There are many varieties and brands of plasters on the modern market. And the most popular at the moment are mixtures of this type, made on the basis of gypsum. Of the variety of such materials, MP-75 plaster deserved the best reviews from consumers.
Who issues and what is intended for
The German company Knauf, widely known in Europe and Russia, is engaged in the production of this material. Building mixtures from this manufacturer are of high quality and relatively low cost. In our country, they are simply very popular.

Gypsum mixture MP-75 is intended primarily for machine plastering of surfaces. It can be applied to walls using, for example, equipment such as PFT G4, PFT G5. Of course, this plaster can also be used for hand-finishing walls.
You can use the mixture MP-75 both for plastering walls and for puttying. Since this material is made on the basis of gypsum, use itallowed only for finishing walls and other structural elements indoors. However, unlike the same mixtures of many other brands, this plaster can be used even in conditions of high humidity.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage of the plaster of this brand, experts consider its softness and elasticity. Applying this tool on the surface, judging by the reviews available on the Web, is very convenient. Also, the advantage of this material is considered to be complete uniformity both in dry form and after preparation of the solution.
Attributed to the advantages of this plaster is the fact that, according to the manufacturer, it is able to "breathe". Accordingly, in those rooms where such a finish was used, a pleasant microclimate is established.
Of the shortcomings of this tool can be identified mainly only a rather high cost. Also, a small minus of this material, many experts believe that it dries a little longer than gypsum plasters of other brands.

Of course, the exact proportional composition of MP-75 plaster is a trade secret of the Knauf company. However, it is known that, in addition to the gypsum binder, this mixture contains various polymeric and other additives designed to improve its working and operational qualities - plasticity, drying time, moisture resistance, etc.
Features of use
Apply MP-75 plaster from Knauf is allowed on walls and ceilings from almost anymaterials to support its weight. According to the information from the manufacturer, such solutions can be applied to surfaces with a layer of 8 to 50 mm. The only exception in this case are ceilings. On such surfaces, this plaster can be applied with a layer of no more than 15 mm.
Porous, easily absorbing moisture materials - foam concrete, brick - before using this plaster, the manufacturer recommends pre-treatment with primers "Knauf Grundirmittel" or "Rotband-soil". Such a procedure is necessary for uniform drying in the subsequent plaster mortar, as well as its better adhesion to the treated surface. Smooth materials - concrete, polystyrene foam, cement plaster - before applying the MP-75 mixture, it is recommended to prime the concrete contact from Knauf.
It is allowed to apply MP-75 plaster both with and without beacons. To level the layer, it is recommended to use the h-shaped rule. The manufacturer recommends plastering walls using this mixture in a well-ventilated area.

Also, when using this tool, you must follow these rules:
- when mixing, water with a temperature of no more than +30 ° C should be used, otherwise the performance of the finished plaster layer will deteriorate;
- You can use the MP-75 mixture for surface finishing only if it has been stored for no longer than 6 months. from the date of issue.
Key Features
One ofThe advantage of MP-75 plaster is its low consumption. From 1 kg of such a mixture, 1 liter of working solution is ultimately obtained. Actually, the very same consumption of this tool is 10 kg per 1 m2. This amount of material is needed to apply a finishing layer 10 mm thick.
Apart from everything else, Knauf MP-75 machine plaster also has the following characteristics:
- bulk weight - 850 kg/m3;
- drying of the plaster layer 15-20 mm - 7 days at a temperature of 20 ° C and a humidity of 60%;
- compressive strength - 2.5 MPa, bending strength - 1 MPa;
- grit - up to 1.2 mm.
Rules for operating the machine
When applying plaster MP-75 on the walls, it is recommended to hold the gun perpendicular to the surface at a distance of about 30 cm from it. When using the machine, the mortar should be applied starting from the upper left corner, from left to right and from top to bottom, with the formation of bookmarks with a width of about 70 cm. Each subsequent bookmark is supposed to be applied with an overlap of 5-10 cm on the previous one on the left side.

Special instructions for use
When using MP-75 machine plaster for wall decoration, among other things, you should definitely follow the manufacturer's recommendations:
- Apply the solution to the walls, ceiling or floor only after the primer has completely dried. In most cases, plastering is started at least 6 hours after processing.surface with this composition.
- Leave the solution in the hoses of the machine for longer than 15 minutes. can't.
- It is allowed to correct the mortar layer already existing on the wall, floor or ceiling in order to increase its thickness only when no more than 30 minutes have passed since its application. Otherwise, you should first wait for it to dry completely. Next, the first layer must be primed.
- On the ceiling, MP-75 plaster should be applied from the opposite side from the windows.
- It is forbidden to plaster ceilings in more than 1 layer when using this product.
- Ceramic tiles may be glued to MP-75 plaster only if the latter is applied to the surface with a layer of at least 10 mm. In this case, the finishing layer before installing the tile is supposed to be treated with a deep penetration primer. In places of possible direct contact with water on the tile, it is also recommended to additionally use Knauf-Flachendicht waterproofing.
During the first 3 hours after application, the MP-75 plaster layer is highly recommended not to be touched. This may adversely affect the quality of the finished finish.

Final stage: features
About 90-120 min. after application, MP-75 gypsum plaster must be leveled with a trapezoidal metal lath or spatula. Further, if the surface is being prepared for painting or wallpapering, after about another 15 minutes, the surfacefinished wall follows:
- moisten with plenty of water;
- carefully rub with a felt grater to even out the traces of the spatula.
In order to achieve a glossy surface, not earlier than 5 hours after plastering, the finishing layer must be moistened again and carefully smoothed with a metal float. The wall treated in this way can subsequently be painted without additional puttying.

On the ceiling, after smoothing, the MP-75 gypsum plaster from Knauf should be cut along the perimeter of the room to the full depth with a Stukzege saw. This procedure is supposed to be done until the finish is completely dry. Cutting is necessary in order to prevent subsequent cracks in the plaster layer on the ceiling.