Wood antiseptic for interior work: how to choose and apply correctly?

Wood antiseptic for interior work: how to choose and apply correctly?
Wood antiseptic for interior work: how to choose and apply correctly?

Wood antiseptic for interior use is a composition with which the material can be protected from the effects of rot, harmful insects, fungi and mold. Before choosing a particular product, you need to familiarize yourself with its main characteristics and qualities, only in this way you will be able to choose the desired composition.

High efficiency processing conditions

Wood preservative for indoor use
Wood preservative for indoor use

In order for the antiseptic for wood for interior work to perform its functions properly, special conditions should be created when applying the mixture. Therefore, the surface must be clean or dry. When cleaning wood, you can use a metal scraper or white spirit. At the first stage, already damaged areas should be impregnated, which most often become small parts at the joints, the ends of the boards, as well as transverse intersections.

When painting, the air temperature should not be below + 5 ° C, which is true if you use organic solvents, but when using water-soluble materials, the minimum temperature levelis 10°C. Humidity should not be more than 80%, and if the fluctuations are significant in one direction or another, this can affect not only the time, but also the quality of the expected result.

Expert advice

antiseptic for interior woodworking
antiseptic for interior woodworking

Before you choose a wood preservative for interior work, you need to ask about the appointment of a specific composition. If we are talking about a mixture from the manufacturer "Senezh", then you should know that you have an antiseptic for treating surfaces that were not previously covered with drying oil, varnish or other water-repellent agents. It is also important to remember that wood preservative for interior work is different from what is intended for work outside the house. The latter is able to protect wood from sun exposure, so the colorless Pinotex brand antiseptic should not be used for outdoor work. If such a need arises, then it can be added in the amount of 30% in the color "Pinotex".

Protecting wood from fungus

antiseptic for interior work on wood tikkurila
antiseptic for interior work on wood tikkurila

When choosing an antiseptic for wood for interior work, which would protect the material from fungus, you should pay attention to the antiseptic paste PAF-LST, which is manufactured by Tikkurila. The cost of production starts from 110 rubles. for 1 liter The mixture will eliminate the occurrence and further development of the fungus in a humid environment, because if the wood is not processed, then it is quite quickly under such conditions.covered with spores, which will move into the lower links and joists of the floor. As practice shows, this tool is quite effective. To combat the fungus, you can also use folk remedies, for example, copper sulfate or used engine oil. Sometimes the room is fumigated with sulfur, but this method cannot be called completely safe, since the resulting gas can even cause death.

Protection for natural moisture materials

antiseptic senezh for interior woodworking
antiseptic senezh for interior woodworking

Antiseptic for interior woodwork can also be used for sawn timber of natural moisture. Such substances are usually characterized by deep penetration, and water is not able to wash them out. Once inside, the substance will change the color of the wood to a light green, sometimes repulsing consumers into choosing other protection solutions. The leaders in sales among antiseptics for natural moisture material are: Senezh Trans, Neomid 460, and Finesta BS-13. On sale you can find containers, the volume of which varies from 10 to 200 liters, while the price for a smaller volume will be 250 rubles.

Antiseptic primer

interior wood preservative
interior wood preservative

Such compositions are usually used for application under varnish or paint. Sometimes consumers refuse to purchase such primers for the reason that they are characterized by not too deep penetration, and their service life is not very long. If you leave the primed surfaceand do not cover it with a finishing material, leaving it for a week, then it will require a layer update faster. Among these primers, the compositions of V altti Pohjuste, Pinotex Base and Pinotex Wood Primer have the most positive reviews. It should be especially noted that such materials can be applied in an even layer, and they dry quickly and have good adhesion to wood. But you must be prepared for the fact that the paint and varnish after two years of operation will begin to peel off. Consumers are faced with the fact that antiseptic primers are offered for sale in a not too large assortment, and their price starts from 110 rubles.

Protection of old and painted wood

colorless wood preservative for interior use
colorless wood preservative for interior use

If you need a wood preservative for interior work, you may prefer one designed for stained and old wood. According to some reports, it is not very effective, because it does not penetrate deep into the wood, but only creates a protective film. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to get rid of the layer of old paint and treat the wood with an antiseptic. However, if you do not want to do the painstaking work of removing the old coating, then you can purchase the Homeenpoisto compound, which will save the product or surface for a while, but re-treatment will need to be done every year. The cost of products does not go beyond standard prices and starts from 110 rubles. for 1 l.

Characteristics and features of applying the antiseptic brand Tikkurila

antiseptic forwood for interior work reviews
antiseptic forwood for interior work reviews

"Tikkurila Panel-Yassya" is designed to protect indoor surfaces. The mixture is colorless, and after drying it forms a semi-matt surface. You can process with this composition ceilings, walls and windows. After application, the composition dries quickly, and also gives the surfaces water-repellent qualities and protects them from mold. Antiseptic for internal work on wood "Tikkurila" has a flow rate of 1 liter per area ranging from 8 to 12 m2. The composition should be applied in two layers, moving the brush in the direction of the wood fibers. In order to check the final shade, an antiseptic should be applied to a separate board. The final color will depend on the hardness, species and original color of the wood, as well as the number of layers. This colorless interior wood preservative is diluted 30% with water in the first coat. The desired result can be obtained by applying two layers. In order to eliminate the difference in shade on the surface, it should be processed with continuous strokes from edge to edge. If we are talking about large panels, then you should apply the composition on several boards at once.

Tikkurila antiseptic reviews

According to users, treated surfaces can be protected with the same type of water-based compound. However, this should be done only a month after varnishing the finished coating. As practice shows, it is unacceptable to leave the surface wet, this is especially true for dirty bases, which are cleaned with weak alkalinedetergents. Users emphasize that after cleaning, the surface should be washed with clean water. Relative humidity during application should be kept between 30 and 80%. Periodically, the mixture should be stirred during use. Antiseptic for wood for interior work, reviews of which are only the most positive, should dry at a temperature of + 23 ° C and a relative humidity of 50%. The application of the next layer can be carried out only after 3 hours.

Characteristics of the antiseptic "Senezh"

Antiseptic "Senezh" for interior woodworking has unique characteristics, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • explosive, fire safety;
  • ability to preserve the natural texture of wood;
  • ability to maintain the color tone of the material;
  • water resistant;
  • decoration ability;
  • no smudges on application.

You can use the composition only after preliminary cleaning of the surface from dust and dirt. Between layers it is necessary to maintain time ranging from 45 to 60 minutes. For 1 m2 it will take about 100 g of the composition. For two-layer application, the consumption increases to 150 g per 1 m2.


Before purchasing and treating wood with an antiseptic, care and attention should be exercised, since some compounds designed to protect the material from wood-staining fungi will not be able to resist mold and rot. But such processes are a common occurrence for a bath.
