Are you a beginner gardener and want to have pear trees in your garden, but don't know which variety to choose? Then our article is for you! Today we will talk about the Allegro pear, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this variety. Consider the features of growing these fruit trees on the site. So what is this variety?
Pear "Allegro": description
The tree of this pear variety grows to medium height and has a high growth rate. Skeletal branches are firmly fused. Shoots pear "Allegro" light brown, slightly wavy and with a small amount of lenticels. The leaves are small, with sharp tips and serrated edges. Delicious pear fruits grow in weight from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams each, have an elongated shape and a very thin, barely perceptible skin.

During the period of ripening and removal of fruits from the tree, the pear has a greenish color with a ruddy spot from exposure to sunlight. Gradually, it ripens to a yellowish color, and its flesh acquires a special softness and tenderness. It becomes a little loose, fine grain appears and a juicy, sweet taste appears. The stalk is quite thick and long, has a curved appearance.
Advantages and disadvantages
The undoubted advantages of the "Allegro" pear include high yield. For three years, it was possible to collect more than one hundred and sixty centners of pears from one hectare. And this exceeds the standard figures by more than fifty centners. Despite the relative precocity, the first harvest will have to wait 5-6 years. Due to its high immunity, this pear variety is resistant to fungal diseases and various pests.

Another advantage of this variety is its resistance to temperature extremes and severe frosts, which is especially important for growing such fruits in our country. But the Allegro pear has a significant drawback - a short shelf life of ripened fruits. In just a week and a half, pears gradually become unusable.
Reviews about pear "Allegro"
As they say, how many people - so many opinions. But the owners of pear trees of this variety unconditionally agree on one thing: the pear has a very sweet and juicy pulp, for which it is quite possible to forgive the short shelf life of the fruit. Almost all gardeners confirm the resistance of pears to frost. At a temperature of 40 degrees, the number of frozen branches is insignificant. With more severe frosts, losses will be slightly higher. The positive characteristics of this variety also include a fairly economical growing process. Indeed, due to resistance to diseases and pests, constant disinfecting spraying is not required. And this means that at the exit youget an environmentally friendly product.
Features of cultivation and care
Since the Allegro pear is a self-fertile plant, it must be pollinated. In order to increase the yield and provide the tree with pollination, it is best to plant pears of the Chizhovskaya and Avgustovskaya dew varieties next to it. Timely shortening of too long annual shoots helps to increase yields by twenty or even thirty percent.

In order to speed up the process of fruit ripening, it is necessary to spray the tree with the "Tour" preparation. The spraying process is carried out twice: the first time at the moment when the shoots reach a length of 10-12 centimeters, the second - ten days later. If you want to protect the tree from sudden temperature changes and too strong exposure to sunlight, then treat the trunk with Bordeaux liquid mixed with emulsion paint. In general, this variety can be classified as rather unpretentious in care.