Entrance doors: standard sizes, differences and parameters

Entrance doors: standard sizes, differences and parameters
Entrance doors: standard sizes, differences and parameters

Sometimes the front door to an apartment or office determines our attitude towards its owners. As you know, the first impression is the most stable and most durable. True, in this case, the question remains, whom to surprise and shock: your guests or dishonest people who want to take possession of your property? Properly chosen entrance doors are the key to your prestige and security.

What should the door look like?

standard entrance doors
standard entrance doors

The front door to a modern home should combine beauty, elegance, individualism with strength and reliability. Do not forget about such qualities of this piece of furniture as fire safety, heat and sound insulation. Today, the consumer market has a huge variety of metal products of any kind. The buyer can choose for himself not only entrance doors, the standard sizes of which are available in almost any building department, but also order the production of a door leaf according to individual parameters.

Door leaf thickness

Sufficient quantity available for salesteel doors manufactured with safety, fire resistance and durability in mind. According to current standards, the total thickness of a metal door leaf can be from 2 mm to 6 mm. To stiffen the structure, so-called "stiffening ribs" can be placed between the steel sheets. At the same time, a steel metal door, in accordance with GOST, must comply with established safety standards.

Entrance door dimensions

standard door size
standard door size

All entrance doors, the standard sizes of which can be found without problems, are purchased only after the opening is completed. Based on this, the dimensions will be measured, because they may differ from those that were originally conceived. In this case, it is better to contact qualified specialists who will help measure and correctly install the canvas. It is possible to determine the exact dimensions of the opening for installing a new door only after dismantling the existing door frame. Only a specialist can tell you which metal entrance doors are better to choose.

Standard front door sizes

You can find out the main established standard sizes of entrance doors and doorways by looking at the reference book of SNiPs and GOSTs of the Russian Federation. Below are examples of basic settings.

metal entrance doors standard sizes
metal entrance doors standard sizes

Standard size of entrance doors in mm: 2000x600, 2000x700, 2000x800, 2000x900. For double-leaf doors, the size of each leaf is 2000x600 mm.

Entrance doors, the standard dimensions of which may vary, are both domestic and European manufacturers. If you have a custom-sized opening, you might want to look for a Chinese-made door. Dimensions and dimensions of sold metal doors from China have much more options than domestic manufacturers. Entrance doors, whether they have standard sizes or not, must not only be strong and of high quality, but also fit the general style of the room. Today, for many, it is this factor that determines the choice.
