Over time, owners of private real estate may need to attach a veranda to their house or cottage. This will reduce heat loss in the winter season. The veranda will close the main entrance to the building. Also, this building allows you to get additional space for relaxation.
To complete the extension of the veranda to the house, you will need to use the advice of professionals. There are certain rules and regulations for this process. They need to be taken into account in order to get a strong, durable design.
General characteristics of the extension
The extension to the house of the veranda and terrace can be carried out after the main building has been erected. The need to expand the living space can arise for many reasons. A veranda is a closed extension, which plays the role of a kind of transition between the street and the hallway. It necessarily has windows, a door, a roof.
If there is not enough space in the summer cottage to create such a closed extension, you can build a terrace. This is an open structure. Here you can equip a place to relax. You can also place a table and chairs on the veranda if you wish, so that in the evening you can enjoy a beautiful view of nature from the window.

If the veranda is exclusively a transitional structure, so that cold air does not penetrate the house, it can be made uninsulated. This option is also suitable for owners of a house that is not in use during the winter. If you plan to relax here in the cold season, it is recommended to equip an insulated version of the building.
The extension to the house of the veranda (photo above) must be carefully planned. At the same time, existing building codes and regulations are taken into account. The veranda must be attached to the side of the house where the main entrance is located. Otherwise, the operation of this room will be impractical. You will need to walk down the street to sit in the annex.
The veranda is usually not large. She can be quite tiny. If it is planned to create a full-fledged recreation room here, you can create a building with dimensions up to 12 m². In some cases, this extension has an area of \u200b\u200b3 m². When choosing the size of the veranda, you need to correlate it with the dimensions of the house. It should harmoniously complement the main building.
Design features
There are many options for adding a veranda to the house (the photo is presented below). The choice depends on the features of the main building, the requirements of the owners of the dacha or cottage. First, a plan for the veranda is developed. You need to choose its dimensions, shape.
There are built-in and built-in verandas. The first option is planned before the start of construction of the house. In this case, the veranda will have a common foundation with it. If it is added when the cottage has already been built, the extension must have its own foundation.

Veranda can have different shapes. The most popular is the rectangular extension. It will be easier to build it with your own hands than other varieties. However, the round veranda looks more original. It is suitable for certain types of exterior. Such an extension will decorate the house. Another design option is a six- or octagonal veranda.
Depending on the dimensions of the main building, the veranda may have different sizes. If the house is small (dacha), the veranda can be the same length as the wall with the central entrance. If the cottage is large, the extension may be shorter than this building.
Entrance to the veranda can be side or central. The choice depends on the characteristics of the site. It is not recommended to install the door to the veranda and to the house opposite each other. In this case, the likelihood of drafts is high. Staying in the annex will be uncomfortable.
Obtaining a building permit
Adding a veranda to the house with your own hands will require obtaining documentary permission to carry out such an expansion of living space. This is a specific type of remodeling of an existing building. To obtain a building permit, you will need to prepare a number of documents. They are handed over toarchitecture.

The owner of the house must provide documents that confirm his right to own housing. You will also need a detailed plan of the house with a veranda. If the owner of the house does not have the necessary knowledge and qualifications, he must contact a specialized construction company. Here, an extension plan will be developed in accordance with existing norms and requirements. The operation of such a structure will be safe.
In addition, the written consent of all residents registered in the house is provided to the architecture department. You will also need to write an application for permission to rebuild the building.
It is worth noting that in specialized companies there are ready-made projects for adding a veranda to a wooden house or buildings made of brick, concrete, foam blocks, etc. Such plans will cost less. Individual projects are quite expensive.
You need to deal with issues of obtaining permission for restructuring 3 months before the start of work. This can be done in winter. Construction can begin in the spring. If you attach a veranda without obtaining permission, transfer such housing by inheritance, it will be very, very difficult to sell it. Also, do not deviate from the created plan. This entails a fine. Unauthorized construction is subject to demolition at the expense of the owner of the house. Without proper documentation, he has no ownership of this object.
Construction materials
Adding a veranda and terrace to a woodena house or building made of other materials has a number of features. When developing a plan, the owners of a summer house or cottage must maintain the overall harmony between the main building and the annex. It is for this reason that it is recommended to create a veranda from the same material as the house. However, this is not required.
Modern construction technologies make it possible to combine different materials. Therefore, it is possible to harmonize the general appearance of the building by using the same flooring for the roof of the cottage and the extension. The choice of the appearance of the veranda depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house, their financial capabilities.

There are many materials from which you can create an extension. They differ in cost, performance and installation features. One of the most inexpensive options for creating a veranda is plywood. Sheets are fixed on the assembled metal frame. Instead of plywood, you can also use lining, plastic panels and corrugated board. Polycarbonate extensions are popular. It is an inexpensive and durable material.
An extension made of brick or aerated concrete blocks looks much more spectacular. This option is more suitable for a house that is created from the same material. You can also use natural stone. This type of editing will require certain skills of the master.
For a wooden house, the best option would be to create a veranda from the same material. An extension can be created from timber, boards or lining made of natural material.
Features of woodverandas
The addition of a veranda to a wooden house is also almost always created from the same material. It is practical, beautiful and environmentally friendly. Modern materials have not been able to replace natural wood in the construction of houses and outbuildings. There are several options for building a veranda of this type.
The extension can be created using frame-panel technology or erected from timber or logs. The choice depends on the appearance of the exterior of the building. So, for a log house, a log veranda would be an ideal option. If you need to build an inexpensive extension in the country, it is better to give preference to the frame-panel method.

A distinctive feature of wooden verandas is their ease of installation. The master does not even need an assistant to carry out this work. Wood is relatively light weight. This is also its advantage. No need to use expensive special equipment.
However, it is worth considering that the addition of a veranda to a wooden house made of the same material has a number of disadvantages. They have a natural material. Wood is a fire hazardous material. In addition, over time, it can be attacked by pests, fungus and mold appear on it. You will need to apply special compounds to reduce the negative features of this material.
Features of the brick porch
If the house is built of bricks, in most cases an extension is created from the same material. This material has many advantages. Adding a brick veranda to a brick house in the heat will keep you cool inside. At the same time, the material is fireproof. Brickwork is durable. With the right finish, it can be used for several decades. Also, such a veranda will be easy to maintain.

Insulated varieties of extensions are best made from bricks or blocks. Such material, with proper insulation, will significantly reduce the heat loss of the room. Heating will require less energy. In such a veranda you can equip a place to relax in the winter. For this, heating is brought here, glazing is made (at least 2 glasses).
The disadvantage of a brick building is its heavy weight. This forces the construction of a strip foundation. This is a more expensive type of foundation. In addition, a brick that demonstrates high performance (does not transmit heat, is durable, is not afraid of moisture) is quite expensive.
Another good option is to use foam blocks. In this case, the construction process will move faster and easier. This type of material is easy to process. It will require high-quality interior and exterior finishes. The weight of aerated concrete blocks is much less than that of brickwork. This allows you to save on the arrangement of the foundation.
Other types of materials
There are a variety of projects for adding a veranda to the house. One of the original varieties of materials is polycarbonate. It allows you to create a lightweight, durable extension. positiveThe characteristics of this material are its high thermal insulation performance.

The polycarbonate is transparent, which saves on lighting the veranda during the daytime. The material is plastic. Its structure resembles a honeycomb, which gives the plates special qualities. From these sheets, you can create both the walls and the roof of the building. If heating is brought into such a veranda, it can be used as a winter garden, a rest room during the cold season.
It should be noted that the creation of a veranda on the south side of a polycarbonate house is undesirable. If there is no high-quality shading, ventilation, it will be impossible to be inside the extension. It will be very hot and stuffy here.
Adding a veranda to a country house can be made from other materials. If the facade is decorated in ethno style, you can make an extension of the wattle type. It can only be used during the summer period. It's best to keep it open. So the space inside on hot days will be well ventilated. Transformable verandas are also popular. If necessary, you can move their doors apart in the warm season or tightly close the panels in bad weather.
Foundation features
Adding a closed veranda to the house involves the mandatory arrangement of the foundation. It can be tape or columnar. The choice depends on the characteristics of the soil, the total weight of the structure. If the house is built in swampy areas or in a very cold climate, piles will need to be driven into the ground.
Tapethe foundation can be created from concrete. Bricks, block materials or natural stone are also used for this. This allows you to create a certain decorative effect, to fulfill all building requirements and standards. The strip foundation is suitable for overall, heavy verandas. In this case, it must be tied to the main foundation of the house. This can only be done on a stable type of soil. For this, special fittings are used. The level of the foundation of the veranda should not be lower than the base of the building.
If the veranda is built of light materials, a columnar foundation is built. It is not tied to the main building. This is necessary due to the shrinkage of materials and the foundation in the first few years after the construction of the extension. You should also leave a small gap between the house and the veranda. Otherwise, cracks will appear on the structure.
The columnar foundation is suitable for a veranda made of polycarbonate, wood, frame structures. Lags are laid on the poles created using a special technology. The floor is laid on them and the construction of all subsequent elements of the extension is carried out.
Floor and walls
After creating the foundation, you need to build walls and mount the floor. The choice of materials depends on the features of the operation of the structure. If you are adding a warm veranda to the house, you need to purchase insulation, waterproofing. First, the floor is created. If the veranda is warm, it is poured with a screed. The underground is covered with a layer of sand and gravel. A layer of waterproofing is laid on them and covered with expanded clay. Next, the screed is poured. When it dries, youlay a heater (foam polystyrene) and a layer of waterproofing on it. Next, a metal reinforcing mesh is laid. Another layer of screed is being poured.
If the veranda is summer, the floor can be made of wood. Wooden logs are laid on which boards are laid. Between them, you can leave small gaps for high-quality ventilation. For a warm veranda, a heating system is created. It is best to use electric or water heated floor.
The walls are built from the selected material. If necessary, the extension of the veranda to the house is insulated. It is necessary to carry out decorative finishing inside and outside the building. This is done after creating the roof.
The extension of the veranda to the house must have a roof. It can be insulated or simple. For decoration, the same materials are used as on the main building. Most often, a shed roof is created for the veranda. The angle of inclination is determined in accordance with the wind load and the amount of precipitation in the area.
Having considered the features of creating an extension of the veranda to the house, you can mount it yourself.