Delicious and he althy Rizamat grapes

Delicious and he althy Rizamat grapes
Delicious and he althy Rizamat grapes

Due to the fact that in our time the production of wine and wine drinks has become very popular, various grape varieties began to be cultivated not only in Russia, but also in other foreign countries. Thanks to this, Rizamat grapes have become very popular.

Description and features of this variety

Rizamat grapes
Rizamat grapes

Grapes have a bisexual flower. Clusters are medium in size, and in many cases large. In weight, they can reach up to 3000 grams, the largest berries are 45x25 mm. They have a cylindrical shape, yellow-pink color with a colored barrel, when fully ripe they turn red. The pulp of the fruits of this variety is firm and fleshy-juicy, with a slight unobtrusive nutmeg taste. Reddish comb. The Rizamat grape has a good sugar content of 23 to 25% and a moderate acidity of 5 g/l. Wine berries ripen at the end of August. Sometimes they can change shape from long to oval, and in some cases round.

Often come acrossrapids, on which two bunches grow at once, one of which has long berries, and the other has round ones.

This variety is a vigorous variety that requires large formations. The yield is very high, thanks to which Rizamat grapes were awarded a gold medal in Rostov-on-Don and in Ukraine in the Donetsk region. In addition, it perfectly retains not only taste, but also its appearance. Sometimes light aerial roots may appear on old wood. It is well suited for fresh consumption, as well as for various preservations.

grape pruning
grape pruning

Rizamat grapes are characterized by strong shoots, ripening more than 2/3 of their length. At the same time, the clusters are loose and of medium density, thanks to which all the berries ripen evenly and do not deteriorate during heavy rains.

The main feature of Rizamat grapes is that its fruits are not affected by wasps, are not prone to cracking and are well stored.

Mildew resistance is very high and is 7 points. Resistance to gray mold, oidium, phylloxera is not yet known exactly.

Rizamat grapes have a characteristic feature: beautiful, large, good-quality fruits and clusters. Why he is loved and revered by many gardeners and winemakers.

Grapes: planting and care

When planting this grape between seedlings with a single-plane sleeper, it is recommended to leave a distance of about 2.5 m, but with a two-plane sleeper - about 3 m. If you are doing a single planting, in this casebushes are best placed on the very edge of the trellis row. In this case, the tapestries should consist of 6 wires. The main load of the crop goes to the first lower wire, so it must be firmly fixed.

Grapes planting and care
Grapes planting and care

This variety is cultivated in almost the same way as others, but it does not withstand adverse climatic conditions well. Pruning grapes must be done long, that is, from 12 to 14 eyes. One bush should have a load of no more than 60 eyes. If we take into account the strength of growth, the number of eyes can increase in proportion to the area and age of the bush. But remember that the harvest must be rationed: there should not be more than one bunch on one vine. Pruning is best done in autumn to avoid losses.

Besides, in no case should you cut the fruit arrows to only one standard, otherwise it can lead to fouling with shoots, many of which will be fattening, and as a result you will not get any harvest.

During the ripening period of the berries, remove two leaves near the bunches in order to provide good access to the sun and give the fruits a bright, colorful shade. But everything needs to be done in moderation, then Rizamat grapes will delight you with their harvest!
