There are quite a lot of options for decorative flooring. Most homeowners prefer practical and economical laminate, moisture-resistant tiles or presentable and durable parquet. But cork floors deserve no less attention. Reviews characterize them on the positive side. Moreover, practical Europeans have long appreciated this finishing method and use it quite often.
Let's get to know this material better by looking at all its characteristics and features.
What is a cork floor
The main raw material for the manufacture of cork flooring is the bark of the cork tree. It has long been used in various areas of our life, and now the turn has come to finishing materials.
The shell of the aforementioned tree is crushed and pressed under high pressure. Thus, the manufacturer receives a base - a plate of chips and air bubbles. Several of these plates are connected with binders.substances and covered with protective compounds.

With the help of the received products, cork floors are also equipped. Feedback on their use can intrigue even skeptical consumers. After all, the material really has a lot of positive qualities.
On sale, cork flooring can be presented in the form of a thin rolled product or more massive slabs. The second varieties are often supplemented with special locks. With their help, the flooring elements are securely fastened together, and the installation process is significantly accelerated.
Basic properties of coatings
Reviews from owners about cork floors speak of their excellent soundproofing abilities. This information is confirmed by the manufacturer. This property is provided by a special cellular structure of the material. For this reason, it is appropriate to use them in children's rooms: no matter how much your children frolic, neither you (being in the next room), nor the neighbors will feel discomfort.
In addition, wood chip coatings are very pleasant to the touch. If you compare them with other finishing materials, then the cork definitely wins.
It's no secret that walking barefoot on ceramic tiles isn't much fun. Parquet and laminate at the same time cause a neutral feeling. And only the cork coating is able to give off the accumulated heat. This property confirms its high thermal conductivity - more than 85%.
Varieties of material
Cork flooring (reviews of which we willsee below) is divided into two main groups:
- adhesive products;
- technical materials (agglomerate).
The first variety includes completely natural products. They are presented in the form of plates of standard parameters (30x30 cm; 45x15 cm; 45x45 cm; 60x30 cm). The width of the sheets can vary from three to six mm.
All products in this group have a two-layer structure: the bottom layer of compressed chips and the front cover of high-quality veneer.
Impregnation of plates with special protective compounds gives them good resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. Adhesive cork flooring has the most reviews. The panels are very popular among designers, as they have many patterns and are characterized by a variety of colors.
You can choose to finish with one of the following decorative layers:
- thin veneer;
- protective lacquer;
- vinyl cover;
- wood trim.
The most common products are coated with veneer. They have the most reasonable price and a beautiful view. For additional protection, the veneer can be varnished. Varieties with increased moisture resistance are protected with a special film. And the wood finish allows you to create very presentable and most spectacular coatings.

The second variety are technical cork floors. Consumer reviews characterize these materials as good naturalinsulation. Indeed, when creating technical materials, manufacturers do not intend to use them as a finish.
Such products are made from the remnants of cork production. On sale they can be found in the form of plates and large rolls. They are used as a layer between the base of the floor and the front finish. Their use allows you to insulate the surface and make movement on it as quiet as possible.
Now let's look at the pros and cons of cork flooring. Feedback from owners and craftsmen will help you get a complete picture of them.
What are the main advantages of coatings?
In addition to the already listed advantages, cork materials have additional advantages. The main one is environmental friendliness.
As the fashion for the use of exclusively he althy materials is growing in the world, this property of wood chips is very relevant. Cork tree bark is a harmless raw material. It is not capable of emitting harmful substances and an unpleasant odor.

The advantages of cork floors (according to the owners) are in the following product properties:
- High resistance to mechanical stress and deformation. Cork slabs cannot be accidentally scratched. Moving heavy furniture also does not leave a negative imprint on the decorative surface.
- Easy care. The material does not require careful handling and is easy to clean. It perfectly tolerates contact with water, which means that the floors can be without the slightest fear. This allowstalk about their absolute hygiene.
- Hypoallergenic. Plates are not electrified, are not able to accumulate dust and cause allergic reactions.
- Resistant to fungus and mold. Despite the fact that all wooden products are very afraid of moisture and mold, cork materials are an exception. This feature allows you to use the cork floor in the kitchen. Owner reviews testify to its long-term use even in bathrooms.
With all the positive qualities, such coatings also have an impressive service life. The minimum period of operation guaranteed by the manufacturer is 10 years. Manufacturers claim that during this time the materials completely retain their structure and original appearance.
Negative qualities of cork materials
To say that cork floors have only virtues would be dishonest. Like any material, they have certain negative properties.
Manufacturers warn about the possibility of swelling of the floor if moisture gets under the protective coating. From this it follows that it is not recommended to spill water on such surfaces. If moisture seeps through the seam (gets inside the product), its damage is inevitable.

Reviews about the cork field (meaning the floor finish) speak of other shortcomings. For example, that after the warranty period, the protective film and varnish tend to wear out. And this not only spoils the appearance of the coating, but also makes it possiblepenetration of moisture into the structure of the material.
Some consumers note the high cost of floor tiles. However, the price tag of cork coatings cannot be called stable. If you want to use the most spectacular options, then you will have to spend a lot of money. For ordinary interiors, you can purchase more affordable varieties. At the same time, they will look very decent.
A relative disadvantage is the exactingness of the surface on which the material will be laid. It should not have bumps, depressions and sagging. Detachment of the screed and the presence of small stones on it is also unacceptable. All these defects will be felt through the finish coat. This can somewhat spoil the impression of cork flooring.
Peculiarities of using cork chip coatings
Despite the above high performance, experts recommend adhering to some rules in the use of cork floors. Customer reviews confirm the relevance of the following recommendations:
- If you decide to lay cork slabs on the floor, pay attention to the microclimate in this room. The ideal indicator of humidity is considered to be 65%. If the gauges indicate a higher level, then the life of the coating may be reduced.
- Do not lay natural materials in unheated (seasonal) rooms. The protective coating is not able to ensure the stability of the entire structure of the plate, therefore it is better if the apartment (or house) has a constant air temperature ranging from 22 to 26degrees.
- To avoid drying out of the plates, it is recommended to use devices that humidify the air during the heat season.
- To prevent dents on the floor surface from narrow furniture legs, it is recommended to install felt or cork pads on dangerous items.
As mentioned earlier, the benefits of cork flooring include ease of maintenance. However, this concept is relative. Indeed, cork can be swept, vacuumed and washed, but in the latter case, it is better to wring out the rag thoroughly.

Please note that the use of abrasive detergents may damage the protective layer of the boards. It is better to refuse their use.
Cost of cork floorings
At this stage, many are likely to be interested in cork floor prices. Customer reviews in this matter are divided into two groups. Some consider the price tag too high, while others argue that it is quite acceptable.
In order not to rely solely on someone else's opinion, consider how much such material can cost.
So, the most economical tiles for adhesive fixation have a price tag of about 900 rubles per square meter. Depending on the region of sale and the manufacturer, the price may vary slightly.

The cost of the most popular coatings (with veneer trim) varies from 1000 to 2500 rubles per square. At the same time, the highest price tagcharacterized by products from Germany.
Products of the elite class will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. If solid bark of Portuguese oak or elite types of wood were used for the production of plates, then the cost of coatings will start from 7000-8000 rubles.
To equip floor soundproofing with cork agglomerate (reviews prove the popularity of these works), you will have to spend about 160-200 rubles per linear meter. Roll height - 1 meter. The price is for a thin substrate (3 mm). Thicker options will cost a little more.
Features of mounting adhesive blocks
Considering the cork floor, the pros and cons of decorative coating and sound insulation, you should pay attention to the technology of their installation. After all, the more difficult the installation, the more expensive the work of the masters. If you decide to make the flooring yourself, then this question is even more relevant.
Castle and adhesive plates strongly emphasize all the flaws in the base. So it needs to be sorted out. In the case of locking varieties of cork, the work is very similar to installing a laminate:
- Slabs are being laid along the wall. In this case, the gap between the material and the wall must be kept within 1.5-2 cm.
- The first row is laid out from the whole element. All tiles should fit well together.
- The second row is laid from half of the plate. This will avoid the formation of continuous seams throughout the coating. The third row starts again with a whole plate, and the fourth - with half. So lay all the cover.
- The slabs of the last row are cut torequired size. The gaps near the wall are filled with silicone sealant (around the entire perimeter of the room).
After completion of work, skirting boards are installed.
How are adhesive tiles laid?
The peculiarity of the installation of adhesive products is that they are placed from the center of the room. That is, the first element is placed in its very middle, and all the rest are already around it.
In the process of work, only special adhesives are used (for cork products). They are applied in a thin layer to the tile, after which it is tightly pressed against the floor. It is very important that during installation all the seams match!

At the end of the work, the flooring should be left for a couple of days. After the glue has completely dried, the coating can be treated with a protective varnish.
As you can see, the benefits of cork flooring are not exaggerated. It does fit quite easily.
Reviews about cork floors
The opinions of Internet users about this type of decoration are mostly positive.
Customers note the convenience of movement on a warm, springy surface. The same quality of coverage delights families with small children. With such a floor, you can not worry about the fact that the baby will unsuccessfully fall and hit.
Technical options are often laid under the tile. Buyers focus on the fact that with such a substrate, the tile becomes much warmer.
Reviews of professionals about the cork floor agreed in one opinion: this coating can serve for many years, butonly if you do not save on the purchase of material. High-quality products are the key to long-term operation of the floor without repairs!