In winter, residents of large cities located in the northern regions of the country can observe public utilities workers on the streets, relieving sidewalks and roads from snow. After heavy rainfall, daily volumes of harvested masses can amount to tens of tons, which are removed by snow plows. At the sight of such pictures, many are probably wondering how the snow removal ends. What happens to him next? The answer should start with a description of the general snow clearing process.
Snow recycling process
City administrations in winter organize special points for the disposal of snow. Work on getting rid of snow masses begins with cleaning with special equipment and the efforts of workers. Further, the precipitation is collected in receiving complexes, which can be both stationary and mobile. In the future, the snow-melting plant comes into operation, which makes the disposal. As a rule, the work is organized in a streaming mode and involves several units of harvesting equipment. Trucks can take snow masses from streets, roads, squares and paths, and then dump them into special bunkers. Further work depends on the type of snow melting complex.

The device of domestic snow-melting machines
In the most common version, Russian snow melters include a heat generating unit, a receiving hopper and a separate filtration unit. This type of snow melting plant can use diesel or gas burners as an element for heating. A feature of such structures is the possibility of using thermal radiation from exhaust gases through the formation of heated air above the snow cover. In addition, the water obtained after processing does not come into contact with the generated exhaust, therefore, units of this type are also beneficial from an environmental point of view.

This snow melter also has a significant disadvantage, which is the inability to handle masses with a high concentration of debris. It is known that the disposal of snow provides for thorough filtration, after which branches, household waste, stones, sand, etc. remain..
Working principle
The heating element in the form of a burner generates streams of hot exhaust gases, which are sent through a heat exchanger located near the reservoir with snow. The heated gas in the process of moving along a turbulent flow heats the material of the heat exchanger, due to which further heat transfer occurs. In the latest modificationsThe snow melting plant provides double exposure to heat fluxes. In more advanced designs, heated water layers form updrafts and transfer heat to loaded snow masses.
To implement the principle of double thermal action, the design is developed with the expectation of mixing flows. With this scheme, heat transfer occurs both directly from the burners and from the heated formations. Such installations have a system of forced transfer of heated water. Technically, this is ensured by means of special equipment - as a rule, snow melting points of this type are equipped with irrigation systems and pumps. The exhaust gas masses enter the upper zone of the heat exchanger, which, already in a cooled state, exit into the atmosphere through the collector.
The device of foreign snow-melting units

The most functional and productive installations are offered by Canadian developers. In particular, models based on submersible burners have proven themselves well. The advantages of such equipment include the high efficiency of the thermal process. The design uses a burner placed in water, so direct contact of the flame with water in a special chamber is realized. This configuration virtually eliminates heat loss.
Besides the function of traditional L-shaped burners, the snow-melting plant of Canadian origin is also capable of providing a “dry start” without first filling the bunker with water. Under submersibleheating elements provide a lot of free space, which is used for garbage collection. Perhaps this is the main positive difference between this snow melter and the domestic design. In the process of using such machines, there are practically no problems with blockages, since debris is removed through a special hatch located at the rear of the unit.
Varieties of snow melters

In addition to the fundamental division of snow melters according to design features, there are also classifications according to the method of installation and the type of fuel used for burners. As for the type of installation, the machines are divided into mobile and stationary. The former are capable of processing masses of snow directly at the collection point, while the latter serve as technical support for special points. As a fuel source, a snow melter can use heating networks, sewage energy, waste water, diesel or other organic fuel. The combination of several heat sources is also practiced, each of which is used in the most favorable conditions for it.
Equipment cost

Manufacturers implement installations in different technical formats. It can be a small smelting station with low productivity, or complexes capable of serving an entire city. In the initial segment, snow melters are presented, the prices for which are 300-500 thousand rubles. If full equipment is requiredacceptance and further processing of snow masses, then one should prepare for an investment of 1-1.5 million. It should also be borne in mind that separate services for the design and installation of equipment may be required - in this case, we can talk about amounts of 100-200 thousand

Fighting the snow cover only from the outside seems like a simple event that should be managed without problems by public utilities. But snow removal does not always provide an acceptable result. The same applies to the final stage of the event - the disposal of snow masses. The more productive and functional the snow melting plant, the more efficiently the other stages of cleaning are performed. Modern models of snow melters are also interfaced with other communication systems in order to save money. For example, combination with heating channels and sewerage allows saving fuel energy and optimizing the process of equipment operation.