Few people know about it, but very often the cause of our inexplicable headaches, pain and fatigue of the eyes, neck and even back is the corny wrong location of the TV. If you had initially read this article on how high to hang the TV, you would have much less problems with all sorts of pains and inconveniences. But it's never too late to correct your mistake!
Common Truths

In order not to cause discomfort and not cause all sorts of harmful he alth-related side effects, the TV should be located at eye level, that is, at such a distance from the floor that in the process of watching TV, the neck, eye and other muscles in our were as relaxed as possible.
Only the TV itself is not equipped with a motor and a propeller, it cannot constantly fly right in front of our face at the distance we need. Therefore we will have tomake some effort to calculate the average location of our body relative to the walls of the floor and ceiling of a particular room. Based on this, you need to already calculate at what height to hang the TV on the wall in a particular room.
What are the calculations based on?
What does it mean to "calculate the average location relative to the room" and what factors should be taken into account for these "calculations"? Of course, they are not "calculations" in the full sense of the word. Most likely, this is a comparison of the temporal duration of the position of the body in the room. What should be taken into account specifically? First of all, it is necessary to focus on the following criteria:
- How much time we spend indoors standing, sitting, lying down (as a percentage). If we spend more time in this room standing (for example, cooking in the kitchen), then at what height from the floor to hang the TV is calculated based on the height of a person standing at full height, in this case, a housewife, who is most often in this indoors and spends most of his time watching programs in the kitchen.
- Which of the family members is most often indoors. If these are children (nursery), then the TV is placed below, if adults - above.
- At what angle is the head relative to the horizon. For example, lying on a pillow, our head can be located at 45 ° from the plane of the bed. In calculating at what height to hang the TV, this criterion must be taken into account, otherwise a person will either have to constantly squint his eyes, oradjust your postures to fit the TV when it should be exactly the opposite.
- Features of the furniture, that is, its height, the feature of the backs (folding or straight), sitting in which a person will watch TV programs.
According to these criteria, let's try to calculate the average height of the TV in different rooms.
All data hereinafter are based on the lower third of the TV screen. So, if an imaginary horizontal line drawn from eye level is at a distance of 125 cm from the floor, then exactly the center of the screen should be at this height, and not its lower or upper edge.

Since you rarely see a TV in the hallway, let's lower this room and move to the hall, where official receptions, open meetings, social parties and other events are most often held. So, at what height should the TV be hung in the hall? The correct thoughts on this matter are:
- Most of the time at dinner parties and secular parties, people in the reception hall spend it standing. They talk, gathering in groups, approach the buffet table, sometimes they dance at parties, etc. But this does not mean at all that during such events people watch TV along the way. Rather the opposite. In such cases, music just plays more often, and if the TV shows some kind of video clip, then, as a rule, rarely anyone pays attention to it, so its height is not so critical.
- Children in the hall are not so frequentguests, so calculations must be made in relation to adults.
- Watching TV involves a sitting position, so in the hall the TV should be placed on the wall at a height not lower than the eyes of a person sitting on a regular chair. For a person 165-175 cm tall (generalized average for women and men), this figure is 115-125 cm with an average stool height of 45 cm.
Living room

At the present time, the concepts of "hall" and "living room" have become interchangeable and often for many they mean the same thing. But still, the hall is exactly the venue for events, so most often only chairs are located there. Calculations about the height at which to hang the TV in the living room should be based on the location in it not of chairs, but of armchairs and a sofa. This is a more comfortable room where you can take close friends, sit with them at home. Often, it is in the living rooms that home theater systems are installed. What to consider when calculating:
- Seats of armchairs and sofas, as a rule, always have a lower height above the floor than the seats of chairs.
- In the living room, not only adults, but also children receive guests and watch movies. If the hall can be managed with generalized figures, then the living room, which involves more time watching TV programs or series on the Web, requires more correct calculations.
Seat the tallest member of your family on the sofa, measure the height from the floor to the level of his eyes with an ordinary tape measure. Then do the samemanipulation of the youngest member of your family, who just as often likes to watch movies or cartoons on TV. For example, for the tallest member of the family, this distance turned out to be 110 cm, for a child - 90. Adding both numbers and dividing this amount by 2, we get the arithmetic mean of these two numbers, that is:
(110 + 90): 2=100 (cm) - height from floor to eye level.

It is worth considering that the TV, in accordance with the inclination of the backs of upholstered furniture, can be located at a higher height. But no less than indicated, otherwise watching programs reclining on the backs of armchairs or sofas will not give people pleasure, but discomfort.

The height at which to hang the TV in the kitchen depends on who spends the most time in this room. If this is a housewife who cooks most of the time, then the TV should be designed only for her. We measure the distance from the floor to the level of the housewife's eyes and position the TV so that the center of the screen is directly at the level of her eyes.
Someone might exclaim: “What about the children and other family members who will watch TV at the table during meals?” We will answer: “After eating, the indicated family members will disperse to their own affairs and rooms. But the hostess still cooks dinner and clears the table.”
But for "kitchen" cases, it is best to install a TV with a customizable display angle, that is, the panel itself can be slightlyraise or lower.

At what height to hang the TV in the bedroom? The calculations are based on what kind of pillows you like. If high, then the TV will have to be placed slightly lower, if low, the TV will have to be pulled up almost to the ceiling. Here everything depends on you. Many prefer not to bother with counting angles, but simply trust the "direct look" method. How it works:
- Lie on the bed on your back and position your head on the pillow as you feel more comfortable.
- Then close your eyes and lie down with your eyelids closed for half a minute.
- Then sharply open your eyes and remember the point on the wall that your direct gaze initially rested on. If you are not sure, then repeat this action several times. That point will be the answer to the question of at what height to hang the TV in front of the bed. It is in it that the center of the screen of your TV should be located.

The location of the TV in the nursery should be based on the factors listed above, but with one caveat. If you have two children and they sleep on a bunk bed, and you allow them to watch TV shows or TV programs before going to bed, then in this case the calculation (at what height to hang the TV) should be based on the location of the top tier of the bed. It will be more convenient in this case, of course, to watch TV to the one who sleeps below, but there is no choice here.
It is not uncommon for parents to hang the TV at a height betweentiered beds. Then the child that sleeps on top has to constantly dodge and hang from the bed, which leads to the development of scoliosis or even to falls from the upper tier. In the case of bunk beds, the TV must be placed above the top bunk.
The best solution for bunk beds is to equip each bunk with its own monitor.
Many prefer to resort to all sorts of formulas that are full of all sorts of "abstruse" sites. They operate with such concepts as height to eye level, total height, distance to the wall, head angle, etc., then substitute the values in the formulas and get the “real” height, which is often just “unreal”.
In order not to be disappointed in the chosen height, so that the cervical vertebrae do not crunch after watching programs, taking their normal position, so that your eyes do not hurt because they are constantly forced to mow too down or too up, in a word, so as not to redo the brackets, mounts or niches for the TV again, in calculating at what height to hang the TV, you need to trust the "abstruse formulas" less, and rely more on your own comfort.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the "direct look" method has never let anyone down. Sit in the living room, stand up in the kitchen, lie down in the bedroom and close your eyes. When you open them, the first point that your gaze rests on with a relaxed and comfortably settled body will be the place of the bestTV location.
Enjoy your viewing!