Wanted to enjoy the rest on the bench, but in the end ruined your clothes with chewing gum? Don't rush to throw away your jeans or take them to the dry cleaners, as there are quite a few proven ways to get chewing gum off your pants or shirt. You will find more detailed information in our article. Also, at the end, your attention will be presented with a short video that will allow you to be sure of the effectiveness of the described methods.
Hot method
Don't know how to remove chewing gum from your pants? Then we suggest you immediately use one of the most effective methods that allows you to get rid of a sticky product in just a matter of minutes. The essence of the method lies in the fact that initially it is necessary to warm up the gum in any way convenient for you: iron, hot water, hair dryer, and so on. In just a few minutes, the chewy product will lose its stickyproperties and easily detach from clothing.

However, it would be unfair not to take into account the fact that after such a cleansing, a greasy stain can remain on the pants, especially if you overdo it with a high temperature. To prevent this from happening, try to use a heating method that does not raise the temperature of the sticky product above 80 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, after this, you will have to additionally apply a stain remover or dry-clean your pants.
A very effective method that allows you to unstick gum from pants or dresses in a few hours. The whole point is that you just have to fold the thing in such a way that the adhered product is on the surface, after which it remains only to put it in the refrigerator for several hours to cool. If you use a freezer with an air temperature of no higher than 18 degrees, then the whole process will take no more than 20 minutes. After that, it remains only to remove the chewing gum with your hands or some kind of brush.

However, it is not always possible to change into a change of clothes, and the nearest refrigerator is usually only at home. What to do if chewing gum stuck in the office or restaurant? To get rid of the sticky product, it will be enough to ask the employees for some ice in a plastic bag, and then apply it to the contaminated area. It remains only to withstand the cold bag on the clothes as much as possiblelonger, and then pry off the gum with a knife or other sharp object.
Chemical freezing
"How do I clean my pants of chewing gum?" - this question is very often asked by primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers, because it is common for children to stain their clothes with chewing gum. In this case, it would be very wise to purchase a bottle of household chemicals, which is most often used by sports trainers to cool the excited muscles of athletes. One such bottle will eliminate the problems associated with chewing gum on clothes.

However, if you decide to purchase nitrogen spray or other household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions for use before using it on clothing. Some products are forbidden to be used on textiles, since they are intended for completely different purposes. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning products for metals, plastics and wood. Such compounds can completely ruin clothes in seconds.
Stain removers
Some companies produce very good stain removers that can even be used to get rid of chewing gum on your pants. The composition of the fabric usually does not matter, and the chewing gum is removed in a matter of minutes. The best example of such a product is the Amway SA8 spray stain remover, which is designed not only to remove stains of any type of complexity from clothes, but also to clean the interior of the car. Therefore, if you often get dirty covers onseats, it makes sense to purchase this product.

However, we want to immediately warn our readers that most stain removers are quite expensive, but they are usually enough on the farm for several years. The spray can be used to treat dirty collars of children or remove dirt from greasy sleeves of winter clothes. Of course, with such a tool it will not be difficult to get rid of chewing gum, but be sure to read the instructions for use before spraying clothes with it. You should also hide the bottle away from children, as this is still household chemicals.
One of the simplest yet very effective ways to get gum off your pants is to use regular hairspray. It will be enough to spray the contaminated surface with a similar agent, and then wait about 5 minutes for the chemistry to do its job. The gum will lose its stickiness very soon and can be easily removed with scissors or any other object that will easily pry off the chewing product.

If you decide to remove chewing gum from your pants with hairspray, then try to spray the thing in such a way that the varnish penetrates under the chewing gum. To do this, you can even turn the clothes inside out and use the product from the inside. By the way, do not worry that after such a procedure, stubborn stains will appear on your clothes or the smell of varnish will now haunt you all your life. Hair Care Productwashes quite easily in cold water.
Alcohol compounds
How else can you tear gum off your pants without ruining your favorite piece of clothing? Sometimes it is enough just to use a liquid that contains ethyl alcohol in its composition. The following products are suitable for this purpose:

- cologne;
- cognac;
- vodka;
- whiskey.
Also, if you find a bottle of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol at home, you can use that as well. It will be enough to moisten the contaminated area on the jeans with liquid, after which the chewing gum itself will come off the pants. We wash clothes on a fast mode and enjoy the result.
To get chewing gum off your pants, sometimes it's enough to use a product that can be found in almost every home - 9% apple cider vinegar. Just pour a little product on a dirty place, then gently clean the dress or pants with an old toothbrush. After just a couple of minutes of such work, the chewing gum should lag behind the clothes, after which you can enjoy the result.

If you decide to use concentrated vinegar essence, then it is better to abandon this idea in advance if you do not want to ruin your own things. Our grandparents used diluted vinegar to get the dirtiest stains off their laundry, but a high concentration canjust eat away at the fabric. The maximum concentration allowed for use is nine percent.
Vegetable oil
Another folk way to get chewing gum off your pants. Ordinary vegetable oil can neutralize the effects of most sticky substances, including chewing gum. However, a significant disadvantage of this method is that it can leave a large greasy stain on clothes, so prepare a basin of soapy water in advance to soak the jeans in it after the sticky product is removed.
Wet a cotton pad well in vegetable oil and start cleaning clothes with it. It is worth trying to get under the sticky product with your fingers so that the fat penetrates inside. If you are confident that you can remove the oil stain without any problems, turn the garment inside out and soak the other side with oil. After that, immediately throw the pants into the washing machine or into a bowl of soapy water before the oil is absorbed too deeply.
By the way, this method is simply indispensable if you need to remove chewing gum that is tangled in long hair. The most important thing is not to panic and not to rush, otherwise you will confuse the curls even more. Just soak your hair with chewing gum in vegetable oil with a toothbrush, then comb through with a comb. You will be surprised, but the chewing gum will be removed without much difficulty. And most people in this case just go to the hairdresser.
Video and conclusion
Hope you now understand betterhow to get chewing gum out of pants. If you want to know more information about this, we recommend watching a short video, which also describes effective methods. Some of them have already been mentioned in our article, so you can clearly see their effectiveness by watching this video to the end. Don't forget to thank the author of the channel if you find the tips useful.

We hope that now you will not have a question about how to unstick gum from your pants. Most of the described methods are suitable for any type of fabric, but if you do not want to ruin an expensive item with inaccurate actions, then it is best to immediately seek professional help from a dry cleaner, where you will have the gum removed in a few minutes for a small fee. The probability of ruining a dress or trousers in this case is minimized.