A new front door is not only a joy for the owner, but also a safety for the home. However, the installation of this element is fraught with some hassle. For example, finishing the slopes of the entrance doors is a mandatory procedure that makes the opening beautiful and complete. Moreover, it closes all the technical aspects of the installation (slots, foam).

Installing metal entrance doors is a fairly simple but troublesome process, because later you will have to veneer the box. It should be noted that there are a lot of ways to design slopes, as well as materials. In order to choose the right material, it is necessary to take into account several nuances: the finish must provide a thermal insulation and decorative function, and it simply must serve for a long time and with high quality.
Finishing the slopes of the entrance doors is an indispensable element in the installation of doors. Moreover, it is easiest to deal with external beauty, because at the moment there are a huge variety of different materials that will help you decorate the opening in the right style, take into account the color scheme and texture. As for the strength of the finish, then it is necessary to choose the material that will not collapse under the influence of time or external environmental conditions. So, often a stone is used for this purpose, as well as an MDF board. Moreover, both materials provide good thermal insulation.

Finishing the slopes of the entrance doors must be done correctly, otherwise it will not be able to perform its functions in full. As for the design of the opening inside the room, then for this you should use natural wood or MDF. Stucco, drywall or putty should not be used for decoration, as these materials are very easy to damage.
Finishing the slopes of entrance doors is not complete without laying insulation under the facing material. Naturally, it is necessary to use the thickest layer that the cladding can afford. This is especially true for a metal door, as there are often problems with condensate. It is best to use mineral wool for insulation.
Of course, the same material must be used for the inside and outside of the box so as not to violate the aesthetics of the design.

Finishing door slopes can also be done with plastic, but this design is unlikely to save you from unnecessary problems. The presented material is not particularly durable, especially for facing the front door. Wood is a great option, however, from the outside of the boxyou will have to treat it with special impregnations that will protect it from the influence of external conditions, insects and moisture.
An interesting material for decoration is metal. However, if he approaches the door itself, then it is not a fact that he will effectively perform the rest of his functions.
In any case, to decorate the slopes of the front door, you need to consult with experienced craftsmen. In this way, you can avoid installation errors and prolong the life of the facing material.