Stylobate - what is it? New meaning of the term

Stylobate - what is it? New meaning of the term
Stylobate - what is it? New meaning of the term

The development of architecture and construction technologies leads to the fact that the meaning of some terms changes over time. This happened with the word "stylobate". What is it - an archaic concept from ancient Greek architecture or one of the popular tools of modern architects?

Stereo top stage

The antique order system is one of the pinnacles in the history of architecture. Having in essence a post-and-beam scheme, the orders had a clearly defined system of proportions and structural elements. Each of the elements has its own size, determined by a single module (lower radius or column diameter). Each has its own location and its own name. The structure and appearance of ancient buildings of the order system were largely determined by the building material of that time - stone blocks.

Stylobate - what is it
Stylobate - what is it

The upper - beam - part of the order is called the entablature. It rests on racks - columns of variable section. The base is a three-stage stereobat, laid on the foundation. The upper step of this base is called the stylobate. That this is a support that receives the main structural load is evident from the general architectonics (constructive-visual relationship) of the order. Sometimes the support didn't looksteps, and then the stylobate was called the upper surface of the stereobat, on which the columns rest.

New meaning of old term

The study and practical application of Greek orders began in the Renaissance. Palaces of classical architecture have adorned many cities of the planet. They were built using new materials and technologies, but they retained the proportions and articulations inherent in orders, especially the facades. And the great role of a solid, reliable foundation for a building is always visible. This is no longer just a pedestal for installing columns - it is sometimes several floors of a basement type. The stylobate stands out from the higher elements of the building by the nature of the finish or the materials used, but retains the original meaning of the base for the entire building.

Composition technique

The purely architectural meaning of the term has also changed. The stylobate in modern construction has a great compositional, visual function. In fact, it has not changed since ancient times. Acting as a support, pedestal, foundation, the stylobate gives the building visual stability and completeness. Heavier visually horizontal lines emphasize the upward trend of the main volumes. A visually significant stylobate will help to distinguish an object from the general building or natural environment, to give it new figurative properties. Many architects know that this is the most appropriate way to get rid of the impression of a building that has settled into the ground.

Stylobate in modern construction
Stylobate in modern construction

The use of a stylobate is especially useful in difficult terrain. He cancompensate for irregularities, increase the usable volume, help to fit the building in the best way in terms of the expressiveness of the architectural appearance.

Variety of functions

Maximum use of every meter of the building site, the stylobate of the building can have the most diverse functional purpose. In multi-story residential and commercial buildings, parking lots, retail and entertainment facilities are often located in the built-in-attached lower floor. If several building volumes are located on one base, then communication lines are laid through the common floor.

After the waterproofing device, the stylobate roof is also used. Landscaping is carried out on the surface, it is used for recreation areas, children's and sports grounds, etc. Around residential buildings, this is, in fact, an elevated local area. The use of stairs and ramps gives this environment a special expressiveness.

Building stylobate
Building stylobate

There are many examples of successful use of this architectural technique. Stylobate - what is it from the point of view of the builder-designer? First of all, this is a way to more evenly distribute the vertical load on the base. The pressure from tall buildings is no longer point-like, allowing for more economical foundation solutions. This is especially important for weak soils, large elevation differences in the area. Expanding engineering capabilities during construction, the stylobate affects the overall strength of the building.

What is a stylobate in construction
What is a stylobate in construction

Of course, the construction of the stylobateparts increases costs. The volume of one of the most expensive and responsible types of work is increasing: hydro and thermal insulation. If a stylobate roof is expected to be operated, it is necessary to take into account additional mechanical loads on the ceilings. But being able to maximize building space efficiency pays off the cost.


The stylobate has changed from the foot of the colonnade in the ancient Greek and Roman order to a full-fledged operated volume in large multifunctional complexes. What is a stylobate in construction and architecture now? This is one of the most popular constructive and compositional techniques in the practice of architects around the world.
