Probably every plot where vegetables are grown has at least one large variety of tomato. Such fruits look solid, are in great demand in the market and often have a better taste than smaller varieties. In this review, we will present you the best varieties of large-fruited tomatoes. The description and photos will help you choose the right variety for your site.

Of the many high-yielding outdoor tomato varieties, this one has the largest fruit, often weighing up to a kilogram. Hence the name.
Pudovik is a tomato whose bush can grow up to 2.5 meters. It is sprawling, needs pinching and an obligatory garter. Leaves are large and dark green. These tomatoes can be grown not only in open ground, but also in greenhouses. Experts attribute it to the group of varieties of medium ripening. Sincethe appearance of the first shoots before harvesting takes only 110 days. From each bush, you can take 5 kg of tomatoes with excellent taste and commodity characteristics daily during the fruiting period.
Pudovik tomatoes can be grown in any regions of Russia, including the northern ones. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, fleshy, can be used fresh and for harvesting. Pudovik tomatoes show resistance to typical tomato diseases. They need to remove stepchildren, install reliable supports, tie up bushes.

This large tomato variety has long been successfully grown in southern Russia. But today it is quite often found in the middle lane, and in greenhouse conditions - in the northern regions. Mid-late type of tomatoes, ripening for 125 days. A bush, reaching 1.5 meters in greenhouse conditions, requires pinching, tying and shaping into two (in a greenhouse) or three (open ground) stems.
Characteristics of tomatoes Bull's heart attracts many vegetable growers. Large heart-shaped fruits are dense and fleshy. Their average weight is 400 grams, but the first tomatoes can weigh 600 grams. They have an original taste with a pleasant sourness, which is considered to be classic - professional tasters often compare other heart-shaped varieties with it. The disadvantages of the variety include the impossibility of long-term storage.

Grandma's Secret
Talking about large-fruited tomatoes, one cannot fail to mention thisa variety that can be grown in almost any soil composition. Bushes are high (up to 170 cm). Grandma's secret is a variety of medium ripening. On average, fruits weigh 400 grams, but there are also giant fruits weighing a kilogram or more.
Tomatoes have a sweet pleasant taste and rich aroma. The plant needs to be shaped, for which bushes should be tied up and stepchildren should be removed. The variety is disease resistant. Suitable for canned and fresh salads.

Alsu tomato variety was bred by Siberian breeders. In 2008, he was included in the State Register. Bushes of medium height (no more than 80 cm). The variety belongs to early ripening, therefore, it can be cultivated in the northern regions. For example, in the open ground of Western Siberia, the yield of Alsu tomatoes is 7-9 kg per square meter, even under not very favorable weather conditions.
These tomatoes are valued for their meatiness and great taste. Kidney-shaped fruits with a thin, glossy rind of rich red color. On average, their weight is a little over 300 grams, but the first tomatoes often reach 800 grams. The variety tolerates temperature extremes and drought without loss, it is not too demanding on the composition of the soil. The fruits can be used for making fresh salads, as well as for processing. For example, making juice, which is sweet and very thick. Tomatoes are well transported and stored, always in high demand in the market due to their great taste.
A wonderful and very popular variety is the result of the work of Russian breeders. Released ten years ago. During this time, the “wonder of the earth” tomatoes were appreciated not only by amateur gardeners, but also by farmers who grow vegetables on an industrial scale.
The variety belongs to the group of medium ripening terms, it is zoned in all regions of Russia, but it shows the best results in the south of the country. Bushes up to a meter high, not too sprawling, covered with dissected leaves, painted in dark green.
Tomatoes Miracle of the Earth are round, slightly flattened, rarely slightly ribbed. Ripe tomatoes acquire a rich raspberry color. Their weight reaches 700 grams, and the first fruits often exceed a kilogram.

Tsar Bell
Bred in Siberia, the variety was included in the State Register in 2005. The characteristics of Tsar Bell tomatoes make it possible to grow them in the north-west of the country. Vegetable growers are attracted by high yields and a small (up to a meter) bush height. The shoots are densely covered with foliage, powerful. The heart shaped tomatoes are dark red. The first fruits weigh at least 600 grams, then the weight of the tomato does not exceed 300 grams.
Pleasant sweetish pulp without voids and core. Up to 18 kg of excellent tomatoes can be harvested per square meter. Bushes need to be tied up, stepsoned, and extra ovaries removed.
Large varieties of tomato, as a rule, have excellent taste. This variety, bred in the USA, was no exception. These tomatoessugary and juicy pulp with a rich aroma. Fruit weight averages 500-600 grams, but with proper care, tomatoes weighing more than a kilogram appear.
Chokee tomatoes
This variety is distinguished not only by its unusual dark color, but also by the original taste of the pulp. A vivid example of this is the Black Elephant tomatoes, which belong to this group. The variety is already well known and popular among Russian gardeners. It was included in the State Register in 2000 and tested in all agricultural regions.
Although it belongs to the group of varieties of medium maturation, the "black elephant" showed excellent results in the north of the country. Bushes can be a little over a meter tall, with large, potato-shaped leaves.
The fruits are ribbed, round and slightly flattened. When ripe, they acquire a dark brown color with lighter spots in the center. Among beef-tomatoes that are consumed fresh, the fruits of this popular variety are considered not the largest - their weight does not exceed 300 grams. The pulp is juicy and dense, with a slight sourness. Large bushes need pinching and garter.
The variety is perfectly adapted to drought and cold - it can bear fruit for a long time and actively in such conditions. Fruiting can be sharply reduced in the heat, after harvesting the bushes quickly dry out.

Today, large varieties of tomatoes have been bred, which are designed for growing under adverse conditions in unprotected soil. These caninclude the Velmozha variety, which has proven itself well in the Urals, the Far East, and in a number of Siberian regions.
This is a mid-season variety, the height of the bushes does not exceed 70 cm, has powerful stems. Heart-shaped fruits are slightly ribbed. Their weight ranges from 150 to 200 grams. On the lower brushes, the weight of the fruit varies from 300 to 500 grams. The juicy and sweet pulp of the fruit makes it possible to use them for making thick and tasty juice and ketchup.
In addition, the variety Velmozha is demanding on top dressing and watering. With proper care, the yield can be about 30 kg per square meter. Tomatoes are well transported and stored, they retain their presentation for a long time.

King of Kings
Besides being a giant tomato, this variety is known for its high yield. The weight of one fruit often reaches 1.5 kg. The flesh is fleshy and strong with a sweet-sour taste. Tomato belongs to varieties of late ripening. It can be used in the southern regions for growing in unprotected soil, and in mid-latitudes - in greenhouse conditions. The height of the bush exceeds 1.5 meters. The fruits are used to make purees, salads, sauces and juices.
Sprint Timer
A variety that can be grown outdoors in many regions, as it is resistant to changes and temperature changes. It is famous for its resistance to many diseases and high yield. Tall bushes (up to 2 meters) "sprint timer" give a good harvest of very large, on average about 700 grams, fleshy, sweet in tastetomatoes. They are eaten fresh or juiced.
When growing a tomato Sprint Timer, you should take care of strong supports that can withstand the solid weight of the tomato. Bushes need timely watering and pinching.

American Ribbed
Quite a popular variety that attracts vegetable growers with an unusual appearance (round, slightly flattened fruits with strong ribbing) and a pleasant taste. Their weight ranges from 300 to 500 grams. Used to make tomato puree, juices, various pastes.
The bushes are quite high (up to 1.7 m), they develop equally well both in open ground and under film cover. The fruits ripen in 125 days from the moment of germination.
Yellow varieties: King of Siberia
This variety has gained popularity among vegetable growers due to its excellent taste, aroma, and the possibility of growing in any region of Russia. In addition, tomatoes King of Siberia can be included in baby food. Allergy sufferers use them without fear.
These are powerful plants with thick stems. It is necessary to remove excess flower stalks from the bushes and stepson, which will allow you to get the largest possible fruits. A garter is also obligatory, because even such strong stems, like those of the "King of Siberia" tomatoes, will not be able to withstand such a load without outside help.
Tomatoes in the shape of a heart with pronounced ribbing, weighing up to 400 grams. In the southern regions, the first fruits often reach a kilogram. Ripe tomatoes are bright orange with dark spots on thestalks. The variety is completely unpretentious, undemanding to the composition of the soil, perfectly tolerates cold and drought. The formation of ovaries slows down a little, and the fruiting period in extreme heat is also reduced. Bushes are rarely exposed to diseases typical of tomatoes. "King of Siberia" is famous for its high yield, the fruits do not lose their presentation during transportation for a long time and retain a pleasant taste.

Giant Lemon
The bushes of this variety can reach two meters in height, but the yield is low. To increase it somewhat, it is recommended to remove the side branches and lower leaves, forming a bush in two stems. The fruits are large (up to 700 grams), bright yellow in color, with a sweet pleasant taste with a slight sourness. They can be used fresh, as an ingredient in the preparation of first courses and various sauces. Tomato belongs to the group of varieties of medium ripening, intended for growing in greenhouses.
Honey Spas
Fruits, colored in deep yellow, weighing up to 600 grams, have a sweet taste. The variety was bred for open ground, but has proven itself well when grown and in greenhouses. The bushes are high (up to 1.8 m), the formation is recommended in two shoots. Be sure to remove stepchildren and install supports. A mid-season variety that, with timely watering and fertilization, shows high yields.

Interesting variety with fruits that look like oranges. They are fleshy, sweet in taste,juicy, weighing a little over 300 grams. The variety is grown in film shelters and belongs to the group of mid-season. The yield is average, "orange" is resistant to most diseases.
Altai Yellow
A popular variety that attracts vegetable growers with high yields. After the appearance of the first shoots, the harvest is carried out after 115 days. Tall bushes (up to two meters) can be grown both under film cover and in open ground. The fruits are very large (up to 600 g), tasty and fragrant, fleshy and sweet. Suitable for making juice and vegetable purees.
The bushes need to be shaped by removing stepchildren and garters. The variety is demanding on top dressings, if they are not enough, the yield drops.
Pink tomatoes
Large pink tomatoes are significantly different from red ones, and not only in appearance. As a rule, they are covered with a thin skin, have a sweet delicate taste and almost always have an impressive size. This variety is more demanding on growing conditions, but all the effort expended is more than compensated for by their great taste. Properly selected varieties and competent care for them guarantee a bountiful harvest of tasty and he althy fruits.
Pink honey
The bushes of the plant are low - from 50 cm to one and a half meters. They are formed in two stems and need pinching. The period of plant development is from 109 to 116 days. With competent agricultural technology, you can get up to six kilograms of fruits from one bush. The first tomatoes can reach one and a half kilograms, and later harvested ones weigh from 600 to 800grams.
Heart-shaped fruits, painted in pink-crimson color. Sometimes a greenish spot is located near the stalk. Excess moisture can cause the skin to crack as it is very thin and delicate. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, sugary. Each fetus has four chambers. The taste is sweet and delicate.
Pink Giant
Mid-ripening variety that can be grown in the southern regions in open ground, and in the Middle lane - in greenhouse conditions. It is resistant to most nightshade diseases, tolerates temperature extremes and drought well. Standard bushes grow up to two and a half meters. Naturally, they need a support garter.
Already 105 days after the appearance of the first shoots, you can harvest the first crop. The pink giant is known for its high yield, which is about 12 kg per square meter (3 plants). The fruits are round, slightly flattened. Their weight ranges from 350 to 600 grams. The weight of the first fruits can exceed a kilogram.

Thin skin colored bright crimson, quite dense. There are very few seeds in the fleshy and tasty pulp. Tomatoes are very good fresh, used for making sauces, second courses, juices and preparations for the winter. The crop is perfectly transported and stored.