Today, in household chemical stores and related departments of supermarkets, there is such a variety of products that it was impossible to even dream of before. However, such an abundance can play a cruel joke with the buyer, because in reality it turns out that it is not at all easy to determine which remedy is really needed. In this article we will try to figure out if Calgon is needed for washing machines. You can also find testimonials from consumers and professionals here.

Let's just note that many of the positive comments that you may have seen more than once are not always proof of the quality of the product, because they can simply be fabricated.
Advertising company
Each of us at least once heard about such a "savior" of washing machines as "Calgon". Even those who have nothing to do with laundry and the household in general remember the sensational advertisingvideo clip. Indeed, "Calgon", reviews of which are very contradictory, is an extremely promoted product. Many have been using this product with every wash for years, simply believing in convincing advertising. Everyone knows the problem of scale, and Calgon, according to the manufacturer, is able to save us forever from these inconveniences and extend the life of the washing machine.

Should I say that in just a few years, the company's sales have increased by more than 20 times? So is it necessary to believe the advertising of the Calgon product? Reviews indicate that it is not easy to answer this question unambiguously. Opinions on this matter are very different, and one contradicts the other.
On the modern market there are products for every taste and color. Everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves. In stores you can find:
- Calgon tablets;
- Calgon powder;
- liquid Calgon.
Reviews about the latter are the most positive. At the very least, consumers claim that in this form the product is the least dangerous for some parts of the machine.
Calgon Benefits
Among the main advantages of this product, the manufacturer names:
- scale protection;
- keep the inside of the machine clean;
- odor prevention;
- longer life of the washing machine;
- savings in laundry detergent and energy;
- different forms: tablets, powder, Calgon-gel.

Reviews about each of the types, although somewhat different, but in general they say that you can safely do without this product.
How to use?
The manufacturer claims that the product can be applied to any type of linen: white, colored, etc. "Calgon" is combined with both any powder and liquid washing gels. It is recommended to use it every time. The product must be poured into the main compartment of the dispenser after you have already put the powder there. It is best to use Calgon 2 in 1. Reviews of some buyers say that it not only prevents the formation of scale, but also neutralizes the s alts present in the water.
Is scale so terrible?
When you see a spiral covered with a huge layer of scale from the advertisement of the Calgon product, you involuntarily arise anxiety for your own typewriter. Following him, there is a desire to prevent the formation of plaque and acquire a miracle cure. In fact, it turns out that a layer of scale of such a thickness simply cannot form in a washing machine. That insignificant amount of it, which, one way or another, appears during the washing process, is easily removed with ordinary powder.

It turns out that the problem is not as terrible as the manufacturer of the Calgon means draws it. Expert reviews show that this product is not as necessary as it seems at first glance.
Main causes of breakdowns
Despite the fact that advertising means the main reason for the failure of the machine callsit is scale, experts dealing with repairs note that this is not the case. According to them, most often the device stops functioning correctly due to:
- wear parts and elements;
- blockage (small metal parts such as paper clips, buttons, pebbles slip through the drum);
- breakdown of the heating element (this is already connected with scale).
As we can see, the malfunction of the heating device due to the accumulation of scale on its surface is only the third most common cause of breakdowns, which is at odds with the opinion of the manufacturer of the Calgon product. Consumer reviews indicate that plaque is formed even with constant use of the product. Therefore, we can safely talk about his helplessness in the fight against this problem. Experts also note that the use of the product not only does not have a positive effect on the washing machine, but, on the contrary, has a negative effect on it. Rubber parts become unusable due to some of the components that make up the Calgon product.
"Calgon 2 in 1": reviews
Most people who constantly use the product in the hope of keeping their washing machine safe and sound end up disappointed. It all happens like this: the car breaks down, a specialist arrives, and it turns out that some parts have become unusable due to scale. There is no limit to the surprise of the owners, because they used Calgon! Note that plaque on the elements of the machine appears in cases where you often wash at high temperatures. It turns out that this problem cannoteven Calgon 2in1 can handle it.

Reviews indicate that the tool is just a waste of money. Those who have often encountered the problem of scale formation are advised not to throw money away by buying various products like the supposedly saving Kalgon. In their opinion, you should pay attention to the hardness of the water and the most commonly used washing mode.
Of course, there is another side of the coin. Some people who use the tool are quite satisfied with the effect. Customers whose cars do not break down for a long time rejoice and praise the properties of the product. However, in most cases this is not at all connected with Calgon, but with the fact that the owner uses the device correctly, takes care of it, correctly selects washing modes, or simply the water in his apartment is less hard than some. That's the whole secret!
Various tests conducted by scientists demonstrate the inefficiency of the product. Reviews of experts compare its use with the addition of sugar to honey, that is, with a completely useless matter. It turns out that the positive feedback from consumers is nothing more than their blind faith in the effectiveness of Calgon.
On average, a pack of "Kalgon" can be purchased in the price range from 150 to 200 rubles per 500 grams. This amount of funds with constant use will be enough for you for a month. Thus, in a year you will spend about 2000 rubles. At first glance, not so much, but if you think about the real effect of the product, it turns out that the amount is impressive. Considering that replacing the heating element will cost you less, on average - no more than 1300 rubles. Note that without any cleanings and preventive maintenance, the heating element serves regularly from 3 to 5 years. It turns out that it is easier to change the heating device once every three years than to spend money on a useless Calgon.

However, if you still want to somehow protect your machine from scale, you can make the tool yourself at home. To do this, just mix sodium tripolyphosphate and soda.
Summing up, we can conclude that Kalgon products are not so necessary. Reviews of consumers and professionals in the field of repair and production of washing machines indicate that the product not only fails to cope with the task, but also has a negative impact on the quality of some important rubber parts of the machine. In any case, only you can make the final choice. It is up to you to decide who to believe - the words of manufacturers interested in increasing sales and providing all kinds of certificates supposedly guaranteeing quality, or, perhaps, the comments of real people who have used the product for a long time and can objectively judge its properties and talk about costs that have not justified themselves.

In any case, with or without Calgon, you need to take care of your washing machine and use it correctly. Before you start washing, check if there are any small parts in the pockets of clothes,able to slip through the drum and damage the "insides" of the apparatus. Pay attention to the hardness of the water, if the level is much higher than normal, appropriate measures may need to be taken. And of course, it is important to choose the right washing mode. It is not at all necessary that things spin in boiling water, average temperatures are quite enough for everything to be washed efficiently.