"Gliocladin" (reviews). Detailed instructions and scope

"Gliocladin" (reviews). Detailed instructions and scope
"Gliocladin" (reviews). Detailed instructions and scope

Growing vegetables is a troublesome business. All of them are susceptible to various diseases. There are many chemicals available to protect plants. However, they can accumulate in plants and soil, adversely affecting the human body. Poisonous components pollute the soil, reducing its fertility.

Sustainable crop protection

An alternative to chemicals - biological fungicides, which are a pure culture, harmless to the environment, plants, domestic animals and insects (pollinators, entomophages). Preference is given to universal biological products, which are used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for soil restoration and as a prophylactic. Among these is a biological fungicide, the manufacturer of which is CJSCAgrobiotechnology (Russia), Gliocladin. Reviews of gardeners and gardeners testify to its effectiveness. The drug, the analogue of which is Trichodermin, is produced in various forms. Available in packs of tablets, dry powder or suspension concentrate.


Biological fungicide is widely used in horticulture, horticulture and floriculture.

Gliocladin reviews
Gliocladin reviews

Its purpose is to fight fungal diseases that are present in the soil cover and infect plants. The main composition of the drug is the spores of Trichoderma harziannum VIZR-18 fungi and a complex of metabolites. This saprophyte, under favorable conditions, intensively grows and multiplies, stopping the growth of pathogenic fungi, which are the source of diseases. It is active in the upper soil layer, the thickness of which does not exceed ten centimeters. Favorable conditions should be created for the development of mycelium. The soil cover must be moist. It must be mulched. High temperatures and drying of the soil lead to the death of Trichoderma.

Prescribing the drug

Antagonist of many soil fungi that cause diseases of vegetable, horticultural and flower crops is the biological fungicide "Gliocladin".

Gliocladin instructions for use
Gliocladin instructions for use

Reviews of vegetable growers, gardeners and flower growers who used this drug indicate that it is able to overcome such diseases:

  • root rot - pitiosis,rhizoctoniosis, fusarium;
  • withering;
  • diseases affecting leaves and stems - gray rot, ascochitosis, alternariosis, anthracnose.

The list of recommended for the use of the drug combines many plants. Vegetable crops: cucumber - protected and open ground, tomato - protected and open ground, potato.

Garden plants: apple trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes, grapes and strawberries.

Also, a biological fungicide is successfully used in floriculture to protect indoor plants. The therapeutic and prophylactic effect is provided by the drug "Glyocladin".


The use of the drug in each case is strictly dosed. The shelf life of any form (without breaking the packaging) is six months from the date of manufacture. Provide a specially designated place that will be inaccessible to animals and children. In this case, the permissible temperature can be minus thirty-plus twenty-five degrees Celsius.


Dry powder is used to prepare a solution. Consumption is: fifty grams of the drug per hectare.

Gliocladin instruction reviews
Gliocladin instruction reviews

Ready-to-use solution should be used within two hours. The treated soil is plowed to a depth of at least thirty centimeters.

Tablets are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes at the rate of one piece per plant (or three hundred or eight hundred milliliters of soil). They do not need to be dissolved in water.


"Gliocladin" belongs to the fourth class of danger - it is a low-dangerous drug. However, when working with it, follow the following rules:

  • do not smoke or eat;
  • must wear gloves;
  • do not use utensils designed for cooking;
  • unacceptable storage with food, animal feed, drugs;
  • Storage is allowed in places inaccessible to children and animals.


When growing seedlings, "Gliocladin" is used. The instruction for the use of the drug in this case provides for a certain consumption and period of action of the biological fungicide.

Gliocladin instructions for use reviews
Gliocladin instructions for use reviews

Before sowing seeds in each pot or seedling container, with a volume of three hundred or eight hundred milliliters, one tablet will be required. Effective protection against late blight, rhizoctoniosis, pitiosis, vertillosis, fusarium and root rot will be Gliocladin. Instructions for use of the drug contains a list of crops for which treatment with this drug is possible. The tableted form of a biological fungicide effectively acts when picking or planting planting material of ornamental, flower and vegetable crops in open ground. In this case, one piece is placed in the wells under each plant. Under favorable conditions, intensive development of mycelium occurs during the week. The plant protection period is eight to twelve weeks.

Forrestoration of the soil cover, with the accumulation of chemicals in it, an aqueous solution of dry powder is used at the rate of fifty grams per hectare of area.


Gliocladin is incompatible with chemicals. Instructions for use strictly prohibit their simultaneous use. Alternation with other biological products is allowed. "Alirin-B", "Gamair", "Planriz" are used, maintaining a weekly or two-weekly interval.

Use of biological fungicide in growing cucumbers

Vegetable crops are prone to disease. Gardeners, when growing cucumbers in open and closed ground, are faced with the fact that a well-developed, fruit-bearing plant suddenly withers and dies.

Gliocladin reviews for cucumbers
Gliocladin reviews for cucumbers

This disease is very common. It especially affects cucumbers when grown in closed ground conditions. The cause of this problem is root rot. Glyocladin is used to prevent and protect against this disease.


  • biological fungicide for cucumbers - an indispensable tool, affordable and easy to use;
  • does great with root rot and plant wilt;
  • positive effect gives a complex application with the drugs "Alirin-B", "Gamair", "Planriz".

When growing this vegetable crop, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of tablets. Under each bush, for the prevention of disease and treatment, they placeone or two pieces. When the first signs of infection appear at the root, two tablets are placed at a depth of one or two centimeters. It should not be forgotten that the soil must be moist. And around the plant, mulching is necessary. When using other biological preparations, an interval between treatments should be maintained, which is at least a week. For other vegetable crops, "Glyocladin" will also be useful.

Instructions for use

Reviews of gardeners and vegetable growers confirm the positive effect of the use of saprophytes in the cultivation of tomatoes. This is both prevention and treatment of plants during the entire vegetative period. Black leg, late blight, root and basal rot are diseases to which tomato plantations are exposed. Biological fungicide is used as a prevention and treatment of these infections. First of all, the drug is effective in growing seedlings. In this case, the black leg will be fatal. Prevention of this disease is the pre-sowing treatment of the earthen mixture. You need five grams per five liters of soil. Processing is carried out three days before sowing seeds. The next stage is picking. It is performed when two or three true leaves appear. Make one or two tablets per plant (or three hundred or eight hundred milliliters of soil). The same dosage is used when planting seedlings on beds.

Glyocladin instruction
Glyocladin instruction

In the open field, reliable protection against late blight is the biological fungicide "Gliocladin". Feedback from gardeners is positive. People who have used thisdrug, a positive effect is noted. The high activity of mycelium inhibits and stops the growth of pathogenic fungi, which are the source of the spread of the disease.

Application of biological fungicide in floriculture

Not only in the processing of vegetable crops, Gliocladin has proven itself on the positive side. Instructions, reviews of houseplant owners recommend the use of this drug when growing flower crops, which are also subject to various diseases. The tablet form makes it easy to calculate dosages. In this case, it is possible to repeatedly use "Gliocladin". Instructions for use, reviews of flower growers confirm the positive effect in the treatment of various plants. An example is the use of a biological fungicide in the cultivation of saintpaulias. They are prone to diseases such as gray rot, wilting.

Glyocladin instructions for use
Glyocladin instructions for use

Quite often the root and leaves rot. To prevent these diseases, one tablet of a biological fungicide is placed in each florist. The positive effect is obvious. Flowers practically do not get sick, they bloom beautifully.

Biological fungicide reviews

According to gardeners and gardeners, the use of all kinds of drugs is necessary. Soil, seeds, equipment used can be infected with all sorts of infections. Which method of plant protection should be preferred? In the list of drugs that are universal and available, Gliocladin is listed. Reviews - tothe confirmation. According to gardeners and gardeners, this biological fungicide should be used when growing planting material for vegetable and flower crops. The future harvest depends on its quality. And this drug is a great tool for this. Moreover, its application is available in any form. Gliocladin is completely harmless and non-toxic. Instructions, reviews will help you apply it correctly for a particular culture.

After analyzing the characteristics of the drug, we can formulate the main properties and features of "Gliocladin". It is highly effective and non-toxic, designed to restore microflora in the soil cover and on vegetable, horticultural and flower crops. With repeated use, there is no addiction to pathogens. The preparation possesses high ecological qualities. It restores soil cover after the application of chemicals.
