DIY car lifts: materials and assembly

DIY car lifts: materials and assembly
DIY car lifts: materials and assembly

Assembling a car lift with your own hands is quite a feasible task. And for those people who repair their own car, this is one of the priorities.

What materials will be required to create a device

Naturally, a certain amount of materials and some tools will be needed to assemble the lift.

So, the necessary components include:

  • Steel corners with dimensions of 7.5×7.5×0.8 cm. You will need no more than 2-3 pieces.
  • A worm-type gearbox will be an obligatory element. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that its minimum load capacity should be 300 kg, and the transmission force should not be less than 60 kg.
  • In order to assemble a car lift with your own hands, you will definitely need a steel plate with a thickness of 1 cm. If someone has old machines, then you can remove it from there so as not to buy.
  • It will take somebolts to connect the structure.
  • You need to purchase two iron chains. Here it is important to choose the diameter of the product. It should be about 2-3 cm. It is strongly not recommended to take a chain with thin links.
  • Hook, as well as a steel cable with a diameter of 5 mm.
  • The last elements needed will be 2 dowels. They must be in the shape of a star. If you do not want to buy them, then you can get them, for example, from an old moped, if you have one.
  • do-it-yourself car lift
    do-it-yourself car lift

How to make a do-it-yourself car lift

After all the necessary materials are collected, you can begin the installation process. Assembling the car lift independently occurs in the following sequence:

  • The first thing to do is to fix the steel corners on different sides of the garage so that the hood of the car is located under them.
  • After that, a steel sheet is placed on the corners, which is attached to them with M8 bolts. It is best to fasten with 8 connections. Since there will be no direct connection between the plate and the corners, its position can be changed depending on the location of the engine.
  • Next, a worm-type gearbox is installed on the plate.
  • After that, to assemble the car lift with your own hands, you need to fix the key with a large diameter on the gearbox drive shaft.
  • A hole is made in a convenient place in the plate, through which the chain is threaded. After that, it must be closed in a single ring.
  • Nexta smaller diameter key is attached to the gearbox output shaft.
  • Punch two more holes in the steel plate.
  • The second chain is passed through these holes. One end of it is thrown over a key having a smaller diameter, and a hook is attached to the second end.
do-it-yourself car lift installation
do-it-yourself car lift installation

After completing all these steps, we can assume that the assembly of the lift with our own hands is finished.

Operating the device

Despite the fact that the design is quite easy to use and understand, there are still a few recommendations for its use:

  • First you need to remove the bolts that connect the frame and the car engine.
  • Next, loops of steel cable are brought under the engine and thrown onto the end of the hook.
  • After that, you can start searching the chain. Over time, the movement will be transferred to the drive shaft, which will act on the load shaft, due to which the cable will begin to move. Lift the engine slowly and carefully.
  • After the part is removed and raised to the desired height, you can stop lifting, and the gearbox will securely hold the heavy structure in the air.
  • how to make a car lift with your own hands
    how to make a car lift with your own hands

Street repairs

Not all people have a garage, and therefore repairs must be carried out on the street. To do this, you can install the car lift with your own hands according to the following instructions:

  • You will need a shoe that is made frommetal sheet with a width of 3-4 mm, as well as a pin with a diameter of about 12 mm.
  • Next, you need a rear beam, to create which, you will need four corners 1.5 m long each. The corners are connected into a square with a clamp.
  • To assemble the upper beam, you need to have two corners with a length of 171 cm. You also need metal strips 64 mm wide and a metal sheet with parameters 160x4 mm. The corners need to be fastened together to form a U-shaped profile.
  • A sheet of metal with parameters 350x150x4 mm is used as a platform.
  • To create a rear connecting node, you need to have two sheets of metal 4 mm thick.
  • The lower beam for this unit is assembled from 32 angles and M16 nuts.
  • 4 corners of 154 cm each are used as a stand, which are connected into a square by welding.
  • To assemble the front connector assembly, you will need two pipes with a length of 30 cm and a diameter of 1 inch.
  • do-it-yourself lift installation
    do-it-yourself lift installation

Do-it-yourself car lift installation

In order to successfully install such a device, it is very important to choose the right place. The coating should be concrete with a thickness of 250 to 400 mm. The most important condition is a flat surface. Further work looks something like this:

  1. The first stage is the installation of the frame. For this, a level is used. When the place is chosen, you can fix the structure.
  2. The second stage is the pouring of the installed frame with concrete mortar.
  3. The third stage is the finalfixation, which is carried out by tightening the bolts into the risers. This work can be done only after the concrete has completely dried.

After that, the installation of the car lift with your own hands can be considered complete.
