Pachysandra terminal (Pachysandraterminalis) is a slow-growing evergreen plant from the boxwood family with a highly developed rhizome. The genus pachysandra includes 4 species. Homeland 3 of them is East Asia. The fourth species (Pachysandra Procumbent) grows in North America. It, unlike other species, sheds leaves for the winter. As a cultivated plant, pachysandra apical is grown. It is a semi-shrub with flexible non-woody shoots, reaching 30-35 centimeters in height, which spreads along the ground, creating a dense green cover that remains unchanged throughout the year. Rhombic shiny leaves with uneven edges and reaching a length of 5-8 centimeters sit on short petioles. They are placed in tiers that live for three years. Pachysandra apical can have three tiers at the same time. The bottom one consists of biennial leaves, the middle one contains annual leaves, and the top one contains leaves of the current year. One tier is formed per year. Leaves are dark green or light green. There is a variety with variegated leaves that have a white border. Inconspicuous greenish-white flowers that appear in May or June are collected in a brush. Even such nondescript flowers make this plantsmart. At the beginning of summer, fruits are formed - dense green balls the size of a pea, which do not have decorative effect. In September, they turn white, and in October they get a pearly hue. At the top of the shoot, a brush is laid with buds that will bloom next year.

Pachysandra is native to the subtropics of China and Japan. But, despite the fact that it originated from the south, it feels great in central Russia. Pachysandra is also found on Sakhalin. The photo shows the beauty of the plant.
Pachysandra apical does not tolerate direct sunlight, prefers shade. If you plant it in a sunny place, the leaves will fade. The plant requires moderate watering only when it takes root. In winter, the temperature should not rise above 13 degrees Celsius. Easily tolerates severe frosts (up to 30 degrees). Does not tolerate windy conditions. For planting, it is better to take turf and leafy soil mixed with sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. The plant does not need to be fed. He does not like loosening, it is advisable to trample the soil near it. Diseases and pests do not affect pachysandra.

Pachysandra apical is propagated by dividing the bush, using pre-rooted cuttings or segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud, in early spring or late summer. The rhizomes are placed in holes 3-4 cm deep and buried. Between the pits leave 20-25 centimeters. Plants will grow in 1 or 2 years. It can also be propagated by seeds. But in order for them to germinate, stratification is required for 2-3 months. Plants grown from seeds bloom in 3-5 years.

Landscapers have been using pachysandra since the eighteenth century and value the plant for its ability to form a continuous canopy. Pachysandra apical is an indispensable plant for decorating the park and garden. It is often grown in group arrangements as a groundcover due to its dense and beautiful foliage. It can be planted on alpine hills. Pachysandra apical grows very slowly, but serves for many years and also clogs weeds. It is planted on slopes and in ravines to fix the soil and prevent erosion. Pachysandra apical decorates the coastlines of reservoirs. Pachysandra is such an amazing plant. You can buy it in the market, in a flower shop or order it online.