Preparation "Spark" from pests: instructions, reviews

Preparation "Spark" from pests: instructions, reviews
Preparation "Spark" from pests: instructions, reviews

The Iskra series of preparations against pests is designed for the comprehensive protection of all plants. There are 4 types of this remedy, each of which is effective against certain organisms that affect vegetable and fruit crops.

Types of drugs

Manufacturers of plant protection products produce drugs that can significantly make life easier for thousands of gardeners and gardeners. They can protect plants from insects, weeds, various diseases. Before purchasing a drug, it is important to decide what exactly you need.

Spark from pests
Spark from pests

For example, the "Spark" pesticide, labeled "Double Effect", is used by many as a so-called first aid. The drug not only helps to protect plants, but is also a potassium supplement.

Iskra-M from caterpillars is designed to combat leafworms, codling moths, fireworms, sawflies and other pests of fruit and vegetable crops.

A drug called "Iskra-Bio" is able to paralyze pests, itis safe and can be used until harvest.

The most popular means of protection is the Golden Spark. From pests, it helps very well, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The drug is used in 120 countries around the world and can save about 140 different plant species.

Spark Double Effect Tool

The drug, developed back in 2000, is still popular today. It is able to protect plants from more than 60 types of various pests. Speed of action and versatility are the hallmarks of the Spark from Pests. The instruction allows you to quickly figure out how this drug works.

Spark from pests
Spark from pests

The product is suitable for protecting flower, berry, vegetable, fruit and crops from various pests. In addition, it contains a special potassium supplement, which allows plants to quickly restore damaged parts, and an anti-stress component. The main active ingredients are cypermethrin and permethrin.

The most effective against aphids and weevils is the indicated preparation "Iskra". Pest control tablets (10 g each) are modern dual action insecticides. The drug practically does not penetrate into plants and does not have a negative impact on the environment. For warm-blooded animals, including humans, it is not toxic.

Method of use

To protect plants, it is necessary to figure out how the Spark tool should be used. Pest Control(the instruction allows you to get acquainted with the full list of insects for which it is effective) it is not difficult to cook. For this, 1 tablet is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Spark from pests, instruction
Spark from pests, instruction

For the processing of apple trees, cherries, quince, cherries, pears from the beetle, moths, leafworms, codling moths, aphids, cherry flies, it is necessary to prepare a solution. Spraying is carried out on the basis that one tree needs from 2 to 10 liters, depending on their size.

For the treatment of berries from a complex of various pests, 1.5 liters of the prepared solution is needed for every 10 m2 of plantations. To protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, 1 liter of funds is sufficient for a plot of the same 10 "squares".

Spray cucumbers and tomatoes from whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and peppers and eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle and aphids at the rate of 2 liters per 10 m2. You can protect beets from nibbling scoops and cabbage from whites and moths if you treat 10 m2 of crops with one liter of the diluted preparation.

Means "Golden Spark"

The manufacturer has developed a special preparation designed to protect plants from insects that damage vegetable and ornamental crops. For the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle (including its larvae), thrips, whiteflies, aphids and others, the Golden Spark remedy is suitable - a pesticide. The instruction says that only one treatment per season is enough to ensure protection. In addition, when using it, you should not be afraid of other insects that can fly in.from neighboring areas. Even young shoots that appeared after the treatment are protected.

Pests after contact with the chemical stop feeding and die after about 2 days. The specified drug "Spark from pests" is absorbed into all above-ground parts of the plant. It does not wash off during rains or watering and stays in leaves and trunks for about a month.

Plant processing

The product is safe for humans and beneficial insects, it does not harm earthworms in the ground. The main active ingredient in it is imidacloprid. The Golden Spark Pest Remedy is used as follows.

Spark, pesticide, instruction
Spark, pesticide, instruction

To process potatoes in order to get rid of aphids, ladybirds and the Colorado potato beetle, dilute 1 ml of Golden Spark in 5-10 liters of water. This amount of solution should be enough for 1 weave. To protect cucumbers in greenhouses and tomatoes from thrips and aphids, you need to make a solution of 10 liters of water and 2 ml of Golden Iskra. For the destruction of the greenhouse whitefly on the same cultures, it is necessary to mix 5 ml of the drug and 10 liters of water. To process one weave, 5-10 liters of solution are needed, the exact amount depends on the number of pests.

You can protect roses and other ornamental plants from leaf-eating insects, aphids, thrips by preparing a solution of 5-10 ml of the product and 10 liters of water. The specified amount is enough to process 1-2 acres.

Caterpillar cure

Many gardeners do not know how to deal with codling moths,sawflies, moths, leafworms and other pests. For the treatment of berry bushes and fruit trees, the specially developed Iskra-M from caterpillars is ideal. It is available in 10 ml vials and 5 ml ampoules. The active ingredient in it is malathion. It can also be used to protect a number of other crops: cabbage, melons, watermelons, tomatoes, indoor cucumbers, citrus fruits, various ornamental and flower plants.

Successfully can be used both in the open field and in greenhouses, the drug "Iskra". The pest control works pretty quickly. True, when processing plants on open ground, the protection period is short - when exposed to wind and water, its effectiveness decreases. Its frequent use affects the reproduction of pests. But before using it, you must be prepared for the fact that it has a sharp unpleasant odor. The drug is excreted from plants in 7 days.

Method of using the drug "Iskra-M from caterpillars"

To treat apple, pear, quince, cherry, cherry, raspberry, grape, strawberry, gooseberry and currant trees, dilute 5 ml of the chemical in 5 liters of water. For each tree, you will need from 2 to 5 liters of solution, for each bush - from 1 to 1.5 liters, depending on their size and growth. For the treatment of vegetables, melons and gourds, it is necessary to make the same solution, it is used based on the fact that for every 10 m2 you need from 1 to 2 liters of insecticide.

Spark from pests, reviews
Spark from pests, reviews

The specified tool "Spark" has proven itself well when processing plants in a greenhouse. A pesticide, the instructions for which make it easy to figure out how to process various crops, is effective against codling moth, mites, aphids, weevils, scutes, copperheads, leafworms, false scales, cherry flies, moths, leaf, bud and shoot moths, gall midges, raspberry beetle, mealybug, turnip and cabbage whitefly, whitefly, miner and melon fly, gourd.

Means "Iskra-Bio"

For gardeners and gardeners, a special safe preparation has been developed, with which you can destroy various pests on both ornamental, flower, and berry, vegetable and fruit crops. The specified preparation "Spark" from pests can be used until harvest. With it, you can process those plants in which flowers are adjacent to ripening fruits.

It has been tested outdoors and in greenhouses. According to their results, it was found that the agent is capable of paralyzing caterpillars, aphids, spider mites, thrips, Colorado potato beetle larvae. The maximum effect is observed only 3-5 days after the treatment has been made.

Its main advantages are that the product is safe and does not cause addiction in insects. In addition, it can even destroy those pests that are resistant to other drugs. Iskra-Bio is ideal for hot regions. Indeed, at temperatures above 28 0C, its effectiveness only increases.

Methods of using the drug "Iskra-Bio"

Drugdissolves in water and is applied to plants using a special sprayer. It is used to combat spider mites, aphids, thrips on cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants. The dosage of the agent depends on the type of pest that needs to be destroyed. So, to clean plants from spider mites, 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water is enough. To combat melon and peach aphids, 8 ml of the drug is needed per 1 liter. To get rid of tobacco, flower thrips, you need to dilute 10 ml of Iskra-Bio in 1 liter of water. With this amount of solution, 10 m22 area can be treated.

Also, on apple trees, currants, roses, the indicated preparation "Spark from pests" is used. The instruction indicates that the product helps to overcome fruit red and spider mites, if 2 ml is dissolved in a liter of water. To destroy apple aphids, codling moth, scoops on apple trees, you need 3 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. To rid these trees of leafworms, Schlechtendal mites, moths, you need 6 ml per 1 liter. One tree will need 2-5 liters of water.

spark pest control
spark pest control

Helps "Iskra-Bio" in the fight against cabbage whites - for these purposes, 4 ml of the product is diluted in a liter of water. For processing 10 m2 you need 0.4-0.8 liters of solution. Also, with its help, you can get rid of the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle - the consumption of the drug will be 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This amount is enough to process 5-10 m2.

Consumer Opinion

Many gardeners are accustomed to trusting not the information indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging,but the experience of their neighbors and acquaintances. Therefore, most of them want to know if others liked the Spark from Pests drug. Reviews indicate that plant protection products help get rid of insects. The main thing is to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions and process the crops correctly.

Spark Golden from pests
Spark Golden from pests

For example, the Golden Spark tool helps many people get rid of scale insects, spider mites and other pests. It is only important to remember that the effect will not be instantaneous - the insects die in a few days. Those who used the Golden Spark preparation note that it is practically odorless. Therefore, they can safely handle even indoor plants.
