Wall decoration with a board: types, budget calculation, execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

Wall decoration with a board: types, budget calculation, execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice
Wall decoration with a board: types, budget calculation, execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

From some experts and ordinary consumers, you may hear the opinion that the expanding range of finishing materials is replacing outdated options. But practice shows that this is not entirely true. Traditional solutions are changed by requirements and presented to consumers in a different light.

Resolving the issue

The most obvious example here would be wood. It is a familiar material, but over time it does not lose its attractiveness and only strengthens its position. Today, interior decoration using wood is a stylish design option, because it is not only attractive, but also environmentally friendly.

Some believe that the only available option in this case is the lining of the walls. But when you visit the store, you will realize that there are many alternative solutions.

The main types of finishes fromwood: plank

wall decoration with unedged board
wall decoration with unedged board

The walls are finished with different types of boards, they can be:

  • deck;
  • front;
  • parquet.

The last option is the most popular. Its popularity is due to several factors. Among the advantages of the material should be highlighted:

  • easy to make;
  • wide range of shades;
  • excellent performance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • affordability;
  • possibility to additionally color the wood with special wax impregnations and stains.

Finishing the walls with a board also allows you to save money, since the material is easy to manufacture. For its production, many types of wood are used, namely:

  • maple;
  • ash;
  • larch;
  • beech;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • pear.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to choose the desired shade with such a wide range, for each interior you can choose the right option. The wood has a light tone, but if you have other preferences, get a dark deep color material. The types of wood mentioned above are of high quality and have good properties.

Finishing the walls with parquet board allows you to create an interior that cannot be repeated using any other material. The affordable price is an added bonus. And if you want to make the surface of the walls not only beautiful, but alsoresistant to external influences, then after finishing they should be covered with stain or wax impregnation, which can extend the life of the material, changing its appearance for the better.

Using array and block house

If you wish, you can finish the walls with a board, photos of such interiors are presented in the article. It can be based on an array. If you correctly approach the cladding, you will get a spectacular interior. The use of appropriate oils and waxes will give the boards a velvet-like texture. After carrying out such protective manipulations, the board will have a layer in the form of a film that repels water well and prevents the development of mold and mildew.

If you want to buy a decorative board for wall decoration, you should pay attention to the block house. With it, you can recreate a rural landscape with a rounded log. In order to make the walls even more spectacular, it is recommended to resort to artificial aging of wood. Finishing the walls with a board in this case will involve the use of brushing technology, which involves the use of a wire brush. During the processing of wood, fibers are removed from the surface, which allows you to create an interesting relief. After that, the material is painted and the surface is left to dry.

Using laminate flooring

wood plank wall cladding
wood plank wall cladding

Decorative board for wall decoration can be a laminate that shrinks on glue or crate. The first way isthe simplest and does not require additional skills. To facilitate the task, it is necessary to assemble shields from panels. Their side parts are smeared with glue, and then the elements are connected so that full-fledged shields are obtained. They are attached to the surface of the wall. It should be prepared in advance, for example, markup. Work should start from the bottom left corner. At the same time, the platbands are removed, and after repair they are installed in place.

Finishing the walls with a board may involve the installation of a laminate on the crate. First you need to take measurements, determine the amount of material, moldings and other details. Using a pencil and a ruler, markings are applied to the surface. Next, you can remove the platbands and doors. A crate in the form of a frame is installed on the walls. For this, wooden bars are used, which are fixed perpendicular to the floor, as well as parallel to each other. The distance between them should be 40 cm.

Next, you can proceed to the installation of the material, starting from the bottom corner of the left side of the room. In the corners, the elements are cut with a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw. Planks should be staggered. The joints are treated with silicone. The locks must be connected until they click.

Modern solution: wooden wallpaper

decorative board for wall decoration
decorative board for wall decoration

A rather interesting solution is wooden wallpaper, which is an alternative to natural wood finishes. The basis is paper, on which wood veneer is applied. The material is sold in rolls. The cost depends onseveral factors, but the main one is the price of raw materials. The process of wallpapering is somewhat different from the technology, which involves the use of ordinary strips of paper for decoration.

Using a saw cut

One of the most popular and unusual interior design options is a saw cut finish. The cross section of the trunk of small thickness is used as the main decorative element. This method is common, so manufacturers began to produce wallpaper and tiles in this form. However, such a cladding should be located only on part of the wall. Experts do not recommend being zealous, because an unusual finish can ruin the interior. The best option is one wall, which is located at the head of the bed.

The surface is being prepared, it should be painted in a calm color, and then the log cabins should be applied to the surface, strengthening them with glue. Fixing is carried out closely, but you can recreate an interesting fragmented pattern.

Using Panels: Preparations

parquet board wall cladding
parquet board wall cladding

If you want to use panels, it's best to apply a Christmas tree pattern to them. To implement the idea, you will need tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • protractor;
  • adhesive tape;
  • pencil;
  • trimming.

Adhesive tape must be double sided.

Work Technique

interior wall board
interior wall board

First, the calculation is made, then you can start marking and trimming the planks. Mainthe stage is the fastening of decorative elements. On a piece of paper, you need to draw a diagram of how the finished wall should look. In the middle of the wall, you need to draw a vertical line, which will act as a border for laying panels. They are prepared at the next stage by cutting at an angle of 90˚ so that the edge is oblique. One half of the boards is cut from the right corner, the other from the left side.

Next, double-sided adhesive tape is taken, which is attached to the panels. Each plank should have three stripes. The middle elements are fixed first. In this case, you will need an assistant. Planks are applied at oblique angles, it is necessary to focus on the line. There should be no gaps between the elements. The panels are attached to the wall. To do this, remove the protective film and press the strips to the surface. This finish is most commonly used in bedrooms, but you can experiment and try it out in the kitchen.

Budget calculation

wall decoration board photo
wall decoration board photo

If you want to finish the walls with boards in the apartment, you must calculate the budget. For example, you can purchase a massive elm board for 1,600 rubles. per square meter. In order to find out how much you will spend on the material, you must determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe surface to be finished. And for this, you should measure the height and length of the room and multiply these values, and then multiply the area of \u200b\u200bone wall by two. Do the same with a wall that is adjacent.

It is important to subtract the area of windows and doorways. After you found outthe total area of the walls to be finished, this figure must be divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone board, which will allow you to get the number of boards that should be purchased. About 15% should be added to this value, which will be spent on trimming and marriage.

In order to make the budget calculation more understandable, we can take as an example a room with a ceiling height of 2.25 m. The length of one wall is 6 m, while the other is 3 m. The area of \u200b\u200btwo opposite walls is 13, 50 m2. The area of the other two walls is 27 m2. The total area to be trimmed is 40.5. This value must be multiplied by the cost of one square meter - 1,600, which in the end will allow you to get 64,800 rubles. This is the budget for the renovation.


wall decoration with boards in the apartment
wall decoration with boards in the apartment

When choosing a board for interior wall decoration, you can pay attention to the lining. With its help, it will be possible to give the room coziness. The board also has great potential. Using it, you can experiment by laying the material in herringbone, diagonal or diamond patterns. You can paint the surface of the cladding with a gradient transition. At the same time, scope for imagination will be provided at minimal cost. The trick is just to choose the right boards that should not be too dry or wet.

Calibrated smooth products are suitable for strict minimalism, while you can choose rough ones of different sizes for a country interior. When choosing boards for wall cladding in your home, you may prefer laminate flooring. It is inexpensive alternative to parquet board. There is only one minus here - allergy sufferers do not like the material.

If you want to make the room more noble or decorate it in the style of modern classics, you should choose an engineered or solid board. Block parquet is usually laid in patterns, and the parquet board is mounted in a run. Colors may vary.

Decorating the walls with a wooden board quite often involves the use of aged material. As a basis, you can use larch. Small dies can be of different breeds and degrees of aging. The material is laid at random, and wide massive boards are laid in length. If you have a board with peeling paint available, it can also be a great decor element, but before installation, you need to fix the color on the surface so that the paint does not fly off further. This lining is relevant for styles:

  • Provence;
  • vintage;
  • eco;
  • country;
  • Scandinavian.

Advice from a specialist in working with unedged boards

Wall finishing with an unedged board may include the installation of overlapping material. If you want to install the board outside, then the primer will become the link with the paint and adhesive composition. This will increase the wear resistance of the coating. Under the cladding, you can lay mineral wool, which is non-flammable and moisture resistant.
