony is prone to some diseases. The most common are 3 diseases: gray rot, rust and ring mosaic.
Gray rot affects the whole plant. A gray coating appears on the bush, after which the plant dries. The buds can't fully open. Gray rot spreads in cold and damp. For prevention, it is recommended to remove excess stems and spray with fungicides.
Rust is characterized by the appearance of yellow spots on the foliage. Leavescurl up and dry up. Treatment is also possible by spraying. Damaged parts are cut off. They should be removed from the site and burned. The sooner treatment is started, the less time it will take.
Raspberry Sunday peony will add splendor to any landscape design. It looks great on the lawn, especially among small flowers. Peony is popular in the design of alpine slides. By placing it in the seating area, you can relax while enjoying the delicate aroma.