Stable air exchange in a country house is a prerequisite for maintaining a he althy lifestyle. Stimulation of a comfortable microclimate directly solves hygienic and sanitary problems associated with the regular appearance of harmful compounds in the air. There are various means of artificially maintaining air exchange, but at a basic level, ventilation of a country house should be organized - mechanically or naturally.
Principles of organization of the ventilation system
There are a number of technical and operational requirements for the installation of an air renewal system in private homes. They should be taken into account at all stages of problem solving. So, the basic principles can be formulated as follows:
- Structural optimization. Own cottage gives a lot of opportunities for the installation of the ventilation system, but this does not mean at all that it is necessary to use the maximum area and capacity of the equipment. According to the regulations, the proper ventilation of a country house has a balanced infrastructure that can servespecific object in specific boot options.
- Energy efficiency. Ventilation should use resources economically, consuming exactly as much energy as is required to solve current problems. In this regard, automated control tools help modern equipment.
- Environmental safety. Climate and ventilation equipment often uses chemicals to provide separate processes for filtering and cleaning the air. The choice of such devices must be approached carefully and not to be confused with industrial and domestic systems.
- Reliability and reliability. Equipment and air ducts must be made of materials that are durable, strong and resistant to stress.
- Ergonomic handling. Comfort issues in terms of control and adjustment of ventilation systems in a country house are of particular importance. Again, they are solved by automation and wireless control.
- Flexibility in terms of technical and functional expansion. An organized infrastructure with working nodes should allow for the possibility of modernization and reconstruction at minimal cost.
Development of design solution

Technically, the problem of building an efficient ventilation system is solved in many stages. The direct installation of equipment and components of the functional infrastructure is preceded by a critical design stage, during which the terms of reference are drawn up. But first, the initial ones are collecteddata on the basis of which it will be possible in principle to determine what kind of ventilation of a country house will be needed in a particular case. These data include the layout of the premises, the indication of areas, the configuration of the location of technical areas with a kitchen and a bathroom, the layout of window and door openings, the availability of air conditioning, etc.
The design data will be of key importance in the design. In the simplest household model, one should at least roughly estimate the volume of air that must be updated within 1 hour. This calculation will be based on an estimate of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For example, a room of 50 m2 will require 50 m3 of clean air to enter it in 1 hour. Depending on the number of people in the room and their occupation, this figure may be adjusted.
At the same time, the discharge load on the air exchange ventilation in a country house is also taken into account - that is, the volume of outgoing flows. In this part, the configuration of the placement of autonomous exhaust grilles, which are installed in kitchens, toilets, laundries, as well as in other technical and utility rooms, is more important. To exclude overpressure with a vacuum, the volume of discharged flows must correspond to the injected air mass. In terms of optimal output intensity indicators, you can focus on the following calculation principles:
- The volume of air leaving the toilet or bathroom must be at least 50 m3/h. For the kitchen, the indicator for the same parameter reaches 70 m3/ h.
- One grid provides outputair with an intensity of at least 30 m3/h.
How to design natural ventilation in a country house?

The fundamental difference between natural air exchange and forced air exchange is the absence of circulation support from power equipment represented by fans, coolers, ventilators and air conditioners. But from the point of view of installation, the difference in the technical and structural device will be of the greatest importance. It will not be difficult to organize a forced air circulation system already in a built house. But high-quality natural ventilation is thought out even at the stages of preparing the overall architectural design of the building.
The main difficulty in developing a technical solution will not even be in creating a network of vertical and horizontal channels along walls and ceilings, but in calculating the natural traction force that will ensure air circulation without forcing. The operation of such systems is based on the difference in air temperatures in the premises. For example, if the air outside is colder than in the room, then the natural ventilation of a country house will ensure the stable passage of fresh flows through the supply slots and holes in the walls.
The task of the designer will be to balance the placement of gratings and channels evenly throughout all rooms. Ventilation grilles are usually installed in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and dressing room. But, unlike typical projects with forced ventilation, in this case the system is implementeddirection of flow from the air inlets in the house to the ventilation grill with subsequent direction to the vertical shaft.
Installation of air ducts
In private houses, ventilation ducts with a large cross section are provided to ensure sufficient throughput. But you should not overdo it in striving for high productivity, since in winter large-format mines will help to fill the premises with cold air.
In the process of installing the duct, it is important that it is properly integrated into the wall or ceiling. It is obvious that the channel should not only be hidden from view, but also occupy as little usable space as possible. How to make ventilation of a country house, taking into account the principles of optimization and energy efficiency?
At a basic level, the most common supply and exhaust shafts are recommended to be placed in the attic and basement. In residential premises, only output channels with a small cross section and branches can be left. This wiring can be done through the overlap. Masking air ducts for ventilation of a country house with one floor is not at all necessary. In extreme cases, you can make double walls, but, again, such decisions are calculated even at the stages of creating the project of the entire building.
Small horizontal air ducts are installed in the niches of suspended ceilings along with electrical, gas and water supply communications. Gypsum boards fixed on a metal frame will help to hide mines with a small section. But if it is possible to bypass the living rooms, then the mainthe contours of the ventilation system of a country house are best laid in technical and utility rooms. For bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms, it is worth providing either the same interior grilles that restore the balance of air exchange without central communications, or arrange direct inflow channels using compact fans and ventilators.
Which ducts to use?

Choice of round and rectangular segments, as well as flexible and rigid models. As for the round duct, it is easier to install, it is stronger and more reliable. If rectangular structures depressurize over time, and in the process provide aerodynamic resistance to flows, then the round channel is devoid of such disadvantages. Therefore, wherever possible, round ducts should be used to ventilate a country house. Do-it-yourself installation of this design is carried out by inserting one segment into another using adhesive tape. For complex indirect and corner joints, tees, elbows, adapters and other mounting hardware are used. In such areas, by the way, it is recommended to use flexible shafts. But due to their low strength, it is also not worth abusing their use.
In turn, rectangular ducts find their place where it is technically impossible to use a round duct. Most of these restrictions are related to size. For example, the main shaft for exhaust ventilation in a country house has average parameters of 150 x 100mm with a length of about 1200 mm. A round air duct with the same throughput will take 5-10 cm more space in diameter.
Installation of supply and exhaust units
When the network of air ducts is organized, you can proceed to the integration of functional ventilation components. When choosing an air handling unit, it is important to take into account the throughput, fan speed and dimensions so that the equipment fits into the intended mounting location.

The optimal place for placing the unit is in a sub-ceiling niche or directly in the ceiling, if there is a structural possibility for this. At the time of installation, communications with a sufficient number of pipes must be connected to this point. Next, the supply and exhaust ventilation is assembled. In a country house, it is desirable to use a type-setting system, which over time can be improved by including certain functional components. At a minimum, this unit must contain a fan, a silencer, a filter barrier, a heat exchanger and a cooling module.
The block is fixed with the help of the complete assembly fittings. Brackets are often used to clamp metal clamps around the body along several lines. Do not forget about sealing. With the help of silicone mixtures, mounting foam and polyurethane, it is necessary to process joints with air ducts, as well as structural inserts on the unit body.
Installation of ventilation with heat exchanger
The entry of outdoor air inevitably worsens the microclimate, lowering the temperature in the premises. Therefore, in the supply ventilation of a country house, a recuperator is increasingly used. This is an insulated heat exchange component that provides heating processes for incoming air flows.

The heat exchanger itself can be considered both as an additional component in the same supply and exhaust units, and as an independent functional device in the air duct. Installation of such equipment is easy to perform. It is enough to choose a device according to the given dimensions of the shaft, think over the optimal mounting scheme and, if necessary, bring electrical communications. It is more important to determine on what principle the ventilation with recuperation will work in a country house, since there are different ways to heat the air.
For residential premises, one of the main conditions for ventilation will be the supply of clean air. Therefore, it is recommended to install recuperators with separated heat exchange chambers. The outgoing streams will transfer heat through thin metal plates to a compartment through which fresh but cold air passes. This is not the most efficient heat exchange, but in terms of environmental cleanliness and energy optimization, it is optimal.
Features of micro-ventilation
If the natural air duct is organized in the house correctly and with the correct draft calculation, then it is possible to increase the ventilation efficiency in separate areas not covered by the channels. As already noted, for residentialcompact ventilators can be provided without passing through central communications. These are micro-ventilation devices that can manually or automatically control the intensity of air exchange.

The installation of such devices is carried out in walls with through holes. That is, large-format drilling should first be done with a hammer drill or a stationary installation with a diamond drill. In a lightweight version, it is possible to implement the installation of ventilation in a country house through the windows. For example, order modern metal-plastic structures with technological sealed holes just for the integration of ventilators. The user only needs to install the device in the prepared niche and fix it with fasteners. Next, sealing and connecting to the network.
Additional functionality of the ventilation system
Communication network, coupled with electrical equipment, is an optimal basis for maintaining different microclimatic parameters. We have already talked about air recuperators, which increase the temperature of the incoming flows, but this is not the only auxiliary function of ventilation. It can perform the tasks of cooling, fine filtration, ozonation, dehumidification and humidification. To do this, appropriate equipment or devices are installed at different levels of the duct.
Control of microclimatic indicators can be important for controlling the ventilation of a country house. DIYIt is possible to automate the process of controlling the throughput of channels and regulating temperatures with humidity by integrating climate sensors. Air velocity, temperature, humidity and pressure detectors are mounted in the air passage circuits. They are connected to the central ventilation control panel, which, in turn, is programmed to work in a certain mode, based on the readings of the same sensors.

If in city apartments residents solve the problems of ventilation of premises due to compact devices, then the owners of their own houses have to approach such issues on a larger scale. When choosing the appropriate way to update the air environment, a lot of parameters are taken into account from the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises to the configuration of their location and microclimate requirements.
At a basic level, you should decide on the type of system. By what principle will it work - in natural circulation mode or with forced movement of flows? In most cases, combined exhaust ventilation of a country house is implemented, which combines vertical air exhaust ducts and power support for equipment that stimulates air activity.
In addition to determining the key parameters of the system, it will not be superfluous to take into account minor operational nuances at each stage of design and installation. Will the system make noise during operation, will the weather affect it, how much will maintenance cost - these and other questions are not so obvious at the stagedesign, but in the course of using the equipment they make themselves felt. The choice of manufacturer of ventilation components also matters. It is recommended to select functional blocks, segments for air ducts, and small mounting accessories from the assortment of a large manufacturer, otherwise in the near future there will be a risk of detecting a malfunction in one or another working unit of the system.