Oxyhom preparation for plant treatment: description, method of application, reviews

Oxyhom preparation for plant treatment: description, method of application, reviews
Oxyhom preparation for plant treatment: description, method of application, reviews

On cold winter days, gardeners and gardeners dream of the early onset of the new season. With the advent of warm days, the long-awaited chores begin: planting, watering, weeding. Problems also appear - carefully grown plants are affected by diseases, wither and dry out. Is it possible to somehow resist viruses, save plantings from diseases? Yes, and Oxyhom, a plant treatment drug, will help with this.


"Oksihom" is an effective systemic contact fungicide that protects plants from diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete class. The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide. It will help with the following problems:

  • late blight;
  • macrosporiosis;
  • cecrosporosis;
  • peronosporosis (downy mildew);
  • anthracnose;
  • bacteriosis;
  • scab;
  • spotting;
  • moniliosis;
  • curly;
  • mildew.

Fungicide is produced in the form of a wettable powder, the active ingredients of which are copper oxychloride (670g/kg) and oxadixyl (130g/kg). The action of the drugcontact system. Oxadixyl and copper, penetrating into plant tissues, suppress the activity of pathogens at all stages of their development.

oxychom preparation for the treatment of plants
oxychom preparation for the treatment of plants

Oxychom is used to treat plants in open and closed ground. The action of the fungicide reaches its maximum effectiveness three days after treatment and lasts about two weeks. Not used in mixture with other pesticides.


The preparation for the treatment of plants "Oxyx" is used for prophylactic purposes or when the first signs of the disease appear. The package is opened and a solution is prepared by diluting the powder in water. For different crops, the number and timing of treatments, as well as the consumption rates of the drug are different.

oxychom preparation for the treatment of tomato plants
oxychom preparation for the treatment of tomato plants

Plants are sprayed in calm, dry weather in the morning or evening, evenly spraying on the surface of the leaves and avoiding runoff into the ground. Ten liters of solution is usually enough to process one hundred of plantings.

Two hours after the application, the action of the drug begins - Oxyhom destroys pathogenic cells. Spraying is carried out at intervals of 9-12 days, in addition, the last should be at least 20 days before harvest.

Quantity, terms of treatments and consumption rates

"Oksihom" - a preparation for the treatment of plants: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, beets, onions, fruit trees, grapes, potted crops. In order to prevent and treat diseases, spraying is carried out:

  • Potatoand tomatoes - effective in the fight against late blight and macrosporiosis. The first time they are sprayed until the rows close, spending 30-35 g per 10 liters of water, and potatoes will need 4, and 3 such treatments will be enough for tomatoes.
  • Beets - used to protect against cecrosporosis 32-40 g per 10 liters of water, start spraying in the period of 4-8 leaves, carry out three procedures for the entire growing season.
  • Cucumbers - used for the prevention and treatment of peronosporosis, anthracnose, bacteriosis. Number of treatments - 3, consumption rate - 30 g per 10 l;
  • Onions - sprayed three times, spend 24-30 g per 10 liters of water for peronosporosis (downy mildew).
  • Fruit trees - effective for diseases such as scab, spotting, moniliosis, curliness. They begin to process before flowering, after flowering they spray 3 more times. Consumption - 40-80 g per 10 l.
  • grapes - when shoots grow by 20-30 cm, they are sprayed for the first time, for which 60 grams of the fungicide is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The term of the second treatment depends on climatic conditions and the degree of development of diseases. Protects and treats mildew and anthracnose.


"Oksihom" refers to the I class of toxicity. It is dangerous to human he alth, therefore, when processing plants, it is necessary to strictly observe safety measures: protect eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Do not drink, smoke or eat while working.

oxychom preparation for plant treatment instructions
oxychom preparation for plant treatment instructions

At the end of the spraying procedure, it is necessary to change shoes and clothes,wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap, rinse your mouth. The working solution should be completely used up - the remains cannot be stored, and it is also forbidden to drain them into sewers, soil, water bodies.

In case of accidental contact with the soil of the original preparation, the place must be covered with sand, removed with a shovel 10 cm of the soil layer and neutralized.

After use, the packaging should be destroyed. Store the fungicide in cool, ventilated, non-residential areas out of the reach of children.


The preparation for the treatment of plants "Oxyx" is used by many gardeners. Someone has been using it for many years, and some have discovered it for themselves for the first time. Amateurs and gardening professionals leave a lot of feedback about the fungicide from personal experience. For those who are not yet familiar with the drug, it will be interesting to know about the following properties they mention:

  • reliability;
  • efficiency;
  • easy to use;
  • wide range of action;
  • long protection time;
  • versatility - suitable for both prevention and treatment of plants.
oxychom plant treatment product reviews
oxychom plant treatment product reviews

Judging by the reviews of gardeners, "Oxyx" should be used to protect plants from various diseases, following the instructions and observing the precautions when working with the drug. Many summer residents are sure that Oxyhom is a guarantee of a good harvest.
