Decorate and ennoble a garden plot, decorate small defects on a wall or hedge, create an unusual blooming arbor or arch - climbing roses will perfectly complement the most diverse landscape design.
These delicate and graceful plants are very popular with gardeners and breeders. To date, an incredible variety of varieties of this species of various shades and shapes have been bred.
One of the most popular varieties is Flamentanz, a rose that has been successfully grown in Russia for a long time. This variety with dazzling bright buds and a delicate, refined aroma can be found not only in the southern regions of our country, but also in central Russia. Why is the Flamentanz (rose) variety so popular, the reviews on the properties of which are more than positive?

"Guest" from Europe. Her description
Flamentanz - a rose bred in Germany in the mid-50syears of the last century. Hence the most famous name of the variety - Flammentanz, translated from German meaning "fiery (or fiery) dance." With the onset of night, the green shrubs of this climbing rose are covered with lush bright scarlet flowers, the plant really resembles a pillar of flame. The buds of the Flammentanz rose are heavy, velvety, up to 120 mm in diameter, and have a delicate delicate aroma. On one stem there can be from 3 to 15 blooming roses. Under favorable conditions, the shrub of this variety can reach a height of 4-5 meters.

What is the peculiarity of Flamentanz species? The rose blooms only once a year, in May - June, but flowering lasts quite a long time - more than a month.
In Russia, this variety has gained popularity due to such qualities as high winter hardiness, relative unpretentiousness and vitality. Shrubs of this variety are able to survive Russian frosts under little cover, and in the southern regions the plant does not need to be wrapped up for the winter.
Another very useful quality of the Flamentanz variety - the rose is highly resistant to various plant diseases.
How and where is it better to grow this flower
Without exception, climbing roses need plenty of sunlight to grow well. The place for planting a seedling of the Flamentanz variety should be sunny and well ventilated. Elevated areas, the south wall of buildings or hedges are ideal.
Too large area for a seedling is not required. Strips in 50 cmhalf a meter from other objects will be enough. A rose is planted in the ground in the spring, when the earth warms up well enough. Before planting in the hole, you need to add half a bucket of manure (humus), then pour plenty of water. A climbing rose seedling, previously soaked in water, is planted in the ground, and after that the entire above-ground part can be shortened to 20 cm.

Caring for Flamentanz climbing roses
There are some simple recommendations for gardeners who have chosen the Flamentanz (rose) variety to decorate the plot. How to care for this beautiful plant in order to achieve lush flowering?
This flower is relatively unpretentious. It is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner and water once every six to seven days. Weak branches and faded heads should be cut with a sharp tool.
In the first year after planting a rose, it is not necessary to fertilize. In subsequent years, at least 4 or 5 top dressings are recommended in one growing season. For this variety, peat-mineral-nitrogen types of fertilizers are optimally suited. A special flower mixture for top dressing will also be a good support.
Pruning, wintering climbing roses
Another feature of growing climbing beauties, including the Flamentanz variety: a rose, which in Russian conditions requires shelter for the cold season, also needs regular autumn and spring pruning of shoots.
In autumn, it is imperative to carry out thinning pruning of the rose bush, this will greatly facilitate sheltering onwinter and help keep it he althy. Be sure to remove shoots affected by the disease. To thin out the plant, old three-year-old shoots are also cut off before sheltering for the winter. The rest of the pruning is preferable to leave for the spring.

After the pruning is over, care should be taken to ensure that the Flamentanz shrub successfully “wintered”. It is very important to properly cover the plant for the winter. A rose that is frozen in the cold season or, conversely, propped up under cover, will not give such a lush bloom, which distinguishes the "fiery" variety.
Before the first frost, the prepared shoots must be tied up without removing them from the support, and the rose should be covered a little later, when a stable minus temperature is established from -5 to -7 degrees. If you cover a flower without waiting for sub-zero temperatures, this will provoke a warming of the rose. For the same reason, you need to cover the rose bush only in dry weather. This is done as follows:
- The base of the shrub is covered with a thick layer of mulch.
- The shoots are removed from the support and allowed to stand for a short period of time so that the branches lean towards the ground in a natural way.
- Leaves are best cut carefully with pruning shears, without cutting off or touching the base of the buds, to prevent exposure of sheltered plants to mold or other fungi that may be on the surface of the leaf. But this action is optional, just treat the shrub with a special disinfectant solution
- The shoots and branches of the bush bend downto the ground not too low, in one direction. Under them, you can lay out a layer of spruce branches, boards or mowed grass. In this position, the branches are fixed with an arc or several arcs made of any material: wire, metal, plastic, and so on. The arches will provide airflow inside the shelter, which will prevent freezing or overheating of the bush.
- The whole plant, in two layers, is covered with non-woven polypropylene garden material (Agril, Spunbond or any other covering material). This cover is usually sufficient.
- It is not recommended to cover with an additional cellophane film, this contributes to the accumulation of condensate inside the shelter. If a very cold winter is expected, it is permissible to create an additional layer of spruce branches on top of the covering material.
In the spring, when the temperature is stable at the same level, the shelter can be removed. After that, additional sanitary pruning is carried out: last year's shoots, which have not yet given flowers, are cut to the most well-developed bud. Two-year-old shoots that have already bloomed are partially removed so as not to interfere with the growth of new shoots. On the remaining ones, the optimal length should be left up to 3 or 4 kidneys.