We will never part with him. We sit at it during breakfasts, lunches and dinners, and very often it becomes the place of family quarrels. If you still do not understand what we are talking about, we explain - about the table in the kitchen.
At first glance - an ordinary table. And what is so special about it? However, many housewives approach the question "which one to buy in the kitchen" quite scrupulously and cannot stand it when others criticize them in this. This behavior becomes clear when you see, for example, a beautiful round kitchen table that blends well with the rest of the environment. Then you immediately want to praise the hostess for the excellent choice, sit behind it and appreciate all its advantages. So now let's look at which tables are best suited for the kitchen.

First of all, the table must be selected for the already finished and decorated kitchen. Acquiring a table before the end of the repair is a stupid idea, because inat the very last moment, you can change your mind and change the wallpaper to a color that the table will definitely not match with.
First you need to decide what shape of the table you want to purchase. To do this, it is necessary to sensibly assess the free space and carefully consider how exactly it will stand. Let's say a round table for the kitchen. It is convenient in that the hostess will touch the corners less, and it will look quite good. However, a round table for a kitchen with small dimensions will not work, no matter how compact and cute it looks, so in this case it is preferable to choose a square one. It takes up less space and can complement the decor of your kitchen just as well as a round table.

If the dimensions of the room are large enough, then we suggest that you seriously consider and buy a round or oval table for the kitchen. Usually they are designed for 4-5 people due to the absence of sharp corners. It is also beneficial to buy a table with a sliding top in case guests arrive. Then it turns from a four-seater into a 6-7-seater, and this is already solid.
Rectangular tables are very popular today, because they are more convenient to place in the corner. They provide more space than round ones, but they are not always comfortable and stylish. If you design your kitchen in a high-tech style, then you can also buy this particular type of table. However, if it looks more like a romantic place with light wallpaper, then it is preferable to buy a round table for the kitchen, since it will fit into the design andclearance.

Having considered the different shapes of tables, let's think about what material they should be made of.
The most profitable and one of the most expensive options is wood. The more valuable the type of wood, the more expensive, of course, even the smallest table will be. Wooden tables are slowly falling out of fashion as over time the wood becomes dull and no longer looks fresh. Not every housewife also wants to polish the table every week, so you can choose a similar piece of furniture only in a classic setting, preparing yourself for future problems. Despite the many negative reviews, the wooden table will not crack, its legs will not break, and the countertop will not fly off, so in this regard, we must pay tribute to its reliability.
The next option is a glass round table for the kitchen. It is most popular in those houses whose owners want to emphasize their viability. Unlike a wooden table, a glass table does not require much effort to clean. Any spots are visible on it, which is both a plus and a minus. Also, its durable glass can withstand any temperature. But if you drop something heavy on it, cracks cannot be avoided, which, of course, is a big minus of a glass table.
Besides this, do not forget about the same brand new and fashionable chairs or mini sofas. Together they will give your kitchen a certain style, freshness and coziness.