Washing machines LG or Samsung - which is better: review, specifications, comparison

Washing machines LG or Samsung - which is better: review, specifications, comparison
Washing machines LG or Samsung - which is better: review, specifications, comparison

It's not easy to figure out which is better - LG or Samsung washing machines. These two brands have been offering household appliances for many years, which are approximately the same in terms of price, technical parameters and design. We venture to conduct comparative characteristics between the most popular types of washing machines from one brand and another.

Washing machine LG
Washing machine LG

General information

The review of LG and Samsung washing machines should begin with information about the manufacturers themselves. These brands are from South Korea. They are the largest corporations whose products are distributed all over the world. The production facilities of the companies have been established in many countries of Europe and Asia.

Both manufacturers have high parameters regarding the level of loy alty in the consumer environment. Trademarks have earned such trust due to the optimal combination of the quality of equipment with its diversity, functionality and reasonable price. Only washing machines on the domestic market are represented by about 700 modifications from eachmanufacturer.

Brand "Samsung"
Brand "Samsung"

Washing and spinning

Let's try to figure out which is better from washing machines - LG or Samsung in terms of spinning and washing? Both manufacturers include in the design of the equipment a large number of programs, high-quality drums, and additional functions that guarantee excellent washing quality. In the LG lineup there are units equipped with the processing of things with steam. This mode makes it possible to remove the most "harmful" stains, and also disinfects bedding and other things, including children's toys. Samsung does not have such modifications in serial production.

In terms of spinning, Samsung is the leader. Some versions from this manufacturer have a drum speed of up to 1600 rpm. For LG, this figure is 1400 rpm. This is maximum. According to reviews of consumers and experts, one thousand revolutions are enough for the correct spinning of linen.

Washing machine LG
Washing machine LG

Exterior and built-in capability

The design will definitely not make it clear which is better - Samsung or LG. Washing machines of these brands have a similar exterior, characterized by a stylish innovative look with classic cabinet configurations. Brands offer the color range of units in white, silver and black. Displays can also vary in size, as can the diameter of the loading hatches. These parameters do not particularly affect the quality of washing, being an important point for fitting into the interior of the room.

Almost all washing machines listedbrands with front loading, can be built into a special pedestal or countertop. They are allowed to be mounted in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in any room equipped with a water supply and sewage system. Separately, it is worth noting the reviews about the narrow Samsung and LG washing machine. The owners indicate that such devices save usable space, and this is very important in small rooms. Top loading models are not built in as space is required to open the hatch. But they are narrower in width, easier to fit between the elements of furniture and a sanitary unit.

Original LG washing machine
Original LG washing machine


Comparison of LG and Samsung washing machines will continue, taking into account the capacity of the units. This criterion is especially important for large families or hostels. For domestic purposes, both brands offer a wide range of appliances by volume. For example, the maximum load of things for Samsung washing machines is 12 kilograms, and for LG it reaches 17 kg. This indicator is relevant when using devices in cafes, hotels or beauty salons. For a family of 3-5 people, a 5-8 kg load will be enough.

Despite the fact that the most popular modifications were machines that can hold 5-10 kg of laundry, both brands offer narrow variations of 4-6 kg and devices mounted under the sink, designed for 3 kg. According to the specified criterion, it is difficult to single out a leader among the two manufacturers, if you do not take into account the maximum capabilities of LG (up to 17 kg).

LG brand
LG brand

Download and manage

The characteristics of Samsung and LG washing machines include a series of front-loading and top-loading units. The latest modifications are in less demand, because they are not so comfortable in maintenance and operation. The working drum of these models is also located horizontally. However, the narrow opening and the need to open the lid from above cause certain inconveniences. Similar versions also find their consumer. Both brands have such representatives of the lineup.

Control of aggregates regardless of manufacturer - electronic type. Depending on the model, the buttons are standard, clock or touch type. The screens of different sizes display information about the specified mode. On the modifications of both brands, the control panel is as informative and understandable as possible, thanks to the inscriptions and illustrations near the knobs and keys.

General functionality and work programs

The LG washing machine (6 kg), like the Samsung counterparts, has several washing programs (from 10 to 16 modes). The main and frequently used functions include:

  • washing cotton items;
  • processing synthetics;
  • wool;
  • baby underwear;
  • denim wear;
  • hand wash, delicate and quick wash.

It should be noted that the parameters of the washers of both brands are quite high. Manufacturers have introduced a maximum of options into the design of the devices so that users can use them for comfortable and efficient washing of various materials. The general nuances of the devices under consideration includethe following points:

  1. Electronic weighing of loaded products in automatic mode.
  2. Quick programs.
  3. Pre-soak.
  4. The ability to load the drum in part.
  5. Correction of water temperature.
  6. Spin adjustment.
  7. Start timer.
  8. washing machine
    washing machine

Noise and reliability

Noise figures, taking into account which is better - LG or Samsung washing machines, are almost identical. The lowest parameter refers to Samsung (45-72 dB). For LG, this characteristic varies from 56 to 75 dB. All standards are classified as standard permitted parameters in the country and the world.

There are no special differences between the indicated brands in terms of vibration characteristics. Both brands are aimed at achieving the minimum level of calculated and actual indicators in their work.

Some experts claim that the overall functionality corresponds to the desired characteristics, and reliability depends on the specific modification and the attitude of the users themselves. Both manufacturers give a guarantee for products (1-2 years), have service centers in most major cities. Buying spare parts and accessories is not a particular problem, since the brands are among the most popular in the domestic market.

Washing machine "Samsung"
Washing machine "Samsung"


Among the advantages it is worth noting the LG FH2G6HDS2 washing machine. In its design, the heatingelement is located directly behind the rear compartment. This facilitates access to the unit, its maintenance and repair. At Samsung, for this you will have to dismantle the front panel. At the same time, heating elements are the elements that most often break in modern washing machines. The estimated period of operation of the considered equipment is 7 years. In fact, appliances can last much longer.

In terms of the choice of versions between the two brands, experts recommend focusing on specific needs and wishes. Consumer feedback indicates that both brands have good, practical and reliable washing machines in their lines. First of all, when choosing a unit, you need to decide on the volume of the working drum, overall dimensions and additional functionality. Then, based on financial capabilities, a modification is chosen, focusing not only on information from the manufacturer, but also on the real reviews of the owners.


Many users pay attention to the cost of the product. Samsung mid-range units are 3-5% cheaper, and premium washing machines are more profitable to buy from LG. As practice shows, you can choose the right model from each manufacturer.
