In the construction industry, new materials are constantly appearing, which are actively being used. As a result, buildings erected not so long ago look modern and attract attention. In addition to external data, it is important to take into account the shelf life of the building, the ability to withstand the effects of natural phenomena.
Builders note that wet plaster looks beautiful in the decoration of any building. Visually, it is unique and aesthetically pleasing, and it is also a good protection against wind and moisture. You can find many different options on sale, but not every person knows how to use it, what is better to choose, etc. These are the main questions that need to be answered before finishing. Details about this type of plaster - later in our article.

Pros of wet plaster
This name appeared not because of the appearance, but from what is required to complete the work and from the composition. There is a lot of water in the base. Such a mass appeared in Russia not so long ago, but at the same time it quickly became in demand. Users callboth positive and negative aspects of this building composition.
Among the pluses in the reviews, the following points are noted:
- To apply the composition on the surface of any wall, you do not need to have experience and special skills.
- After the work is completed, it is easy to paint in any color.
- Finally, this is an inexpensive finishing material.
- Wet plaster can end up on any surface.
- Good protection against external impact and mechanical.
There are many pluses, but every process has some drawbacks. Such plaster absorbs additional moisture, which affects the external qualities. At the same time, the creation of waterproofing completely solves the difficulties. Usually under the finish is insulating material. You can’t make it big, otherwise cracks will go along the surface. Before you start working with wet plaster, it is worth considering every moment, and only in this case the finish will be complete.
Which do you prefer?
Often, before choosing a finishing material, people wonder what is best. Looking for differences between dry and wet plaster, it is worth noting the cost of the first. For wet, you will have to spend more physical strength. But at the same time, it is able to collect excess moisture, thereby creating an excellent microclimate in the house. Dry plaster is rarely found on the facades of buildings, as it does not withstand environmental influences.
There are conditions under which each option behaves the same. This issurface preparation for finishing, as the thickness should not be more than 5 mm. Additional mixtures are often used to ensure high adhesion. Before you go shopping, everyone takes this into account.
Composition and characteristics
Wet plaster gets its name from the way it is laid. Dry is not always applied to a wall with high humidity, as a result, the application area is greatly reduced. This finishing process stands out in the need to apply several layers. At the same time, each application of wet silk plaster has its own thickness and method. The standard option is mineral wool, plaster base, fiberglass and after decoration.
Depending on the need to protect the room from the cold, a layer is formed. When the soil is with high humidity, then such a finish is performed at the basement. Among the minuses in the reviews are dilution of dirt and huge forces to create an even layer. With more benefits:
- Versatility - works regardless of the surface.
- Low price - budgeting is easy.
- There is no difficulty in applying, so even a person without experience will cope with the task.
- Solidity - after creating a layer, the surface becomes a single whole, does not respond to external influences. After that, it is easier to do the finishing application.
- Moisture does not affect walls.
Conventionally, everything happens like this:
- Foundation.
- Old plaster.
- Protective primer coat.
- Glue.
- Heat insulation.
- Fasteners.
- Reinforcing meshes.
- Primer to improve adhesion.
- Main cast.

Thanks to this, reliable protection of any wall is obtained. But before starting work, it is worth preparing, creating conditions for application.
Many try to use such compositions indoors, creating a decorative surface. There are enough offers on the market, and they all differ in their characteristics. Wet silk plaster (there is a photo of it in our article) is in demand due to its qualities. Reviews note that the wall becomes transparent, as if there are silk particles on it. This application is suitable for any room, designers can try and create a unique interior. To achieve the desired effect, you have to work hard. It is the correct execution that gives a quality result.

Before buying, you will have to figure out some of the nuances so as not to spoil the material, as well as the wall itself for processing.
What do you need to know about this material?
Often people are mistaken and believe that liquid wallpaper and wet plaster are one and the same, but they are not. And this is due to some characteristics. Both compositions can create a surface with hints of silk. To come to this effect will have different manipulations. Liquid wallpaper is created on the basis of silk and cellulose fibers. Only these components can create a unique surface. Working with plaster takes the basics precisely in correctnessapplication techniques.
Sometimes interesting components can be found in the composition of the plaster, but they cannot be the main ones. Decorative wet silk plaster contains mother-of-pearl particles that reflect light. This creates an interesting effect and the uniqueness of the surface. To achieve this, they make a multi-layer application, each of the layers is not more than two millimeters thick, and their number can be up to eight.
Silk effect
If desired, you can create a surface with the most noticeable silk effect. To do this, each application must reflect the previous ones and let the light go deeper. This happens when choosing different shades for each layer.
Advantages and disadvantages of wet decorative plaster
Pros of finishing material:
- No harmful impurities in the composition.
- Fire resistance - when ignited, there is no increase in fire. In addition, no caustic, toxic fumes are emitted around during combustion.
- Long service life. For many years, such a coating remains flawless, mechanical damage does not appear.
- Work on any surface. After its preparation, there will be no problems, the silk will lay down beautifully and give the appearance of perfection.

There are many positives, but some of the negatives are worth noting:
- High price. Finishing requires more than one layer, which means a large amount of composition.
- Big disadvantage of allmodern decorating compositions - the complexity of application. To achieve a high-quality result, you will have to try, but it is better to watch how professionals do it.
- When a drawing is made with interesting notes, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore the surface with any damage.
To avoid cracks and chips, the composition may contain resins, so fingerprints should be excluded.
Design Features
If we consider the general approach, then wet plaster for the facade or interior walls is demanding on the surface. Nobody will notice small cracks, but deep depressions should be masked. Things everyone should know about:
- Fiberglass is considered harmful to wet silk surfaces.
- When using metal beacons, they are completely dismantled. Otherwise, the moisture in the composition will provoke corrosion, and it will appear on a smooth surface.
- If there is high humidity in the room, then before starting work, the surface is treated with special means for protection. This prevents the formation of fungus and mold.
Before you start work, you should study the instructions on the packaging from the manufacturers. The main thing is that wet plaster is applied without smudges. This makes the job easier.
Surface work
Preparing the surface is one of the important steps. If a decorative application was made before the new repair, then more attention should be paid to this stage. A photo of wet plaster makes it possible to understand what it is. Finishing in the cold and with high humidity is not worth it, otherwise everything will fly off over time. Before starting, prepare the necessary:
- Plaster, already in finished condition. They sell paints to change colors.
- Trowel.
- Spatula.
- Roller.
What's next?
The work is done in several steps:
- The first layer is the basis, the further procedure depends on it. It is distributed with a thin application. For this, a trowel and a spatula are used. All applications are smooth and at a slight angle.
- The instructions indicate the time for complete drying. The working surface is left for this period.
- The second layer is done in the same way, but the pattern is created immediately before drying occurs.

The application of wet plaster can be phased, although there are also compositions that should be distributed over the entire surface without stopping. Can be smeared using a roller. The procedure is similar to the first, but after that an invoice is made with the help of a trowel. In such a situation, a long pile roller is inappropriate.
What's in stores?
The range of products for this purpose is huge, but are all products so unique and easy to apply? To create a textured surface, a large amount of mortar is required (consumption - about 2 kg per square meter). The mass itself matters, as well as how many stages to do. It is because of this that the cost of finishing grows.

For many years the leader inWet plaster production remains China. The Italians have their place in the market, but nevertheless they cannot reach a leading position. The stores most often offer:
- SILKOT - came to us from Japan.
- SENIDECO - French supplier.
- BAYRAMLAR and SILCKOAT are Turkish companies.
- SAN MARCO - for connoisseurs of the Italian direction.
- RODNIK-ART is a domestic company.
- SILK PLASTER and OPTIMIST-ELITE are also from Russia.

Each composition has its own qualitative differences, while the opinions of the masters differ. Russian plasters are distinguished by their affordable price, they show themselves well and steadfastly. There are manufacturers who recommend carefully preparing the surface beforehand. In any case, applying wet decorative plaster is a laborious process.