Cyclamen is a guest who came to our country from the Mediterranean, a flower of rare beauty. This plant, which blooms in the cold season, seems to bring a piece of summer and bright sun. In winter, when a snowstorm blows outside the window or severe frosts crackle, cyclamen blooms with bright flowers, as if creating its own kingdom of warmth and beauty.

The flower is a tuberous plant and, unlike most indoor plants, goes into a dormant period with the onset of heat. When buying bulbs, it is advisable to choose slightly sprouted, having a few (but not too many) buds, because cyclamen will grow for a long time and, accordingly, will bloom much later.
Cyclamen - transplant for better growth Indeed, in order for a plant to grow well, develop quickly and even bloom luxuriantly, it must be constantly replanted. The cyclamen flower should be transplanted annually. This is due to the fact that the soil in the pot is depleted quite quickly and the substrate loses its beneficial properties. In a cyclamen plant, transplantation is always done with a complete replacement of the earth. Dead or started ones are also removed.
A flower such as cyclamen should not be transplanted during budding or flowering, even though the potted plant is quite cramped. Be sure to wait until it blooms.

Transplanting cyclamen at home usually begins with choosing a pot and preparing drainage. The flower can die very quickly from waterlogging of the soil, so it should be watered sparingly. If the plant does not have enough moisture, which is easy to see, it will become lethargic.
Reproduction of cyclamen at home is done by seeds or tuber division. That the first, that the second option is quite troublesome.
Seeds are soaked for about 12 hours in order for their shell to soften. Then they are evenly laid out in the ground and lightly sprinkled with it. Then they are covered with black polyethylene to protect from sunlight, covered with glass. Sprouts begin to appear after about 40-50 days. When three or more leaves appear on small tubers, the plants are planted in different pots.
Cyclamen is propagated by dividing the tuber during the dormant period. The bulb is removed from the ground and cut into several pieces. A prerequisite is the presence of at least three kidneys on each lobe. For about a day, the cut tuber is dried, then the places of cuts are sprinkled with ash or other antiseptic. The shares are planted in separate pots. If you don’t want to carry out such long flower breeding manipulations, then you can just go to the store and buy a new oneflower. Cyclamen, which must be transplanted after purchase, will certainly thank you for your care with long flowering.

Helpful adviceIf your cyclamen does not bloom for long, then it may just be hot. Try to move the plant to a cooler place and watch the flowering period - you will see it will become much longer.