Today it has become very fashionable to make exotic corners of nature in the interior. Aquariums adorn many offices and apartments, but not everyone knows how to care for them and what headset you need to purchase for normal functioning. Novice ornamental fish lovers make the same mistake. They buy an aquarium, soil, plants, they collect and install all this. And immediately after that, fill the container with water and launch the living creatures. The main mistake is that aquarium fish will not be able to live normally in water without special equipment. You need to buy it right away, otherwise the inhabitants will not last long. Most often, aquarium equipment is bought at a pet store.

The owner will need many devices of varying complexity. The absence of at least one of them can significantly complicate the care of the inhabitants. Therefore, it is very important to purchase special aquarium equipment.
Filter and compressor
Filter models are external and internal. If it is immersed inside, it may somewhat disturb the composition of algae and decorations, but over time it will be possible to cover it with grown plants, and the device will cease to be striking. If the model is external,then it is much more powerful, but will create unnecessary noise in the room. If you have chosen a device with aeration, then you do not need to buy a compressor. If there is no additional function in the filter, then the compressor is necessary to provide the inhabitants of the home reservoir with oxygen.

Temperature controller - what you need to know?
The thermostat for an aquarium is a very important device that cannot be dispensed with, since the water must have the right temperature for the normal maintenance of pets. It is advisable to choose a device with a thermal relay. This will allow you not to think about turning the device on and off. He himself will maintain the set indicators and turn off in time. Do not be afraid that the thermostat for the aquarium will arrange a short circuit in the water. Modern devices are enclosed in a waterproof flask or shell. However, over time, condensation may appear inside the device, which, however, does not indicate a malfunction of the product.
Required aquarium equipment includes lighting fixtures. The luminaire can be built into the cover, or can be purchased separately. It must be a daylight lamp so that aquarium plants can develop normally. If the owner decided to put the aquarium in a sunny place and save on lamps, then he is gravely mistaken. Direct sunlight will lead to the growth of microflora and deterioration of water.

Additional care products
Rubber hose witha funnel for pumping water - on the one hand, a perfect trifle, but on the other - there is no way without it. This simple device will be used both for draining contaminated water and for supplying fresh water.
Scraper and net. This is the simplest equipment for an aquarium, without which it becomes impossible to care for the bowl and the inhabitants. The scraper should be used to clean the glass walls, and without a net it is impossible to put the fish in another container.
Aquarium with sea fish
If you are not satisfied with a small freshwater aquarium with decorative inhabitants, then you can start a compact sea or marine aquarium.

Maintaining large containers is not much more difficult than caring for small ones. Or maybe even easier, since a small ecosystem is easier to disrupt. But equipment for a marine aquarium is somewhat more complicated and expensive. For normal operation, the following devices are required:
- A moving pump that will create the current needed for marine life.
- External filter. Despite the fact that this device creates additional noise, for a large capacity, special devices and fixtures are needed that can purify a decent amount of water. Internal filters cannot cope with such a load. Water exchange occurs through 2 hoses, one of which pumps out contaminated water, and the other supplies purified water.
- Skimmer or skimmer. This is the name of the skimmer, which removes waste from the tank.
- Auto topping system. If the water is unobstructedevaporates, the s alt concentration becomes higher. The automatic water top-up system monitors evaporation and tops up the right amount of liquid.
- Important equipment for the aquarium - lighting fixtures and ultraviolet emitter. The emitter is turned on to sterilize the water passing through the filter hose, and the lighting is used to create the necessary microclimate in the tank. Without fluorescent lights, algae and invertebrates will quickly die.
- Sometimes owners install special equipment for a marine aquarium - a nitrate reducer and an ozonizer. The first is necessary for additional purification of water from chemical compounds, and the second - for its saturation with ozone. After ozonation, water must be additionally passed through activated carbon.

Summing up
In addition to the above devices, for ease of control it would be nice to get a thermometer. Previously, they were mounted on suction cups inside the container, and they significantly spoiled the appearance. But today there is no need to make sacrifices. You can buy a self-adhesive strip that is attached on the outside and is not conspicuous.
Aquariums and aquarium equipment for beginner fish lovers are bought in the complex. For beginners, caring for aquatic life can be daunting. But with experience comes the understanding that in this process everything is logical and it is no more difficult to watch the fish than the cat. They need to be fed, they need to be cleaned up and it is imperative to monitor the well-being of pets. Please note that automatic devices will performmost of the work for you, but you still need to control what and how happens on your own.
Some content tips
- The bottom should be cleaned at least once a week. It is necessary to remove waste products and food that has settled to the bottom, if this is not done, harmful bacteria will begin to develop, and this will lead to the death of the fish.
- Don't clean the filter often as this can cause the water to become cloudy. A milky cloud forms. Beneficial bacteria form on the surface of the filter, which purify water well, and if the filter is cleaned frequently, they die, which leads to cloudiness.
- Once a week it is necessary to partially change the water, that is, a third of the liquid from the aquarium is drained and the same amount of clean water is poured.
Properly selected appliances and careful care of the fish will allow you to enjoy this wonderful home of wildlife for many years.