The birthplace of an unusual flower is hot Africa, and it is because of this origin that for many years professional gardeners avoided growing these plants outdoors. Magic calla, planting and caring for which always begins with the selection of soil, can be an excellent decoration for any flowerbed or flower bed. In recent years, a lot of new and bright hybrid varieties have appeared, adapted to different climates and weather conditions. Noble white is considered the traditional color, but lilac, crimson and purple varieties show an impressive decorative effect.

Calla flowers - planting and care in the middle lane
The roots of the plant look like nodules, which often throw out thickened shoots on the sides. From such shoots, you can grow a new flower that does not lose the qualities of the parent. In terms of soil, slightly acidic soils well fertilized with humus are ideal for calla lilies. Roots are germinated at homeconditions usually in early or mid-April. A container for tubers is chosen with a diameter 2-3 cm wider than the planting material itself. Pots are placed on bright southern or eastern windows. Planting depth in the container should not exceed 4 cm, however, when transplanting into open ground, you can deepen the holes up to 6 cm.
The main attention when growing an exotic flower should be given to watering. There is a slight complication here, which the young calla shows. Planting and care should focus on cultivating he althy leaves, not flowers.

If the soil is not allowed to dry out and the tubers are not allowed to rot, the plant will take care of strong and vibrant flowers on its own. At the end of May - beginning of June, when the last threat of sudden frosts has passed, callas are transferred to a permanent place of growth or transplanted into a large garden container or flower bed. A cool morning or evening is suitable for placing a flower, and the place should be as wet as possible on the site.
Feed the callas correctly
Those who wish to feed the plant should do this no more than three times during the entire season. If he althy calla lilies are needed, planting and care must be careful with nitrogen fertilizers. An excess of this mineral can lead to a reduction in the number of future flower stalks, and wide large petals can become deformed and change their color to an ugly greenish one. Any variety of calla lilies does not fade for almost 1.5 months, which allows you to create permanent garden compositions for the entire summer season. After withering, flower stalks are removed,to allow the old tuber to renew itself and throw out new shoots.

For a successful garden experiment, it is very important what the calla itself, planting and care were like. The photo shows a rare purple variety that can only be obtained in Russia from seeds. Experienced flower growers leave one or two peduncles after withering to collect and exchange seed.
Storage of tubers in winter
As soon as it gets colder, in early to mid-October, the plant is carefully dug out of the ground. Next, the flower is washed in warm water, trying not to touch the roots and wide leaves. Dry tubers in a cool, but always dry place, for a month. Then the leaves and roots are cut off from the tubers and calla is completely prepared for wintering. Planting and care in the new year will be easier if fresh nodules are divided into individual plants in the spring. In such a case, it is possible to get up to 6 medium-sized children, suitable for immediate cultivation in the garden and in flower beds.