Tired of winter monochrome look invariably rejoices at seeing beautiful spring flowers. That is why gardeners with special love and diligence choose those that bloom as early as possible. If you are also close to such aspirations, you should pay attention to the spring white flower. Its delicate flowers will start decorating your garden in April.

Types of white flowers
There are such varieties of this plant:
- Spring whiteflower. Perennial bulbous, growing up to a third of a meter. Its flowers are drooping, very fragrant, holding on stems from three weeks to a month.
- Summer white flower. His bulbs are larger, the "growth" is higher - up to half a meter, the leaves are greenish-gray and long - a third of a meter, and sometimes more. Flowers are collected in charming umbrellas, also drooping. This variety pleases with flowering closer to summer, starting from the end of May. A very beautiful plant, but for some reason it is less popular than the spring white flower, maybe because it blooms later.
- Autumn white flower. Very happy gardeners at the momentgeneral decline. In addition, from plants of this flowering period, there are varieties with a pink color. However, they are much more capricious than their counterparts: they are not resistant to cold and do not tolerate moisture at rest, so they will have to be covered during heavy autumn rains. Therefore, they have not won much popularity among Russian flower growers.
Gravetye Giant can be singled out separately - a variety bred artificially by English breeders. Its representatives stretch up to 60 centimeters, and each flower petal is decorated with a greenish-lemon spot.

Selection of Bulbs
If you decide to freshen up your flower garden and plant a white flower, planting and care will be much easier with the right approach to buying bulbs. To the touch, they should be weighty and dense, not spread under the fingers. Donets - whole; if there are small scratches on the onion - it's not scary, as long as they are dried and not moldy. Germination of a stalk or roots is noticed - it is necessary to plant immediately; if this is not included in your plans - choose another instance. Dried bulbs will not germinate. If it is necessary to store them, be sure to sprinkle them with sawdust or pack them in perforated plastic.

You should not buy a blooming spring white flower for planting - it takes root poorly, the flowers fall off, and the leaves wither, die off, the bulb weakens greatly, and the next flowering will not be earlier than in a year. Better be patient and grow it from scratch.
Boarding rules
These small flowers are planted in the same way as other bulbs. The soil is loosened; lowering depth - about three diameters of the bulb (naturally, no one measures the depth to a millimeter). If the earth is clay, you need to mix river coarse sand into it (fine gravel is possible). It is necessary to plant spring white flowers in wet places, dry soils will destroy it. Desirable and normal nutritional value of the soil. If you are unlucky in this regard, you will have to enrich the land with compost. In case of acidification of the soil, it is necessary to neutralize the excess with lime. The place is chosen shady, but with sufficient diffused or evening lighting. The time allotted for planting bulbs is from July to September. If the autumn turned out to be warm, it can last until November. Transplants are required every five to seven years.

Gardener Care Tasks
These beautiful spring flowers only require attention during the growing season. When they grow intensively, you will have to feed them with liquid inorganic matter with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. Thanks to these actions, you will ensure more lush flowering. In addition, these top dressings will help the plant form strong bulbs that can overwinter without harming themselves. You will also have to take care of the white flower in the event of a dry spring - regular watering will help it maintain an aesthetic appearance. However, even in the absence of watering, the spring white flower will survive, it is drought-resistant. Only the bushes will be very undersized, and flowering will be weak (or completely absent). In June,when the plant fades, you can completely forget about it - it will accumulate "winter reserves" itself, without requiring extraneous attention.

Reproduction of white flowers
By mid to late July, these little flowers go dormant. Now it's time to take care of increasing their plantation. During the turbulent life before "hibernation", each plant manages to form a pair of daughter bulbs. If you want more of them, the mother white flower spring initially sits very small, near the very surface. Then his bulb will remain small, but it will form a lot of children. Planting material is dug out extremely carefully so that the bulbous scales are not damaged, it is dried a little to avoid the formation of rot. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid damage, they should be sprinkled with ash.
The second breeding option is by seeds. They must be used immediately after collection. The maximum shelf life is until autumn. After germination disappears. It is better to sow in boxes or pots: the seedlings are so small that they are easily lost in the flower bed. Watering and weeding is all that is needed for their survival. Such seedlings will bloom at best in the sixth year of life, so most gardeners prefer bulbous propagation.
Designer use
If you like variety, and besides, you have enough space in your possession to experiment by planting flowers, the white flower will organically fit into almost any composition you have thought up. Considered especially successful by gardenersplanting in rows of autumn, summer and autumn (for those who are not afraid of difficulties) varieties. Then flowering is guaranteed to you throughout the season. White flowers are good in a group with other plants of an early flowering period, framed by tall flowers and shrubs, in the design of various kinds of reservoirs - both natural and artificial. They will not be superfluous in discounts and are very beautiful around gazebos entwined with flowering ivy.