Sometimes, acquiring another houseplant, we do not even think that it may have harmful properties. However, if a small child lives in the house or there are animals, you should pay more attention to the choice of colors. Indeed, some species may contain toxic substances in their juice or release them into oxygen. In addition to plants that should not be kept at home in general, there are flowers that have a slight adverse effect on the human body. For such plants, you need to choose the right location. On top of that, there are many different signs that indicate which flowers cannot be kept at home. In our new material, we will try to figure out which plants you should be careful with and which do not pose much harm to humans.
Poisonous plants
This category includes those green inhabitants who should not be kept at home, especially if there issmall children or animals. It is pets and babies that are able to get poisoned by such plants or get burns if they are handled carelessly. If you don’t have any children or pets, when caring for these flowers, you should carefully follow all the precautions: use gloves when working with them and always rinse your working tools well. It is strictly forbidden to cut poisonous flowers with a knife that is intended for food. Consider all these plants in more detail.
At the top of our list is a fairly popular indoor plant that attracts flower growers with its incredibly large yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. Why is this flower dangerous? It's all about the juice that is released when the stem or leaves are cut. If you chew any part of this flower, you can get severe poisoning. In addition, dieffenbachia juice causes severe burns on the skin.

Speaking about what flowers can not be kept at home and why, one cannot but mention the oleander. This plant has gained particular popularity due to its bright crimson flowers. But we must not forget that oleander juice, once in the body, causes blindness in a person. The smell of this plant during the flowering period is also dangerous: it can lead to poor he alth, slight dizziness.
This plant is represented by just an incredible number of different species and forms, so it is difficult to describe it unambiguously. Costsnote that many representatives outwardly are very similar to cacti, have thorns. It is these thorns that pose a danger to humans, because they can seriously injure themselves. No less dangerous is the white juice contained in the leaves and stem of the plant. It can cause burns and irritation.
What flowers should not be kept at home? Experts do not recommend growing croton, a plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. Outwardly, croton looks like a small tree with variegated elongated leaves, its flowers are inconspicuous, and besides, it rarely blooms at home. The sap of this plant is dangerous for humans and animals: it can cause severe burns on the skin, and if it enters the blood or stomach, it can result in resuscitation or even death.
Are you interested in information about what flowers can not be kept at home? In the photo below is a beautiful azalea. Despite its splendor, attractive flowering and various colors, it is considered extremely dangerous. The leaves of this flower, ingested by the human body, cause convulsions and intestinal colic.

Shamey Mimosa
This houseplant looks incredibly fragile and delicate, and with any contact, mimosa leaves roll up into a tube. However, one cannot fail to say that a bizarre flower can lead to hair loss! Regular and prolonged contact often causes complete baldness. The thing is that bashful mimosa emits very toxicsubstances that poison the human body.
Which indoor flowers should not be kept at home? Experts strongly do not recommend using adenium for landscaping. This beautiful tree with a fat stem, thin leaves and a huge number of bright pink flowers is extremely toxic, just like the bashful mimosa. Juice is also dangerous: it can cause both burns and poisoning.
Speaking of which flowers cannot be kept at home, the philodendron should also be highlighted. This plant is represented by vines, bushes and bright lush greenery. The most poisonous part of the plant is its sap, which can cause problems such as irritation and burns.

The beautiful primrose is also not the best option for home gardening. Despite the magnificent appearance, lush flowering, bright colors, velvety leaves that are pleasant to the touch, this plant is extremely dangerous due to toxic substances. Primrose can cause dizziness and nausea. Its leaves are also dangerous for humans: the small villi with which they are covered cause a burning sensation and an allergic reaction.
Flower growers love this flower because of its bright orange fruits that adorn the evergreen shrub. However, it is the fruits that contain a large amount of toxic substances. Often, the bright color of the nightshade attracts animals and children, and therefore we do not recommend keeping such a plant at home.

Tulip Gesner
Speaking about what flowers cannot be kept at home, one cannot fail to highlight the Gesner tulip. This plant is characterized by a truly impressive flowering. Its stem is medium in size, the flowers are quite lush. Coloring, by the way, can be very diverse. However, if you stay near this flower for a long time, you can completely lose your hair.
This plant with long needles and large white flowers is a type of cactus. At first glance, it may seem harmless enough, besides, its flowers have a very pleasant aroma. However, this plant is characterized by the presence of toxins and hallucinogens, which means it can cause paralysis of the nervous system.
Which indoor flowers should not be kept at home? Pictured is a steller plant. In general, it is known for its medicinal properties, but it should be used for medical purposes only under the supervision of a doctor. The leaves of the plant, ingested raw, usually lead to swelling of the vocal cords. Perhaps even complete numbness.

Indoor plants to be treated with care
There are houseplants that can only cause harm if they are located in the wrong place. Some species may cause mild ailments or allergic reactions. What plants are included in this list? We know the answer:
- Lily. Few do notfamiliar with this luxurious beauty with a thick sweet aroma. It is the concentrated smell that leads to the fact that lilies cause insomnia, so you should not keep them in the bedroom.
- Orchid. This plant often causes sleep disturbance, so putting a pot of orchids in the bedroom is not recommended. But next to the workplace, this flower would be quite appropriate.
- Fern. If you have a headache in the morning, pay attention to whether there is a fern on the bedside table. This plant releases carbon dioxide, and it only does so at night.
- Tuberose. This perennial plant, reaching a height of about 45 cm, with white flowers at the top, has an incredibly strong sweet aroma. Experts say: this plant is able to release particles that sharpen the organs of smell. Such a plant should not be kept in a house where people with heart disease or hypertension live. The thing is that tuberose often causes dizziness and loss of strength, turning into a depressive state. If you still decide to keep tuberose in the house, put it in a room that is well ventilated.

What flowers can not be kept at home: signs and photos
To trust folk signs or not, everyone decides for himself. At the same time, one should not forget that objects usually appear on the basis of observations of more than one generation. We propose to talk about what brings the appearance of some flowers in the house from the point of viewfolk wisdom.
So, answering the question of what flowers should not be kept at home by an unmarried girl, esotericists say: it is best to give up cacti. The sign says that it is this houseplant that will not allow the girl to meet the chosen one or get married safely. There are other beliefs associated with the cactus, for example, it is generally accepted that the presence of this plant in an apartment can turn the men living in it into people suffering from alcoholism.

What flowers should not be kept in the house? Signs say: it is worth giving up ferns. The thing is that this plant takes a person's vitality. Magicians call the fern a real energy vampire, in the house where it is located, people usually feel tired, sleepy and lose the desire to do anything. According to folk signs, ivy and other climbing plants should also be abandoned. There is an opinion that they scare away men: that is, in a house where there is ivy, a man will constantly strive to go somewhere. In addition, it is likely that ivy can negatively affect a person’s state of mind, deprive him of an optimistic mood and a state of inner harmony. Therefore, esotericists say, climbing plants are best placed outside - in this case they will become defenders. Speaking about which home flowers can not be kept at home by unmarried young ladies, it is worth noting the language of the mother-in-law: it is generally accepted that this plant with long leaves of a rich green tone is a faithful companionloneliness. Destroys personal life and sansevieria, outwardly resembling a fish tail. Superstitious people should give up various palm trees: it is believed that donated palm trees bring grief to the family. Therefore, this plant is recommended to be left for office space. Perhaps the most controversial plant can be called ficus. The fact is that people's opinions about this plant differ: someone believes that the flower can negatively affect the appearance of children in the family, while someone, on the contrary, is sure that it is the ficus that can solve the problems of infertility.

Feng Shui
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to pay attention not only to the variety of the plant, but also to its condition. For example, there is no need to keep old plants in the house that have long ceased to bloom, for several months (or even years!) Do not give young shoots. Sick flowers take away he alth. You should also remove a flower from the house, which you have been caring for for a long time to no avail. Discord in the family can bring plants with sharp leaves or thorns. Another important rule: do not have too many plants in the bedroom, especially next to the bed.