Decorative plaster is a mortar that is used for finishing walls outside public buildings and houses, as well as inside offices, apartments and premises. The main purpose of the material is to increase the aesthetic and decorative qualities of the surface. Recently, acrylic plaster has become quite widespread, the binder in which is a high-molecular polymer, it provides excellent elasticity of the applied layer.

The acrylic resin of the plaster of the same name is a polymer, in addition to which inorganic and organic pigments can be added to the ingredients. Thanks to the latter, the composition takes on a color. The mixture contains mineral fillers, modifiers, as well as an aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymers. Modifiers are designed to improve the quality characteristics of the composition.
Varieties and their descriptions

Acrylic plaster can be textured, it has a coarse dispersion high viscositya structure filled with mica, flax fibers, and small pebbles. This composition is used for decorating concrete, brick, plastered and wooden surfaces. These mixtures are excellent for interior and exterior wall decoration.
During the production process, special particles are added that can hide irregularities and large defects. That is why the application can be carried out on surfaces that require almost no preparation. It will be enough to clean, dry and remove exfoliating elements. After that, an adhesive composition or a special mortar is applied according to the type of concrete contact.
Reviews about textured plaster

Textured acrylic plaster, according to users, has high hardness and water-repellent characteristics. After application, an air-permeable coating is formed that can imitate natural stone, fabric, wood and natural leather. If we consider decorative plasters, then the most popular, according to users, are textured ones, which are notable for their low cost. Such acrylic plaster can be tinted during application or painted after drying. On average, 2 kilograms of the mixture will go per square meter. Before purchasing, it must be remembered that a larger filler contributes to a high consumption of the composition. Users are advised not to apply this plaster during rain or damp weather, or if the temperaturedrops below 7 degrees. Home masters claim that the application of textured composition can be carried out without the use of highly specialized tools, among other things, there is no need to involve professionals in the work.
Subspecies of textured plaster

Acrylic-based textured plaster is divided into several subspecies, among them: lamb, fur coat, and bark beetle. In the manufacture of the first type, stones of different fractions are added. After completion of the work, it will be possible to obtain a surface that will differ in uniform grain size and roughness. Used plaster texture fur coat allows you to create a wall, which is made in the form of a small hairiness. Acrylic plaster "Bark beetle" is a composite composition that has a small stone filler among the ingredients. In the process of application, the master receives a striated texture that resembles a surface eaten by bugs. As a feature of textured plaster, the relief appears immediately.
Structural plaster

These materials have a thin layer structure and are made on an acrylic basis. Quartz elements or marble chips are used as a structure-forming substance. Outwardly, the composition looks heterogeneous and granular, and is used for finishing facades and decorating walls inside the premises. If fine-grained elements are added to the ingredients, then the wall will look almost even, but whenmedium-grained components, the surface after completion of work will receive a kind of relief. Application can be made on chipboard, mineral surfaces and drywall, with which the described mixture has excellent adhesion.
Reviews on structural acrylic plaster

According to users, structural plaster forms a layer that is breathable, as well as resistant to weathering and moisture. It is unacceptable to add coloring pigments to the composition, and application should be done with a trowel on a clean and dry surface, which is pre-treated with a deep penetration primer. According to home masters, the average consumption per square meter is 3 kilograms. If you are interested in structural acrylic facade plaster, then it is recommended to apply it in dry weather, while the temperature should not fall below +7 degrees. When carrying out work, it is permissible to use different methods and tools, namely: a sprayer, a roller or an even spatula. Experienced builders say that to get the effect of waves, you should use coarse-grained plaster, which is applied in a circular motion. As practice shows, the created layer is resistant to mechanical damage, impact resistance and allows wet cleaning during operation.
Venetian plaster reviews

Venetian acrylic plaster for interior use, according tousers, is a rather expensive material, but the effect justifies the price. Most often, such compositions are used in rooms, the interior of which is supposed to be decorated in a classic or antique style. Using the appropriate application methods, a glossy or matt surface can be obtained. The mixture is intended for application exclusively indoors, while it can be tinted. The surface must first be cleaned, leveled and dried. Experts recommend reinforcing the wall, and then cover it with putty and prime it. Buyers claim that if the technology is violated, cracks can form on the surface, which will be very difficult to get rid of. The mixture is perfect for small spaces, as Venetian acrylic plaster allows you to achieve the effect of increasing space. With this composition, you can get a base that imitates precious stones. This is ensured by staining with special pigments.
Acrylic Venetian plaster is a multi-layer coating that is made with the addition of slaked lime and marble chips. The structure is quite homogeneous. The finished layer visually resembles a surface made of onyx or natural stone. In order to achieve a positive result during application, it is necessary to have special skills and knowledge. During the work, flexible rubber spatulas are used, with the help of which it will be necessary to apply the composition with thin strokes in several layers.
Mosaic plaster
Acrylic mosaic plaster is intended forcreation of a finishing layer at arrangement of systems of plaster facades. This mixture is a thin-layer composition with a texture, which is represented by multi-colored stone chips. The grain size can vary from 1.4 to 2 millimeters. The material is ready to use, resistant to dirt and easy to clean during operation. It can be used for both outdoor and indoor work, it is available in 38 color compositions.
The layer exhibits the quality of abrasion and weather resistance.
Application can be made on cement-sand and cement-lime plaster, as well as drywall, putty and chipboard. This plaster is a polymeric transparent binder, which contains rounded quartz or crushed marble chips. The polymer composition acts as a pigment, which gives the mixture various colors.
Applying method
To all the above recommendations, it is worth adding that acrylic plaster, the composition that was described in the article, can be applied by you yourself. During operation, the ambient temperature should not go beyond +5 to +25 degrees. When carrying out outdoor work, you should not start manipulations if there is a strong wind outside, and the humidity is above 70%. It must be remembered that the operational characteristics of the layer will depend on compliance with the application technology. The surface must be prepared if no thermal insulation material is to be used. When working with a block or brick wall, the seams between the productsshould be cleaned, deepening one centimeter. You need to get rid of dirt. You can cut expansion joints to increase the penetration depth of the composition. The plaster should not be too fluid, at a time it is not necessary to apply a layer whose thickness will exceed 2 centimeters. If a concrete surface is available, then it is necessary to apply a layer of lime plaster in advance, which will be between the acrylic composition and the final coating.
The grout should be done in a circular motion, a few hours after application. It is necessary to start this stage when the composition will have the desired viscosity, sufficient to maintain the desired shape.