How to grow garlic: recommendations

How to grow garlic: recommendations
How to grow garlic: recommendations

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garlic in the field
garlic in the field

Passing by the vegetable store counters, I increasingly began to notice Chinese garlic on sale. White large heads seduce with their size, and when you taste it, real gourmets will be bitterly disappointed. It barely smells, and you should not even stutter about fragrant pungency. It is not surprising now why summer residents are increasingly planting garlic on the site.

Contrary to all expectations of eating dishes with a spicy vegetable, the harvest of some gardeners leaves much to be desired. How to grow garlic and how to care for it is described in detail in this article. I will talk about the main mistakes that inexperienced gardeners make when growing this crop.

To understand how to grow garlic, you can search through a bunch of gardening magazines without achieving a good harvest, or you can just resort to just a few tips and get large fragrant heads.

How to grow spring garlic

how to grow garlic
how to grow garlic

Spring garlicnot shooters, so it can be propagated in only one way: plant cloves in the ground in early spring. Before planting in the ground, the seed material, namely the head of garlic, must be disassembled into teeth, dried well and soaked for two hours in a solution of lye or potassium permanganate. It must be remembered that the seeds (teeth) of this plant are very frost-resistant, which means that they can be planted as soon as the snow melts. The depth is 5-6 cm, and you need to sow at a distance of 8-10 cm, and between rows - 20 cm. Spring garlic will not refuse to mulch the soil, and you will save time on weeding and loosening. This will keep the earth moist longer.

How to grow winter garlic

The time of planting winter garlic is important. When to plant garlic? It is planted in September-October, but if it is planted too early, the young shoots will overgrow and will not be able to overwinter, if it is too late, the sprouts will not have time to hatch and the seeds will freeze. For planting before winter, trenches are made 10 cm deep, covered with coarse sand, pre-prepared seed is placed (as is the case with spring garlic), covered with soil and be sure to mulch! The distance between the teeth is 5-6 cm, and between the rows - 20-25. Winter garlic shoots and at the end of the season produces an arrow with air bulbs that can be planted, having received a full crop in 2 years. But not everyone is suitable for such a long landing method.

when to plant garlic
when to plant garlic


Fundamentally, care for spring and winter garlic is no different, so I decided to combine theserecommendations.

Garlic is a very light-loving plant, it prefers a separate bed, but in order to save space it can become a good neighbor for onions, strawberries, strawberries. Legumes and vegetables are good predecessors. Garlic is picky about loosening the soil - hard ground prevents the good development of the garlic head. You need to fertilize garlic at least twice a season - in early spring and a month later. It is good to use cow dung or chicken manure as a fertilizer.

Harvesting occurs with massive yellowing of garlic leaves in sunny weather. After digging out the heads, they must be dried in the sun or in a dry, ventilated area.
