When buying a country house or summer cottage, ask if there is a central sewage system in that area, if not, then for complete comfort you will have to build a cesspool (drain well). It's not difficult, you can do it yourself, but you will need to understand the technical nuances of this process, as well as comply with all sanitary standards when choosing a place to collect household waste.

Types of drain wells
In order for the cesspool to be properly built with our own hands, we will understand the types of these structures. It is of two types: with a bottom and without it. The advantage of a sealed pit is that dirty water and feces do not seep into the soil from it, which means that it does not litter the environment and is safe for human he alth.
Calculation of the optimal volume
- Up to 150 liters per person per daystocks.
- Using household appliances will increase wastewater volumes to around 500 liters.
- If a family consists of 4 people, then the daily volume of effluents will be about 800 liters.
- Cubature of the cesspool should be 3 times the daily measure of wastewater. In this example, it will be about 2.4 m, and the depth should be no more than 3 m, since the hose of the sewer machine is the same length, and if the cesspool is deeper, it will not be completely and effectively cleaned.
- In the event that the daily flow rate does not exceed one cubic meter, it is possible to build a well without a bottom. But in order for the bacteria in the soil to be able to clean up the waste, a do-it-yourself cesspool must be dug so that it is about a meter above the groundwater level.

The norms of SNiP define the distance between objects on the site:
- from the cesspool to the house should be at least 5 meters, and to the fence - at least 1 m;
- if the soil is clayey, from the drain well to the water source should be more than 20 m, if the plot on loamy soil is 30 m, and if on sandy soil, then at least 50 m.

Note that a do-it-yourself cesspool can be assembled from various materials: brick, concrete, polymer tanks, tires, barrels, wood and concrete rings. Consider the simplesthow to erect it:
- after determining the optimal volume and choosing a location, it is necessary to carry out earthworks (dig a pit on your own or using special equipment);
- a cesspool made of concrete rings is assembled quite simply - the bottom is laid on a concrete pad, the rings are placed on top (standard height - 0.9 m, diameter - from 0.7 to 2.0 m, and the amount depends on the volume of the drain well, the optimal one is 3 pieces), then a cover with a hole for the hatch;
- after such a well is installed (its upper level should be above the soil surface), it must be covered with bitumen from the inside;
- we connect the cesspool to the drain pipe so that the pipe does not break during the movement of the soil - we put a sealant (made of fabric) at the place of their connection;
- in order for a do-it-yourself cesspool to be built in accordance with sanitary standards, it is necessary to install ventilation, since methane is released when the waste decomposes, and in case of a high concentration, an explosion can occur, so an exhaust hood is necessary.
As you can see, it is quite easy to build a drain well from concrete rings yourself. But in order for the cesspool, the scheme and design of which is described in this article, to serve for a long time, it is necessary to understand the nuances of construction.