Crocuses: planting in autumn. Expert advice

Crocuses: planting in autumn. Expert advice
Crocuses: planting in autumn. Expert advice

Crocuses are flowers that start blooming very early and do it for a very short time. The flowering period lasts from seven to ten days, after which the crocuses quickly wither. And in mid-June, a dormant period begins, when even the leaves of the plant wither. In one place, flowers can stay up to five years, but many gardeners often transfer them, updating the design of their garden.

Planting crocuses in autumn

When planting plants, some features should be considered.

crocuses planting in autumn
crocuses planting in autumn


The flower is very fond of fertile loose soil, which is well fertilized with manure and compost. However, it should be remembered that crocuses, planted in autumn which will bring bright flowers in spring, absolutely cannot stand even the slightest stagnation of moisture. That is why sand should be added to the soil to improve drainage.


To obtain flowers of the maximum size, plant crocus in a well-lit area. You can do this in partial shade, but then the inflorescences will be much smaller. If the crocus is planted next to other bulbs, such asdaffodil, tulip or hazel grouse, then you can get a bright spring area, pleasing with constant flowering.

planting crocuses in autumn
planting crocuses in autumn


Crocuses, which require some knowledge to plant, need good watering. Before the procedure, you need to loosen the ground around the plant a little. This is done for good penetration of air and moisture to the roots of the flower.


If the soil was well fertilized during planting, then in the first year you can refuse to add additional nutrients. However, if the flowers grow in the same place for more than two years, they must be fed. Crocuses, planted in autumn, are the best way to get bright and beautiful flowers, need fertilizers high in potassium and phosphate. The first is needed for the appearance of he althy and large bulbs, and the second - to prolong flowering and bud formation. The first feeding should be carried out when the first sprout appears, the second - when the buds are set, the third - after they wither. The very first fertilizer should contain half as much phosphorus as potassium, all other times their amount should be proportional to each other.

Crocuses: planting in autumn. Features

crocus planting
crocus planting

The process of planting crocuses is very similar to the process of planting tulips. The largest bulbs are placed at a depth of up to twelve centimeters, and crayons - up to five. The distance between them is not recommended to be less than five centimeters, however, if the gardener plans to replant the plant annually, then threewill be enough.

After the end of flowering, it is necessary to decide whether the transplant process will be carried out or not. If not, then simply remove the old withered leaves and cover for the winter with a layer of mulch. If it was decided to dig a plant, then the best time for this is mid-July. Crocuses, planting in the autumn of which is necessary to obtain beautiful and large flowers, must be carefully selected and removed all diseased specimens. Bulbs should be stored in a well-ventilated area at a moderate temperature.
